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Bachelor of Arts (MI002)

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only. Hours and assessment methods vary across semesters, years and subjects.

CAO Points 2024: 280

Duration: 4 years full-time

Places Offered: 250 approx.

Location: MIC Limerick

Lecture Hours: 10-15 approx.

Tutorial Hours: Variable


Mixed but may include exams, presentations, portfolios, essays, oral exams and other methods.

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Programme Overview

The Bachelor of Arts is a four-year, full-time, honours degree (Level 8). At MIC the programme is flexible and wide-ranging. Students study four different major subjects in First Year and focus on two of these in Second Year, which they will then continue to study to degree level as joint honours. You can study a combination of subjects from familiar Arts subjects such as English, French, German or History, to newer subjects such as Drama & Theatre Studies, Media & Communication Studies, Psychology or the newest addition to the programme, Business. In Third Year, you will have opportunities to work, to travel, and to study abroad as part of the Off-Campus Programme.

Bachelor of Arts students in the Arts lounge area.

Why Study the Bachelor of Arts at MIC?

Becoming an arts student and graduate is one of the best ways to develop vital skills for your career, for personal growth, and to make the fullest contribution to society. The flexibility of studying an arts degree at MIC means that you can study a combination of familiar arts subjects and try new ones in the first year before deciding on the two subjects you wish to gain your degree in.

Our Arts students develop excellent communication and thinking skills that enable them to engage critically and analytically with the world around them. Subject-specific content is supported by general skills modules, elective modules, and research.

The Bachelor of Arts at MIC is taught by academics from 14 different subject departments, which ensures great diversity. A commonality for all however, is that staff are excellent teachers, renowned subject experts, and compassionate. Assessment methods vary greatly depending on the subject and the year. As BA students, you will be assessed in a variety of coursework, practical tasks, written examinations, and conducting your own research.

Throughout each year, you will develop broad and specific skills to enhance both your personal and professional capacity. In Year 1, you will take Skills for Study and Work module which includes the development of literary, computing, problem-solving, and research skills. In Year 2, you will further broaden your skill base by selecting elective modules. These include Information Technology (IT), Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). In Year 3, you will have opportunities to develop specific skills through work, or travel, or studying abroad as part of the Off-Campus Programme. You will submit your undergraduate dissertation, demonstrating your research skill and ability to work independently in your fourth and final year.

Career Opportunities

With an MIC Bachelor of Arts degree, you will be a sought-after graduate with a range of knowledge and transferable skills. The list below demonstrates just some of the sectors that our graduates find employment in. Whether you want to pursue further study or just be a highly employable person, the Bachelor of Arts is an excellent choice:

  • Academic Administration
  • Psychology
  • Arts Bodies
  • Public Service
  • Civil Service
  • Publishing
  • Film Industry
  • Social Services
  • Financial Services
  • Teaching
  • International and EU Organisations
  • Television & Radio
  • Linguistic & Translation Work
  • Tourism
  • Marketing & Public Relations
  • Urban Planning
  • Overseas Aid Work
  • Professional Administration/Management
  • Banking and Commerce
  • Regional and Local Community Development

Off-Campus Programme

In Year 3, you will participate in an off-campus programme. This typically consists of a study abroad placement in Europe, Australia or the USA and/or work placements in a wide variety of settings, in Ireland or abroad. International placements are highly valued and encouraged for the added cultural and linguistic benefits they confer. The off-campus programme provides students with a unique opportunity to discover the world and experience working environments which may also provide future employment for graduates.

While all BA students are encouraged to spend at least one semester in another country, students of French and German are required to complete at least one semester in an environment where the relevant language(s) is/are spoken. This provides an opportunity to experience and understand other cultures, and, in the case of placements in continental Europe, to improve foreign language skills. Students are encouraged to make full use of the consequent opportunities for further travel, fostering adaptability and a global outlook to enable them to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world of work.

Note: Students of Psychology undertake their off-campus placement in the autumn semester only and take modules in the spring semester.

Meet our Bachelor of Arts students
Bachelor of Arts - Drama & Theatre Studies
Bachelor of Arts - English Language & Literature
Bachelor of Arts - French Studies
Bachelor of Arts - Gaeilge
Bachelor of Arts - Geography
Bachelor of Arts - German Studies
Bachelor of Arts - History
Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
Bachelor of Arts - Media & Communication Studies
Bachelor of Arts - Music
Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
Bachelor of Arts - Theology & Religious Studies

Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Each year, Mary Immaculate College awards up to 50 Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships across all undergraduate programmes valued at €2,000 each, on the basis of results obtained in the Irish Leaving Certificate Examination.

Further information about Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships available here.

BA student in graduation robes about to graduate from Mary Immaculate College
Succeed with the Bachelor of Arts at MIC
With 14 subjects to choose from you will gain the knowledge to take you anywhere


Faculty of Arts Office

T: +353 61 204972


Programme Content

Subjects Offered
Drama & Theatre Studies
English Language & Literature
French Studies
German Studies
Media & Communication Studies
Theology & Religious Studies

Year 1

In Year 1, students choose four subjects out of fourteen subjects on the Arts programme. Any subject combinations can be selected, however, when choosing your subjects in first year, it is essential to have at least two subjects from different second year subject groups (see below) bearing in mind that those who choose Psychology in first year may not be offered a place in Psychology in second year.

Years 2-4

Towards the end of Year 1, you will receive advice and guidance before selecting the subjects you will continue with from Years 2-4. At the beginning of Year 2 (Part II) you will choose two of the four subjects taken in first year. You will continue with these two subjects to degree level as joint honours. No more than one subject can be taken from any one of the following Year 2 subject groupings outlined below.

Existing Year 2 Subject Grouping (2023-24)
Group 1 Psychology or German (beginners or advanced)
Group 2 English or Mathematics 
Group 3 Media and Communication Studies or Geography 
Group 4 Gaeilge or Philosophy or Drama and Theatre Studies
Group 5 Music or Theology and Religious Studies
Group 6 History or French
New Year 2 Subject Grouping (2024-25)
Please note: the below will come into affect for all students commencing the BA Programme from Sept 2023. Students have free subject choice in Year 1.
Group 1 Psychology or English
Group 2 Gaeilge or Business
Group 3 Media and Communication Studies or Geography 
Group 4 Mathematics or Drama and Theatre Studies or Theology & Religious Studies
Group 5 - History or Music
Group 6 German (beginners or advanced) or French (beginners or advanced) or Philosophy

Overview of Programme Structure

Semesters 1 & 2 (Year 1)
Skills for Study and Work 1 & 2
Major Subject A
Major Subject B
Major Subject C
Major Subject D
Semesters 3 & 4 (Year 2)
Major Subject 1 (two modules)
Major Subject 2 (two modules)
Semesters 5 & 6 (Year 3)

Off-Campus Programme 1 & 2 (Work Placement and/or Study Abroad)

Note: Students of Psychology are on campus for Semester 6 and take five Psychology modules

Semesters 7 & 8 (Year 4)
Major Subject 1 (two modules)
Major Subject 2 (two modules)
Undergraduate Dissertation 1 & 2

Extra Programme Elements

In Year 1, you will take a foundational course in Skills for Study and Work, which aims to give an essential grounding in academic writing and IT skills.

In Year 2, you will further broaden your skill base by selecting elective modules. These can be taken from a wide range of academic subjects in the faculty or bespoke electives such as Information Technology (IT) and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).  It gives you an opportunity to explore other subjects of interest.

In Year 3, you will have opportunities to develop specific skills through work, or travel, or studying abroad as part of the Off-Campus Programme.

You will submit your undergraduate dissertation, demonstrating your research skill and ability to work independently in your fourth and final year.

Undergraduate Dissertation

In your final year, you will complete an Undergraduate Dissertation in one of your major subjects. This is a unique opportunity to complete an extended piece of research and analysis in your chosen topic, designed with guidance and direction from an academic supervisor in your chosen subject. The undergraduate research dissertation will develop your research and analytical skills with a view to employment or further study.

Note: To meet professional accreditation requirements students of Psychology must undertake their undergraduate dissertation in Psychology, either singly or jointly with their other major subject.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are required to hold the established Leaving Certificate (or an approved equivalent) with a minimum of six subjects which must include Mathematics, Gaeilge or another language, and English.

Applicants must obtain:

  • Grade H5 on a Higher Level paper in at least two subjects
  • Grade O6/H7 in four other subjects (Higher or Ordinary Level)

Minimum Grade F6 in Foundation Mathematics satisfies the minimum entry requirements (Foundation Mathematics is not reckonable for scoring purposes).

Additional Course Requirements:

  • Students opting to study Gaeilge are normally required to hold at least grade H5 in the Leaving Certificate or an approved equivalent.
  • For Music, there is no formal entrance examination but prospective students must have a satisfactory standard of music literacy and the ability to play an instrument and/or sing.

Additional special qualifications specific to individual subjects or disciplines may be determined by the respective departments in accordance with Academic Council regulations.

Language Waivers: Please contact the MIC Access Office for information on Language Exemptions on Deadlines apply.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Link modules will be accepted for points purposes but they will not qualify as a subject for matriculation purposes.

GCE/GCSE Applicants

Further information about minimum grades and entry requirements is available here or please contact the MIC Admissions Office at E:

If you are at least 23 years old on 1 January of the year of entry to college, you are considered as a mature applicant. 

Mature applicants for MI002 must apply through the CAO. ( The closing date is 1 February 2025.  The late closing date is 1 May 2025.

All mature applicants who make an application to the College through the CAO for MI002 will be invited to attend for an interview. Mature applicants who do not meet the normal minimum entry requirements will be considered for admission if, having attended for interview, they satisfy the College as to their ability to benefit from and sustain participation in the BA Programme(s) applied for. Mature applicants who have completed an interview will be contacted by the College to indicate whether or not they are being considered for a place, and all places will then be offered by the CAO, usually in early July.

Personal Statement

In addition to applying through the CAO, Mature applicants must also complete a Personal Statement. The Personal Statement guideline and form can be downloaded here. It is advisable to download and save the guideline/personal statement form locally, open the saved form from your PC and then email the completed form to 

For details of Uversity Scholarships for Mature Applicants click here

Pre-University Programme for Mature Learners

The Pre-University Programme for Mature Learners is a programme offered by the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) in Mary Immaculate College, and is aimed at adult learners (min age 22) from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds who wish to continue their education. For more information about Pre University Programme for Mature Learners, click here.

Further Information

For further information about applying as a mature applicant, please contact the MIC Admissions Office email Telephone: 061 205137/204348

A limited number of places per year will be awarded to applicants through the Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS), which gives learners the opportunity to use their QQI Level 5 or 6 major award to apply, through the CAO, for a place on a higher education programme. Entry requirements vary for each degree programme.


Any Major Award:  5 distinctions are required


Places will be available to QQI/FET/FETAC applicants who have obtained any of the following QQI Level 5 Certificates: Radio Production ERPXX or 5M4511, TV & Film Production ETFPX or 5M5158/5M18519, Print Journalism EPJXX or 5M2464, Media Production EMPXX. In order to gain entry students must possess distinctions in four modules in the QQI Level 5 qualification.

The four distinctions must be gained from the following list:

  • E20008 or 5N1298
  • E20137 or 5N1379
  • E20123 or 5N1458
  • E20149 or 5N0637
  • E20136 or 5N1900 or 5N1590
  • E20131 or 5N1292 or E20003 OR 5N0785
  • E20151 or 5N0540
  • E20013 or 5N2152 or E20078 or 5N2435
  • B20132 or 5N1394 or N32751 or 5N1837
  • E20077 or 5N2463 or E20076 or 5N2443


Any major award. Students must possess distinctions in five modules.

As the number of places available is limited, those places will be allocated on a competitive basis based on the student’s score. Where more than one student has the same score, students will be ranked on a random basis. Applicants who have obtained a Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Media Production EMPRO or 6M5130 / 6M18534 will also be eligible to apply for a place on the BA programme, provided they have gained three distinctions from the following list of modules:

  • N32750 or 6N5505
  • N32751 or 6N5453
  • N32754 or 6N5455 or 6N18514
  • N32755 or 6N5454 or 6N18515
  • N32863 or 6N4981
  • N32949 or 6N5433 or 6N18517 or 6N5427
  • N32969 or 6N5425 or 6N18516
  • N33014

QQI/FET/FETAC applicants must apply through the CAO indicating on their application form that they have taken or are taking QQI/FET/FETAC examinations. Additional Requirements:

For students wishing to take a language option, distinctions must include a distinction in a language component/module. A Grade H4 in the required language from Leaving Certificate will also satisfy the language requirement.


Further information about Bachelor of Arts (International) and applying as an non-EU applicant is available here. For International Fees, click here.

You are advised to contact the MIC International Office before applying on +353 61 204988.

Fees & Grants


Tuition fees may be paid in respect of full-time undergraduate students undertaking approved courses in eligible institutions. Details of the Free Fees criteria are listed here.

If you do not qualify for free fees, undergraduate tuition fees and other charges may apply. See Undergraduate Fees here.


Students apply for a grant through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) and if they meet certain criteria, they may be eligible for full or partial financial support.

Before applying at, please review the criteria carefully.

Faculty of Arts Office
+353 61 204972

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  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
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