Use search box below to look for information on the Mary Immaculate College website. There are some helpful links to common search queries above it. Keep an eye out for the 'Ask a Question' function on certain pages and sections where you can pose specific queries to MIC staff (and see previous questions and answers underneath the question box).
The recent furore over the retrospective changing of words in some Roald Dahl books has generated a lot of debate, most notably in the media and on social media and people have been taking strong positions. Some are critical of the ‘woke’ tendency to change everything, whole others are angry at the original terminology in the first place.
A new book co-edited by MIC academics explores the Irish Catholic Church’s Synodal Pathway as it reflects on the place of the ‘Church of the third millennium’. Edited by Professor Eamonn Conway (MIC), Dr Eugene Duffy (emeritus, MIC) and Dr Mary McDaid (St Patrick’s Sanctuary), The Synodal Pathway: When Rhetoric meets Reality is a collection of fifteen essays from leading scholars from Ireland and wider Europe, as well as Australia and the USA. The book analyses the ongoing self-reflection of the Irish Church and the opportunities and stakes of finding a place in the modern world.
The Oral History Centre is an initiative of the Department of History at MIC, which aims to develop the collection and study of oral history in Ireland and become a valuable centre for historical studies.
It is generally MIC Academic Staff who order new items, but anyone is welcome to suggest titles that are relevant to courses taught in Mary Immaculate College. Visit this page to learn more about ordering materials for the library; monitoring the progress of orders; and information about timescale and enquiries for orders.
Welcome to Mary Immaculate College! Learn more about our orientation process and the opportunities to be involved in sporting, cultural and social activities.
Discover other libraries - catalogues and websites assembled by the MIC library, including: Irish Libraries - Catalogues and Websites and Library Catalogues Worldwide. Visit this page to learn more.
The libraries at the MIC Limerick and Thurles campuses are a hive of activity during the academic year with students studying, researching and using the multiple resources available to them. Library staff members provide training throughout the year and are on hand at all times to assist with borrowing and other queries.