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Mr Éamonn Gaines

Mr Éamonn Gaines

BA (UCD), MA (Maynooth)
PhD Student & Departmental Assistant

Research interests

Philosophical Theories of Personhood

Medieval Philosophy, especially the Early Middle Ages in the Latin West.

Metaphysics, particularly the development of Latin Aristotelianism

Philosophy of Religion

More information

My PhD project is an analysis, both philosophical and historical, of the concept of person in the Early to High Latin Middle Ages, taking in Boethius, Gilbert of Poitiers, Richard of St Victor and Thomas Aquinas. The long shadow cast by the this tradition will be for a subsequent investigation. 

I have taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in philosophy at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth; Queen's University Belfast; Maryvale Institute, Birmingham; Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Dundalk; St Malachy's Seminary, Belfast.

In addition to conducting tutorials in Basic Questions in Philosophy and Philosophy of Love & Desire here at Mary Immaculate College, I teach the introductory module on Aquinas's Life, Thought and Intellectual Context for the MA in Aquinas Studies at the Priory Institute, Dublin (validated by the Technological University, Dublin).

I previously served as board member & Hon. Secretary of the Irish Philosophical Society.