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The Faculty of Education at Mary Immaculate College dates back to the College’s original foundation in 1898. It has been educating Ireland’s educators since that time with ever-increasing standards of excellence. As one of the largest faculties of its kind in the country, it is strongly student-centered, committed to absolute distinction in its teaching and is at the cutting edge of the latest developments in the educational landscape. The faculty has close connections with many of the schools in the mid-west region and beyond due to the facilitation of student placement and the continuing professional development opportunities offered at MIC– fostering a strong spirit of collaboration.

Increasing Scope

Staff members in the Faculty of Education at MIC have a wide range of expertise and professional interests, which is evident in the innovative projects and research emanating from the team.

The faculty at MIC Limerick consists of six key departments encompassing a variety of subjects and disciplines, all united in delivering high-quality undergraduate programmes in early childhood education, primary education and a prestigious B Ed and psychology, as well as a suite of postgraduate and continuing professional development programmes including the much sought-after, Professional Master's in Education.

Following the incorporation of St Patrick’s College in Thurles in July 2016, the School of Education (Post-Primary), was established. In collaboration with the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Arts, the school offers five concurrent post-primary teacher education programmes in the following subject areas: Gaeilge, Mathematics, Business Studies, Theology and Religious Studies, and Accounting.  

Mary Immaculate College Faculty of Education
Learn with MIC
The Mary Immaculate College Faculty of Education is one of the largest in the country
School Placement
School Placement
Structured placements in schools are a key part of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching degrees

School Placement

School placement, as defined by the Teaching Council, “is designed to give the student teacher an opportunity to learn about teaching and learning, to gain practice in teaching, to apply educational theory in a variety of teaching and learning situations and school contexts and to participate in school life in a way that is structured and supported”.

MIC’s School Placement team assists student teachers at undergraduate and postgraduate level to organise their placements, supports them throughout the process and liaises with participating schools. The aim is to ensure that both students and schools get the best out of the experience.

Typically, a student teacher will spend around 24-30 weeks—in placements of varying duration—in primary schools spread over the four years (undergraduate) or two years (postgraduate) of their programme.

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The Curriculum Development Unit (CDU)

The Curriculum Development Unit (CDU) at MIC is a nationally recognised centre of excellence in terms of curricular design and innovation. It promotes high standards in teaching and learning by undertaking research into the curriculum and methodology of the primary school and early childhood care and education.

This research informs the development of resource materials that are embedded in the latest thinking and ideas about education. The CDU produces a range of high quality educational materials and resources in areas such as literacy, numeracy, special educational needs, social personal and health education, early childhood education, Gaeilge, science education, development education, inclusive practice, physical education, visual arts and ICT. The unit also runs a number of intervention and research projects.

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Curriculum Development Unit
Curriculum Development Unit
The CDU is responsible for innovative resources and projects based on research
Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED)
Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED)
TED is an MIC project aiming to improve and enhance educational outcomes for children

Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED)

Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED), an initiative of the College's Curriculum Development Unit, seeks to improve and enhance educational outcomes for children through harnessing the expertise of Mary Immaculate College in the service of children, parents and teachers. Through collaboration, TED seeks to unlock the enormous potential within learning communities.

The project operates primarily in DEIS contexts; DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) is a national programme aimed at addressing the educational needs of children and young people from disadvantaged communities.

The project is a strategic partnership between MIC and schools, voluntary and statutory groups, agencies and organisations of the Limerick region and beyond. 

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Cumhacht - Building Research in Initial Teacher Education (BRITE) Research Digest

'Cumhacht – Building Research in Initial Teacher Education (BRITE) Research Digest’ showcases the outstanding research engaged in by MIC students who are studying on its early childhood, primary and post-primary education programmes. With ‘Cumhacht’ being the Irish word for ‘Power’, this publication is designed to capture the inherent power of research for education, illustrating as it does the exceptional commitment of MIC students toward an education profession that is research-led.

This timely publication, supported by the Department of Education and Skills, the Teaching Council and Early Childhood Ireland, highlights the importance of cultivating a research-led profession from early childhood through primary and post-primary, and provides an opportunity for students to share their research with each other, with the MIC community and with the broader education landscape. 

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Cumhacht BRITE Research Digest
Cumhacht BRITE Research Digest
The publication champions the outstanding research work done by MIC Faculty of Education students
Teachers’ Research Exchange Network (T-REX)
Teachers’ Research Exchange Network (T-REX)
A national project aiming to connect, support and celebrate educational research activity

Teachers’ Research Exchange Network (T-REX)

The Teachers’ Research Exchange (T-REX), a multi-partner project led by Mary Immaculate College, seeks to connect students, teachers and other educational professionals interested in or engaged in educational research. T-REX is an open-membership network for those studying or working in the early years, primary, post-primary, further education, higher education and the educational support services. The platform affords members the opportunity to avail of a spectrum of learning material and support, collaborate on projects, engage in professional dialogue on topics of interest and share their research outcomes in accessible and practical formats.

The project is a strategic partnership between MIC, the Education Support Centres of Ireland, Dublin City University, Marino Institute of Education, University of Limerick, University of Galway and Oide. Funding for the project is from a consortium of the Department of Education, the Teaching Council and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

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The Faculty of Education at Mary Immaculate College is proud of its tradition of teacher education and of the high standards achieved by graduates since its establishment.

Dean of Education - Prof. Emer Ring

Education Office

The Education Office is responsible for the administration support of the Dean and Assistant Dean of Education, the numerous academic departments within the Faculty of Education and divisions directly related to the faculty such as the school/workplace placements associated with Education programmes. This office deals with a number of other areas including examinations, coursework submission, education electives and more.

The Education Office is located in room 307 on the third floor of the Foundation Building. Counter service to students is available from Monday–Friday, 10am-12.30pm and 2pm-4pm.

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Education Office
+353 61 204906