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MIC Menopause


Mary Immaculate College is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all staff and students. MIC aims to create an open and supportive environment where all can discuss comfortably any issues associated with the menopause, if they so wish, and to ensure necessary and reasonable supports are offered in an empathetic way.

The menopause is a natural process and for many can be positively managed through lifestyle adjustments and/or medical support. While some may not encounter any symptoms, supporting those with symptoms may enhance their experience at work and sense of positivity. The menopause should not be a taboo or ‘hidden’ subject and these Guidelines seek to give managers, staff and students the necessary signposting to unearth the subject and elevate supports. In 2024, MIC launched the MIC Menopause Guidelines for Staff and Students that sets out the steps for providing the right support to manage menopausal symptoms at work and study.

Champions Network

MIC Menopause Champions Network launch
MIC Menopause Champions Network launch

In May 2024, the Menopause Champions Network and Café were launched to offer MIC staff and student trained personnel as a contact to those experiencing symptoms of the menopause who would like support. 

If you would like support or a listening ear, please contact one of the following champions that include:

Menopause Supports

MIC and MISU provides self-care products in all toilets.

In addition, if you experience flooding, there are ‘Caught Out Kits’ located in the MIC Main Reception in Thurles and Limerick and the MISU in Thurles and Limerick.

If you feel that you might need a fan for your desk or study space at MIC, please email and one can be organised for you.

MIC Library Resources

The MIC Library is gathering books and resources to develop a menopause themed collection. To access the menopause collection, click on the link below.

MIC Library Health & Wellbeing - Menopause

All You Need to Know about Menopause by Catherine O’Keeffe is now available to borrow from the MIC Library as an electronic copy with unlimited access, and print copies are also available. 

Some of the books available in the Menopause library collection include:

  • Me and My Menopausal Vagina, Jane Lewis
  • Menopausing, Davina Mc Call
  • Oestrogen Matters, Dr Avrum Bluming & Dr Louise Newson
  • About
  • Champions Network
  • Menopause Supports
  • MIC Library Resources
  • Useful Resources