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Sexual Violence & Harassment

MIC is committed to developing and supporting a culture which is safe, supportive, respectful and positive and which actively strives to end all forms of sexual harassment and violence. We are actively working to implement the National Framework for Consent in HEIs: Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive - Ending Sexual Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions.

Key Outcomes of the Framework

The four key outcomes of the framework will be:

Institutional Culture - Effective structures in place, with institutions assigning responsibility by a management team member to implement the framework, including stakeholders in the process

Institutional Processes - Recording and reporting of statistics of incidents

Institutional Policies - Dedicated policies consistent with the aims of the Framework, with clear lines of responsibility, reporting, transparency, and implementation supported by institutional leadership

Targeted Initiatives - For students and staff, including direct student facing activities that promote an understanding of consent, an education plan to support students and staff, systems for measuring the effectiveness of initiative s and accessible trauma-informed services

Framework for Consent in HEIs (

Action Plan to End Sexual Violence & Harassment