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The Mary Immaculate College (MIC) Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Interculturalism (EDII) Office hosted the EDII Project Awards 2023-2024 Showcase this week where attendees gathered to recognise the impacts of the various funded EDII projects from the last academic year.
Professor Lorraine McIlrath, Director of EDII at MIC, said she hoped that the success of the 20+ projects over the last two years would inspire even more people from the College community to apply for the next round of funding over the coming weeks.
This event featured seven presentations—both in-person and via video—that highlighted successful initiatives that took place across the College and the region. Conducted by staff, students, and community partners, featured projects included:
Neurodiversity and the Academy; The Citizenship Referendum: 20 Years On; Trans Inclusion Workshops for Teacher Education; WOW! The Wonders of Williams: Enabling Children with Williams Syndrome to Create Digital Resources; EDNIP World Café and Learning Exchange Event; Brazilian Urban Instrumental Music from the Late 19th Century and its Entanglements with Race and Gender: A Workshop on Choro; Migrant Parents and Cooking for Cohesion; Traveller Parent Engagement in Science for Fun; Diversity and Intercultural Education Network (DIEN), and Creating Spaces and Events for Learning and Creativity.
MIC College prospectuses have everything you need to know about studying at MIC. You can view interactive versions, download a PDF, or request a copy of our Undergraduate or Postgraduate prospectus.
Visit this page to view the annual reports of Protected Disclosures MIC has published for each calendar year, which outlines the number of protected disclosures made and any actions taken in response to such disclosures. MIC publishes these reports in accordance with Section 22 of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014.
Learn about the Department of Psychology at MIC, and how psychology is studied at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Our undergraduates study psychology either with Liberal Arts programme, the BSc programme or within the joint programme with Education. All three four-year programmes include placement opportunities to gain real world employability skills alongside core psychology content.
Visit this page to learn how Psychology can be taken as part of the MIC Arts Degree as a joint honours combination. Our Psychology programme is accredited and, therefore, studying Psychology as a major at MIC provides students with the basis for graduate membership of the Psychological Society of Ireland.
Under the Data Sharing and Governance Act 2019 (DSGA), a public consultation is required for data sharing agreements between two public sector bodies. Mary Immaculate College is obliged to issue such notices on occasion.
This week saw the publication of a series of reports (six), entitled Identity and Ethos in Catholic Primary and Secondary Schools in Ireland: Exploring the Attitudes and Behaviours of Stakeholders, following the most comprehensive piece of research into the ethos of Catholic primary and secondary schools in Ireland since the foundation of the state.
Learn how MIC prepares and publishes information in an open and accessible manner on a routine basis in accordance with Section 8 of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency and accountability as set out in Sections 8(5) and 11(3) of the Act.