Pictured: President of MIC, Professor Dermot Nestor and Kathleen Maher, Sexual Violence and Harassment (SVH) Prevention and Response Manager, in front of the illuminated TARA Building at MIC Limerick this week.
Buildings on the campuses of Mary Immaculate College have turned orange as part of the campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, from 25 November to 10 December.
MIC is coming together with 16 other Higher Education Institutions in Ireland as part of a National Sexual Violence and Harassment Managers Practitioner’s Network for the campaign.
Kathleen Maher, Sexual Violence and Harassment (SVH) Prevention and Response Manager at MIC said:
“The campaign focuses on ending violence against women and girls. The HEIs taking part are proposing to turn their buildings orange for the duration of the campaign in solidarity with all women who have, or are, experience of gender-based violence and as a visual representation around ‘UNiTE to end violence against women’. Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed and there is #NoExcuse. Our Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Interculturalism (EDII) social media accounts will share key messages from this international campaign by UN Women.”
The TARA Building at MIC Limerick and the Main Building at MIC Thurles were illuminated for the campaign.
Kathleen also took part in the Irish campaign video and other events at the College included a coffee morning to raise awareness of the campaign.