Learning Enhancement
and Academic Development (LEAD) Centre
Technologies for Teaching & Learning
Technology enhanced learning (TEL) is concerned with the effective use of technology to improve the student learning experience. Using technology can provide opportunities to offer a student centred and engaging learning environment. Traditionally TEL initiatives have been technology led, however LEAD recognise that the adoption of technology in higher education needs to be driven by examining the pedagogical needs of the learners and if, and how technology can be used to enhance this.
Why use Technology for Teaching and Learning?
Higher education is experiencing significant change, impacted by diverse learner profiles, multiple pathways and increasing demands on academic staff. Technology enhanced learning has the potential to offer flexible pedagogical approaches by catering for all learners regardless of their profile, location or personal circumstances, and encouraging them to become active and engaged learners. It recognises the richness diverse student profiles can bring to the learning experience and so promotes social learning.
If used correctly technology can provide opportunities to engage learners of all profiles and offer an inclusive engaged learning environment. Examples of how technology can be used in this way include:
- Providing opportunities to allow students to become more independent by encouraging them to further develop and adapt what they are learning so it can be applied to different contexts. Just some technologies that can be used to encourage learners to develop and apply their learning are wikis (see Wang, 2014; Sharp and Whaley, 2018), blogging/video blogging (see Muncy, 2014), social media (see Chawinga, 2017) and eportfolios see (Beckers et al, 2016).
- Engaging students in social and collaborative learning in class can be often difficult, particularly in large groups. Some students are slow to take part and others can dominate the conversation. Technology can be used to allow all students to collaborate. It provides learners with the opportunity to reflect on activities before they contribute, it is visible how each student collaborates and participates in the learning activities. Technology such as discussion forums (Salmon, 2004; Western Sydney University) and wikis (Wang, 2014;Sharp and Whaley, 2018) can provide areas for students to collaborate.
- Providing students with diverse assessment and feedback opportunities to improve their performance though turnitin, audio/video submissions, wikis, e-tivities and e-portfolios.
Support LEAD can provide
The Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Centre (LEAD) in MIC can provide the following supports to enable you to exploit technology to enhance your teaching and learning:
- Show and TEL workshops in which academic staff in Mary Immaculate College share how they have used technology to enhance their teaching and student learning.
- Professional development workshops in emerging technologies and how these can be integrated to enhance the learning experience.
- One to one consultations about how you can integrate technology into your teaching.
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