Our Libraries
The libraries at the MIC Limerick and Thurles campuses are a hive of activity during the academic year with students studying, researching and using the multiple resources available to them. Library staff members provide training throughout the year and are on hand at all times to assist with borrowing and other queries.

MIC Limerick Library
The library at Mary Immaculate College's main campus in Limerick has over 150,000 books housed in its main building and stores and subscribes to approximately 300 journals. Users can access over 30,000 online journals and over 100 online databases—available via the college network and externally to registered users via the Internet. The Audio-Visual library on the first floor has a large collection of DVDs and newspapers on microfilm as well as materials to support primary school teaching practice.
Services available include book loans, inter-library loans, help and advice with our print and electronic collections and information skills training. Users may consult the Library Catalogue via the public access PCs in the library itself or through the internet from any electronic device.
MIC Thurles Library
The O’Dwyer library is the main student library on the Thurles campus. It has approximately 15,000 print resources, including an extensive journal collection. The collection’s main focus is on the core subjects taught in Thurles—Religion, Education, Irish and Business. The Teaching Resources collection which consists of second level textbooks to assist students in lesson planning is also on site. There is also a collection of DVDs and CDs which students can use for lessons or their own study. Students have access to both ebooks and online journals through our electronic resources.
The library provides a number of services for students at MIC, St Patrick’s Campus. The librarian offers free, one-to-one tutorials to students on academic writing, referencing and plagiarism. The library also offers information skills training, help and advice on electronic resources, book lending and inter-library loans.
The Croke Library houses the campus's historical collection and consists of approximately 5,000 print books. The main focus of the Collection is church history and theology along with local diocesan history. Access to the Croke Library resources is by appointment only for researchers and books are not permitted to be loaned out.

New Library & Learning Resource Centre
The College’s design for a new Library/ Learning Resource Centre on MIC Limerick Campus has recently passed through a rigorous assessment and approval process with the HEA and is approved for funding as a major capital project for MIC. This project will cost c €36m with MIC contributing funding of €5m from its own resources. A modern structure of approx. 5,000 square metres will be developed at the heart of the Limerick campus over a three year project time span.
The new library will provide the latest in facilities for our students and staff and the growing academic requirements of a student population at MIC now in excess of 5,000 students overall. It will accommodate over 170,000 volumes and will include a range of learning settings from silent study areas to lively group work rooms. It will have over 550 study places, a 288-seat lecture theatre, media editing suites, a media studio, seminar rooms, staff offices and all the ancillary spaces necessary for a higher education library.
The new Library will be constructed so as to operate in the most environmentally sustainable manner with nZEB and BREEAM ratings specified at project outset that will contribute to a greener campus, aligning with MIC’s commitments in the area of Climate Change & Sustainability as set out in the Masterplan 2042. It is hoped that building works will commence summer 2024 and we look forward eagerly to the day when the new library doors are opened to all.