Dr Laura Costelloe

More information
Dr Laura Costelloe is an Assistant Professor in Academic Practice at the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development (LEAD) Centre at Mary Immaculate College, having previously held positions as an academic developer, lecturer and tutor at Dublin City University, National College of Ireland, University of Limerick and Université d’Avignon, France. She supports the continuing development and professional practice of colleagues from across the institution and offers expertise and teaching across a range of professional development initiatives designed to enhance institutional learning and teaching practice. She is also the programme co-ordinator for the Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice, represents MIC at the Mid-West Regional Teaching & Learning Taskforce and is a member of the National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN).
Publications and Conference Papers
Costelloe, L. (2023) 'Case study - Building on your strengths: bringing it all together with an eportfolio' in Rossi, V., ed., Inclusive Learning Design in Higher Education: a practical guide to creating equitable learning experiences, Oxon: Routledge, 267-269.
Costelloe, L. (2023) 'Using the Universal Design for Learning framework to enhance student engagement with feedback', presented at Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Manchester, June 22 and 23.
Costelloe, L. and Reale, J. (2023) 'Creating a UDL ecosystem within an accredited professional development programme for higher education teachers', presented at UDL International Symposium: Learning Together, Maynooth, June 8 and 9.
Costelloe, L. and Reale, J. (2023) ‘Embedding UDL into the Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Mary Immaculate College’ AHEAD 2023 Conference: How staff and learner communities drive inclusion, Dublin, March 22nd-23rd [poster presentation]
Costelloe, L. and Reale, J. (2022) ‘Embedding UDL into an accredited professional development programme for Higher Education teachers’ Quality and Qualifications Ireland 10th Anniversary Conference, Dublin, October 18-19th [poster presentation].
Costelloe, L. and Egan, A. (2022) ‘Proposing a model for the incremental development of peer assessment and feedback skills: a case study’, Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2022, Manchester, June 22nd-24th.
O'Toole, S., O'Sullivan, I., O'Brien, E. and Costelloe, L. (2022) ‘From nice to know to “newfound popularity”: academic developers’ perceptions of how COVID-19 has changed their role’, International Journal for Academic Development
Costelloe, L. (2022) ‘Exploring the potential of digital teaching portfolios to support in/non-formal professional development for those who teach in Higher Education’, EdTech 2022, Cork, May 26th-27th.
Costelloe, L. and Reale, J. (2022) ‘Developing a flexible, online and practice-based accredited programme in academic practice’, EdTech 2022, Cork, May 26th-27th.
O'Brien, E., Moore, G., Costelloe, L. and O'Sullivan, I. (2022) 'Professional development practices and preferences in Irish Higher Education: insights from a regional survey', International Journal for Academic Development.
Costelloe, L. and Reale, J. (2021) 'No Walls, No Limits? Universal Design for Learning in the new landscape of Higher Education' in Keane, M., McAvinia, C. and O'Sullivan, I., eds., Emerging Issues IV: Changing Times, Changing Context, EDIN, available: https://www.edin.ie/?page_id=537.
Costelloe, L. (2021) ‘Exploring the potential of digital teaching portfolios to support in/non-formal professional development for those who teach in Higher Education’, Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(1): 1-13.
Costelloe, L., Nerantzi, C., O’Brien, E., Reale, J. and O’Sullivan, I. (2020) ‘Development of a shared vision for flexible inter-institutional professional development using the OOFAT model’, International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 7(3): 240-256. [Journal Impact Factor: 2.791]
Costelloe, L., Fitzgerald, M. and Fitzpatrick, M. (2020) ‘Exploring conceptions of flexibility and openness to support professional development for Higher Education academic practice, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, 3-5 September 2020.
Costelloe, L. and Egan, A. (2020) “Because, as a teacher, giving feedback and assessment is actually really difficult”: using self- and peer-assessment to develop Higher Education teachers’ skills in assessment and feedback’, Proceedings of Higher Education Advances Conference, Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia: 501-508. DOI:https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11096
Costelloe, L. and Egan, A. (2020) “Because, as a teacher, giving feedback and assessment is actually realy difficult”: using self- and peer-assessment to develop Higher Education teachers’ skills in assessment and feedback”, Higher Education Advances Conference (HEAdConf), Online, June 1st-4th.
Costelloe, L., Gormley, C. and O’Riordan, F. (2019) ‘Walking the Talk: academic developers reflect on the use of digital learning portfolios to support professional development’, Educational Developments, 20(4): 11-13.
Costelloe, L. (2019) ‘Embedding self- and peer-assessment in an undergraduate generic skills module’, International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP), Limerick, December 12th-13th.
O’Riordan, F., Gormley, C. and Costelloe, L. (2019) ‘Reflections on the use of electronic portfolios to support professional development’, World Conference on Online Learning, Dublin, November 4th-7th.
O’Brien, E., Ryan, A., Moore, G., Phelan, M., Reale, J., Costelloe, L. (2019) Micro learning: an alternative model of academic professional development, EdTech, Dundalk Institute of Technology,May 24th and 25th.
Glynn, M., Costelloe, L. and Gormley, C. (2018) ‘Assessment - evaluating the workload on staff and students’, International Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Manchester, June 28th 2018.
Gormley, C., Costelloe, L., Glynn, M. (2018) 'What’s wrong with this picture? Visualising the reality of student and staff assessment workloads', AILTA: All Ireland Conference on Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Further and Higher Education, Dublin, 30th October 2018.
O’Riordan, F., Costelloe, L. and Glynn, M. (2018) ‘Academic Integrity and Moodle’, EdTech, IT Carlow, May 30th and 31st.
O’Riordan, F., Costelloe, L. and Gormley, C. (2018) ‘Reflections on the use of ePortfolios to support professional development: the academic developer perspective’, EdTech, IT Carlow, May 30th and 31st.
Brown, M., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. and Costelloe, L. (2018) ‘Developing a European maturity model for blended education: a research work in progress’, EdTech, IT Carlow, May 30th and 31st.
Costelloe, L., Glynn, M. and Gormley, C. (2018) ‘More than the metrics - our deep dive into assessment workload’, SEDA Spring Teaching and Learning Conference, Leeds, May 10th-11th 2018.
Costelloe, L. and Doyle, C. (2018) ‘The student voice: statistics and gamification’, DSTEP Gamification Winter School, Dublin City University, January 22nd-26th 2018.
Costelloe, L. (2018) ‘Liberté, égalité, Mbappé: French football and the banlieues’, RTE Brainstorm. Available at: https://www.rte.ie/eile/brainstorm/2018/0713/978399-liberte-egalite-mbappe-french-football-and-the-banlieues/.
Costelloe, L. (2018) ‘The French banlieues: plus ꞔa change, plus c’est la meme chose’, RTE Brainstorm. Available at: https://www.rte.ie/eile/brainstorm/2018/0110/932342-the-french-banlieues-plus-ca-change-plus-cest-la-meme-chose/.
Egan, A. and Costelloe, L. (2017) ‘Case Study J: Assessment for all’, Enhancing Programme Approaches to Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: case studies, commentaries and tools. Available at: https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Case-Study-J-with-doi.pdf.
Egan, A. and Costelloe, L. (2016) ‘Peer assessment of, for and as learning: a core component of an accredited professional development course for Higher Education teachers’, AISHE-J, 8(3): 2931-29313.
Costelloe, L. and Egan, A. (2016) ‘Peer assessment of, for and as learning: a core component of an accredited professional development course for Higher Education teachers’, SLL/LIN Symposium, Dublin, October 27th 2016.
Costelloe, L. (2016) ‘What’s it all about? A discourse analysis of 2016 general election manifestos on early years care and education’, Early Childhood Ireland Research and Practice Seminar, April 15th 2016.
Costelloe, L. and Egan, A. (2016) ‘Developing learning skills and dispositions among early years educators’ Early Childhood Ireland Research and Practice Seminar, April 15th 2016.
Costelloe, L. (2015) ‘Charlie Hebdo and the legacy of the eternal outsider’, Irish Independent, February 18th.
O’Connor, A. and Costelloe, L. (2015) ‘Developing self-regulated learners?: examining theories that underpin transitional ‘learning to learn’ modules in Irish 3rd level institutions’, Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Maynooth University, April 9th – 11th 2015.
Costelloe, L. (2014) 'Discourses of sameness: expressions of nationalism in newspaper discourse on French urban violence in 2005', Discourse & Society, 25(3), 315-340.
Costelloe, L. (2014) ‘Documenting the experiences of student leaders in a Peer-Assisted Learning scheme’, Confederation of Student Services in Ireland (CSSI) Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, June 19th 2014.
Costelloe, L. (2013) 'A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of representations of young people (les jeunes) in newspaper discourse on French urban violence in 2005', Newcastle Critical Discourse Group, November 2013.
Costelloe, L. (2013) ‘Combining Critical Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to examine representations of young people in newspaper discourse on French urban violence in 2005’, Communities at the Periphery Conference, Institut Français, London, April 13th-14th 2013.
Costelloe, L. (2012), ‘Discourses of sameness and difference: national identity in newspaper representations of French urban violence’, CALS (Centre for Applied Language Studies) Postgraduate Seminar, University of Limerick, December 7th 2012.
Costelloe, L. (2012), ‘Finding the agent: questions of blame in newspaper representations of French urban violence in 2005’, Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies Conference (CADS), University of Bologna, Italy, September 13th-14th 2012.
Costelloe, L. (2012) ‘Newspaper discourse on French urban violence: a critical discourse analysis’ CADAAD (Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines) Conference, Universidad de Minho, Braga, Portugal July 4th – 6th 2012.
Costelloe, L. (2011) ‘Towards a theory and framework of contextualisation: media discourse on French urban violence’, 4th International ‘Language in the Media’ Conference, University of Limerick, June 4th – 6th 2011.
Costelloe, L. (2010) ‘CDA as an approach to understanding society: a discussion of related literature’, Irish Social Sciences Platform Annual Conference, University of Limerick, December 3rd 2010.
Costelloe, L. (2010) ‘Analysing media discourse on French urban violence using Critical Discourse Analysis: tackling the issue of context’, Irish Association of Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Symposium, University of Limerick, October 2010.
Costelloe, L. (2010) ‘Overview of doctoral research’, Centre for Applied Language Studies Research Day, University of Limerick, May 2010.
Costelloe, L. (2010) ‘Media discourse on French urban violence: tackling the issue of context’, SS18 (Sociolinguistics Symposium), University of Southampton, September 2010.