Online Newspapers - Ireland:
- The Irish Newspaper Archive is a database that holds digitised archived regional and national Irish newspapers covering dates from 1738 to the present. Papers include The Freeman's Journal, 1763-1924 and the Irish Independent, 1905-present. The views of the newspapers are as they would have appeared in their print version. This is a work in progress and coverage is not always complete.
- Radical Newspapers archive (part of the Irish Newspaper Archive) is a collection of over 115 Irish radical and political newspapers, journals, pamphlets and bulletins. Fully searchable and consisting of more than 11,000 editions, it "provides access to those who influenced a whole generation and today provide us with an understanding the development, transition of power and early struggles of independent Ireland". Access via The Irish Newspaper Archive; click on the link on the top right of the page.
- The Irish Times consists of two databases which can be searched together or separately:
Also, there is free access to the current edition on the Irish Times website:
Irish Times (Current)
Online Newspapers - UK:
- British Newspaper Archive - the free to view collection
The Free To View Collection, of the British Newspaper Archive, includes 3.5 million pages of newspapers, spanning 1798 - 1900, from the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Guernsey and Antigua. Please ensure the Free To View filter remains ticked as you search - Proquest Historical Newspapers - UK:-
- HNP Guardian (1821-2003) and Observer (1791-2003)
- Times Digital Archive - Covers the Times (London) from 1785 - 2014.
Online Newspapers - US:
Proquest Historical Newspapers - US:-
- Chicago Defender (1909-2010)
- Chicago Tribune (1849-1998)
- New York Times (1851-2017)
- Washington Post (1877-2004)
Online Newspapers - International:
- Nexis - Full-text articles from an extensive range of regional, national and international newspapers. To access Irish newspapers titles, select “Irish Publications” from the Sources drop down menu. It is updated daily.
- European Newsstream - provides researchers with same day access to newspapers like The Guardian and The Times (London). The resource enables users to search current United Kingdom, Irish, and European news content from over 430 of the most influential news sources with archives dating back to the 1990s, substantial backfiles available for most newspapers and is updated daily.
Other Newspaper databases
- National Library of Ireland Newspaper Index - A list of newspaper titles held in the National Library of Ireland, including information from the Newsplan Project.
- ICON - International Coalition on Newspapers - The ICON database is the most comprehensive source of information about significant newspaper collections in print, digital and micro formats.
- Online Newspapers - Newspapers from around the world.
- Regional Business News -Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
- UK/EIRE Reference Centre -The UK & Ireland Reference Centre combines British & Irish sources (including: magazines, newspapers, and reference books) with international sources to create the most complete collection of full-text research publications for UK/Irish public libraries.
Newspapers on Microfilm
The Library holds a large number of titles on microfilm including the Freeman's Journal (1763-1924) and 20th Century Irish Political and Radical Newspapers. It also holds regional newspapers including the Limerick Leader (1893 - ) and Limerick Chronicle (1871- ).
Microfilm listing - A list of titles available on microfilm.