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Public enjoy Music, Visual Art and Theatre during ‘Arts for All Day’ at MIC

Public enjoy Music, Visual Art and Theatre during ‘Arts for All Day’ at MIC

MIC Limerick opened its doors to the public for ‘Arts for All Day’ on 19 March with an exciting intercultural and inclusive programme of events for a variety of interests and ages.

‘Arts for All Day’ comprised a number of workshops and events involving visiting artists, MIC’s artist in residence, Liam McCarthy, and MIC staff and students.   

Ahead of the event, ‘Arts for All Day’ Coordinator Dr Dorothy Morrissey said: "The ‘Arts for All Day’ committee is delighted to welcome an array of performers and facilitators for this year’s intercultural arts day. We’re delighted too, to open these events to the general public and are confident that there will be something for everyone; for those who wish to actively participate and for those who simply wish to watch and to listen. There will be opportunities to make with clay, to try out some play writing and to co-create a house of sounds. There will also be opportunities to be moved by and respond to the voices of others; the voices of Ukrainian women migrants in a research-based lunchtime performance, and the voices of our MAP (MIC’s Ability Pathways) students as they reflect on their experiences in artistic form. Our hope is that ‘Arts for All Day’ will provide an oasis for celebrating, confronting and contemplating our humanity and our diversity in these turbulent times."

The Intergenerational Clay Workshop took place in the Art and Clay Studio, where MIC students and older members of the public collaborated on clay-based art pieces. Facilitated by Anne-Marie Morrin, the workshop fostered intergenerational conversations and shared learning experiences.

The Sound House workshops took place in the Student Lounge of the TARA Building, with an installation displayed in the College's main reception foyer from 2pm to 6pm. Participants worked with composer Niamh O’Brien to create and record sounds for the installation, emphasizing the importance of listening and valuing diverse perspectives.

The Playwriting Workshop took place in G10 of the Foundation Building. Led by MIC Artist in Residence Liam McCarthy, the session introduced participants to dramatic writing, exploring character, memory, and biography in a relaxed setting.

The ‘Migrating Musical Selves’ performance featured Ukrainian musicians Vsevolod Sadovyi and Snezhana Rybalska alongside actors Ilinca Luca and Aisling Knox. The piece explored how music serves as a means of expression and self-understanding for displaced individuals. Directed by Ailbhe Kenny and Fiona McDonagh, it was part of the Limerick Early Music Festival’s Arts for All Outreach.

Throughout the day, an exhibition titled Inclusion and Identity: An Exhibition of Creative Work with MAP Students was displayed in T107 of the TARA Building. Showcasing artistic expressions of identity by MAP students from the MIC Ability Pathways Project, the exhibition provided a space for discussion on identity, inclusion, and exclusion. It was a collaboration between MAP students, Artistic Lead Enda Griffin, MAP Programme Coordinator Orla Slattery, and faculty members Fiona McDonagh and Jude McInerney.

Intergenerational Clay Workshop
Participants of all ages taking part in the Intergenerational clay workshop
Playwriting Workshop
Attendees performing a warm-up during the Playwriting workshop
Sound House Workshops in action
Sound House Workshops in action
Inclusion and Identity: An Exhibition of creative Work with MAP Students
Inclusion and Identity: An Exhibition of creative Work with MAP Students
Migrating Musical Selves with Sevolod Sadovyi, Snezhana Rybalska, Ilinca Luca and Aisling Knox
Migrating Musical Selves with Sevolod Sadovyi, Snezhana Rybalska and Aisling Knox pictured