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Campus Development

Mary Immaculate College, since its foundation in 1898, has undergone many changes over the years - not least in its infrastructure and campus. With the incorporation of St. Patrick’s College, Thurles in 2016, the geographical footprint of MIC has increased and so has the necessity to accommodate and serve its growing student and staff cohort in the best possible way.

Graphic containing MIC campus site map overlayed with brand colour orange.
MIC Limerick Campus
MIC Limerick Campus

Master Planning

Mary Immaculate College has published its 2022-2042 Masterplan which outlines the proposed development of the Limerick and Thurles campuses over the medium to long-term, and builds upon the academic, cultural, social and recreational vision of the College.

The Masterplan seeks to look forward over a 20 year time horizon and set out a path whereby MIC will grow and develop its physical infrastructure in a manner appropriate to its growing student population, the needs of our students and staff, and also in a manner that takes due recognition of the local communities close to the College and the environment we seek to protect and nurture.

Download Masterplan

Landscape Masterplan

MIC aims to prioritise the “vital contribution” of external spaces within the campus to promote health and wellbeing for students, staff and the wider community - to be achieved through a sustainable landscape-led masterplan for its Limerick campus.

The masterplan, by multi award-winning landscape and architecture firm Levitt Bernstein, sets out to “highlight and celebrate existing landscape and historic assets whilst creating a clear ‘vision’ for the campus future, supporting built teaching facilities”.

The landscape masterplan process identifies a series of phased landscape interventions intended to enhance and complement existing amenities. Key concept objectives include reinforcing the College identity; improving wayfinding, integrating sustainable design approaches and exploring opportunities to further ‘green’ the campus.

Full report available to view here.

MIC Landscape Masterplan Vision
MIC Landscape Masterplan Vision
Mary Immaculate College new Library & Learning Resource Centre
New Library & Learning Resource Centre Design
The proposed 5,000 square metre building will be at the heart of the MIC Limerick campus

New Library & Learning Resource Centre

The College’s design for a new Library/ Learning Resource Centre on MIC Limerick Campus has recently passed through a rigorous assessment and approval process with the HEA and is approved for funding as a major capital project for MIC. This project will cost c €36m with MIC contributing funding of €5m from its own resources. A modern structure of approx. 5,000 square metres will be developed at the heart of the Limerick campus over a three year project time span.

The new library will provide the latest in facilities for our students and staff and the growing academic requirements of a student population at MIC now in excess of 5,000 students overall. New services, longer opening hours, better provision for special collections and enhanced student orientated library services will all be part of the operations of the new structure. The new Library will be constructed so as to operate in the most environmentally sustainable manner with nZEB and BREEAM ratings specified at project outset that will contribute to a greener campus.

The need for modern, bright, technology enabled student study space became heightened to an urgent level during the experience of Covid restrictions to campus and travel, so the project remains priority number one for the College and top of the list outlined in Masterplan 2022-2042 for MIC.

The College is grateful to all stakeholders - student body, staff and local representatives, who have supported the project to this point and looks forward eagerly to the day when the new library doors are opened to all.

Library Project Documentation

MIC 2022-2024 Masterplan Library artist impression.
MIC 2022-2024 Masterplan Library artist impression.
MIC 2022-2024 Masterplan Library artist impression.
Male student standing at the window looking out on MIC Limerick campus.
Exterior shot of MIC Foundation Building at night.
MIC Thurles Campus exterior.
Two students at the top of the steps in TARA building