Arts & Culture
Albert Einstein once said that 'creativity is contagious' so it should be passed on. Art, in its many media, plays a part in both the academic programmes and extracurricular activities in Mary Immaculate College. MIC strives to enrich the lives of students and staff through introducing art into the surroundings, hosting cultural events and fostering an atmosphere where the community can express itself.

College Art Collection
Mary Immaculate College has an extensive art collection, spanning across various media including sculpture, painting, ceramics, drawings and more.
Some pieces are on continuous display around the rooms, buildings and campus, while there are also pieces in storage. The addition of new buildings has meant pieces have been added through the Government's 'Per Cent for Arts' Scheme including a light installation and a large scale mural (outside and on the TARA Building).
The notable Irish sculptor, Imogen Stuart, has a special relationship with the College and MIC has numerous examples of her work, which form a trail through interior and exterior spaces.

MIC has hosted multiple Artists-in-Residence though the Arts Council scheme, particularly in recent years since the foundation of the Lime Tree Theatre in 2011. The establishment of the Department of Drama & Theatre Studies in 2015 has given artistic engagement a firm boost too.
Artists-in-Residence also generally work with departments within the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of arts to interact with MIC students during their time here.
Aside from formal engagements, practitioners tend to join in with College and community events.
There are regular art exhibitions at MIC, primarily of students' work but there are also occasional temporary displays by external or visiting artists.
One of the specialisms in the Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching) programme is in Visual Art and a good number of students choose to undertake modules in this area. The resulting end-of-year exhibitions are always innovative and thought-provoking.
The Main Foyer of the College, the Art Room (Foundation Building) and An tSlí in TARA are the most commonly used spaces.

‘Cuireann an Coláiste féinaithne chun cinn a bhfuil traidisiún Caitliceach an Choláiste mar chuid shaibhir di, chomh maith le cultúr, teangacha agus traidisiúin na hÉireann agus tiomantas speisialta an Choláiste don Ghaeilge’ sliocht as Raiteas Misin CMgS – is féidir an tiomantas seo a fheiscint ó thaobh na hacadúlachta agus an chultúir de sa choláiste.
Tá cáil na Gaeilge ar CMgS agus is cuid de shaol laethúil an Choláiste í – is féidir Gaeilge a dhéanamh mar ábhar acadúil i nDámh na nDán go leibhéal na Dochtúireachta agus tá sí mar dhlúthchuid de chúrsa an MA sa Ghaeilge (Ceannaireacht i dTeanga, Cultúr agus Pobal).
Eagraítear ócáidí éagsúla trí mheán na Gaeilge nó ócáidí ina bhfuil ról lárnach ag an nGaeilge nó ag an gcultúr Gaelach ó cheann ceann na bliana – cinn atá eagraithe laistigh den gcoláiste féin nó cinn atá nascaithe le himeacht náisiúnta cosúil leis an Oíche Chultúir nó le Bliain na Gaeilge.
Lime Tree Theatre
The TARA Building includes a 510-seat state-of-the-art professional theatre facility in the Lime Tree Theatre—a welcome addition to MIC's facilities and the local and indeed, regional and national arts landscape.
It runs a lively programme all year around with everything from theatre to comedy, music to traditional arts, lectures to dance.
For listings, see

Performing Arts at MIC
Mary Immaculate College provides several outlets for staff and students to get involved in performance, whether that be singing, acting, playing music or the enjoying the dramatic arts.
The MIC Community Choir, the MIC Choral Society, MIDAS (Mary Immaculate Dramatic Arts Society), MIDANCE, the Trad Music Society and the Live Music Society are very active during the academic year.
There are also annual and once-off College events towards which students and staff contribute their talents.