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Student Academic Administration Office


The Office of Student Academic Administration assists students to access important information as they progress through their programme and assists staff and students through important processes throughout the academic year.

The Office directly supports the work undertaken by the Vice-President - Academic Affairs, Prof. Niamh Hourigan, and the Assistant Registrar, Dr Patrick Connolly.

This Office is responsible for maintaining all student records on our Academic Information System including the following:

  • Registration
  • Examinations
  • Graduation
  • Academic Calendar
  • Semester Timetables
  • Examination Timetables
  • Transcripts
  • Student Handbook

More details on these activities are available in the Student Information section in Current Students.

Student Academic Administration Office (MIC Limerick)
+353 61 204566
Senior Academic Administrator (MIC Thurles)
Paula Hourigan
+353 504 20535


Joanne Cunningham

Executive Officer
Student Academic Administration
  • Phone: 061-204944
  • Email:
  • Location: 112

Student Charter

The Student Learning and Partnership Dialogue Charter is a bipartite agreement between MIC and the Mary Immaculate College Students’ Union (MISU), the representative body for the students of MIC.

Launched in January 2021, it aims to outline the commitments, expectations, responsibilities and underpinning dialogue processes between the College and its students. The overarching objective of this pioneering new charter is to facilitate student success.

The charter, which replaces the current Student Charter, also acknowledges that the landscape of higher education is never static; rather it is dynamic and ever changing for students and the College.

SAA Office Locations

MIC Limerick

The Student Academic Administration Office is located in Room 112, situated on the first floor of the Foundation Building, and is open during the following hours: 

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10am - 12.30pm and 2pm - 4.30pm

Tuesday 10.30am-1pm & 2pm - 4.30pm


MIC Thurles

Paula Hourigan, Senior Academic Administrator, performs many of the functions listed above at MIC Thurles. Her office is located in P122 on the first floor of the main building on the Thurles campus.

SAA Mission Statement

  • Student Academic Administration is dedicated to providing a professional and supportive service for students and staff in a welcoming environment
  • We are committed to striving for excellence in the delivery of this crucial service and in doing so endeavour to promote the College ethos and mission
  • We foster a holistic approach with an 'open door' policy, recognising with respect the diverse social and cultural backgrounds, values and beliefs of our students
  • We advocate nurturance of the Irish language and culture
  • About
  • Staff
  • Student Charter
  • SAA Office Locations
  • SAA Mission Statement