Dr Cian O'Brien

Research interests
My research is focused on alternating sign matrices and their relationships to combinatorial matrix theory, graph theory, linear algebra, and group theory.
- C. O'Brien, R. Quinlan. Groups of singular alternating sign matrices. arXiv: 2405.13611, 2024.
- C. O'Brien. Weighted projections of alternating sign matrices: Latin-like squares and the ASM polytope. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31: 1.10, 2024.
- C. O'Brien, R. Quinlan. Alternating sign matrices of finite multiplicative order. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 651: 332-358, 2022.
- C. O'Brien. Alternating sign hypermatrix decompositions of Latin-like squares. Advances in Applied Mathematics 121: 102097, 2020.
- C. O'Brien, K. Jennings, R. Quinlan. Alternating signed bipartite graphs and difference-1 colourings. Linear Algebra and its Applications 604, pp. 370-398, 2020.
More information
Modules Autumn Semester 24/25:
- MH4713: Linear Algebra (B.A. year 2)
- MH4741: Business Mathematics (B.A. year 2)
Modules Spring Semester 24/25:
- MH4738: Computational Mathematics (B.A. year 4)
- MH4774: Statistics (B.A. year 2)
Modules Previously Lectured:
- MH4753: Numbers (B.Ed. year 2, autumn semester)
- MH4736: Statistics (B.Ed. year 3, spring semester)