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Dr. Claire Griffin

Dr. Claire Griffin

B Ed in Ed & Psych (UL), Grad Dip SEN (UL), MA in Educational Psychology (UCD) & PhD (UCL)
Lecturer in Educational and Developmental Psychology; Programme leader of B.Ed in Education and Psychology programme

Research interests

  • The role of paraprofessionals/SNAs in inclusive education
  • Psychological and educational assessment
  • Student voice
  • Supporting inclusive practices
  • Individual pupil planning and intervention
  • Positive behaviour support
  • Emotional regulation
  • Child-centred teaching/learning approaches

More information

Brief Biography

Dr. Claire Griffin is a Chartered Educational Psychologist and lecturer in Educational and Developmental Psychology at Mary Immaculate College (MIC), Limerick. She is also programme leader of the ‘B.Ed in Education and Psychology’ programme and professional placement supervisor of trainee Educational Psychologists on the ‘Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology’ programme. Claire originally worked within primary and special education settings, as well as in residential care centres for persons with intellectual disabilities. Thereafter, Claire engaged in postgraduate training in both special education and Educational Psychology, qualifying as an Educational Psychologist in 2012. Over subsequent years, Claire undertook part-time PhD studies through University College London while working full-time in MIC. Claire successfully graduated with her PhD in 2018 under the supervision of Professor Peter Blatchford. Since graduating, Claire continues to engage in academic and professional development. Most recently (2021), Claire was awarded the ‘Digital Badge for Universal Design in Teaching and Learning’ and the ‘Facilitator Badge for Universal Design in Teaching and Learning’ from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Claire has also undertaken a range of other professional development opportunities over recent years. Examples include: 

  • ‘Advanced Professional Training in the Therapeutic use of Mindfulness’ through the Irish Mindfulness Institute, Dublin. 
  • Video Interaction Guidance: initial training course facilitated by Cathy Byron, trainer and supervisor with AVIGuk and Fiona Gould, accredited VIG practitioner and trainee supervisor.
  • Assessment for Intervention (AfI): A contemporary practice framework for Educational Psychologists facilitated by Noëlle Pameijer

Since 2012, Claire has worked across a range of programmes at MIC. This includes the design, coordination and delivery of a range of initial teacher education modules in Educational and Developmental Psychology, inclusive and special education on the BEd programme, Professional Master's of Education programme and BEd in Education & Psychology programme. Claire has also worked as both Acting Programme Leader and Placement co-ordinator on the Master of Arts in Educational Psychology programme and Placement co-ordinator on the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology programme. 

In addition to teaching, Claire is committed to engaging in high-quality research. Claire has worked on a number of national research projects and has disseminated research findings through national and international conference presentations and peer-reviewed publications. Claire has also worked on a consultative basis with a range of national bodies including the ‘National Council for Special Education’, the ‘Joint Managerial Body Secretariat of Secondary Schools’ and the ‘National Educational Psychological Service’. Currently, Claire is an invited member on the Steering Group of the SNA Workforce Development Plan. Further research information below. 

Over the course of Claire’s studies, research and applied work, Claire has been recipient of a range of awards and grants. Samples include:

  • Sabbatical Leave Award 2021/2022, Faculty of Education, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
  • Teaching Hero Award 2021, The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and the Union of Students in Ireland
  • Government of Ireland International Academic Mobility Programme grant (2017-2018): Funding to travel to Australia Catholic University, Sydney and University of Auckland, New Zealand as a guest lecturer
  • Certificate of Best Presentation Award 2016, Paper presentation at ICBEP 2016: 18th International Conference on Behavioral and Educational Psychology, Barcelona, Spain. 
  • Shannon Consortium Teaching Excellence Award 2014 (shortlisted)

Since 2013, Claire has supervised a range of undergraduate and postgraduate students who have been awarded nationally and internationally for the quality of their research and/or academic writing. Sample student awards include:

  • PSI Student Congress Award (2020, 2019, 2018), overall winner and highly commended 
  • The IATSE Student Award (2019) 
  • The Global Undergraduate Awards competition (2017, 2015, 2014 & 2013, highly commended). 

In more recent years, Claire has liaised with a range of schools and parents to support positive child/student development, particularly for children with special and additional needs. Claire has engaged in various face-to-face and virtual training events and professional development workshops with teachers, principals, Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) and parents, aiming to support evidence-based practices to support children’s holistic development. Claire is passionate about her work as a lecturer and Educational Psychologist. 

Research Interests

Dr. Griffin’s PhD research focused on pupils presenting with behavioural care needs in mainstream primary schools in Ireland. In particular, the research explored the preparedness and deployment of Special Needs Assistants (SNA) when supporting pupils’ behavioural care needs and development of independence. Throughout the research, due regard was given to the voice of the child and the larger school system. The study employed a mixed-methods approach to data collection, comprising a large scale SNA survey (n = 814), alongside minute-by-minute systematic classroom observations and in-depth case studies across 20 mainstream class contexts. 

In addition to this PhD research, Claire has a range of other research interests. These include: 

  • Assessment practices in education
  • Student voice 
  • Supporting inclusive practices 
  • Individual pupil planning and intervention
  • Positive behaviour support
  • Emotional regulation 
  • Child-centred teaching/learning approaches

Claire engages in a large amount of undergraduate and post-graduate research supervision. This includes with students on the Bachelor of Education in Education and Psychology Programme, various Master's programmes and the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology Programme. As programme leader of the BEd in Education & Psychology programme, Claire hosts an annual symposium at the Psychological Society of Ireland Conference with programme graduates. 


Refereed Publications

Griffin, C. & Mannion, L. (2024, under review). 'Looking towards the future: The potential of Precision Teaching in the work of the Irish Educational Psychologist'. Tizard Learning Disability Review.

Griffin, C. (2024). Planning for me? Planning with me. Placing Lundy's Model of Child Participation at the heart of individual education plans. In: 14th International Conference the Future of Education – Conference Proceedings. Bologna, Italy,

Griffin, C.P. (2024). The 'backwash' effect: Prioritising assessment to support student engagement and 'deep' levels of learning. In: 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24). Valencia, 18-21 June 2024.…

Griffin, C. P. (2024). Fostering independence for life: A critical reflection on the role of paraprofessionals in supporting independence development in children with special or additional needs. In: EDULEARN24, the 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. 

MacCartaigh, S., Perry. J. & Griffin, C. (2022). Do objective data support the claim that problematic smartphone use has a clinically meaningful impact upon adolescent sleep duration? Behaviour & Information Technology. DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2022.2136533

Griffin, C. P & Blatchford, P. (2021). Give them wings to fly: critiquing the Special Needs Assistant scheme through the lens of pupil independence. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 36(2), 198-214.

Griffin, C. P. (2021). Back to basics? A critical reflection on the use of frequency-building and Precision Teaching to support pupil intervention in foundational curricular learning. Irish Educational Studies, 40(3), 469-491.

Griffin, C. P. (2020). The voice of the child with disabilities and/or special educational needs and the individual education planning process: A dual focus on pupil rights and empowerment. Children's Research Digest: Children should be seen AND heard, 6(2), 60-62.

Griffin, C. (2020). Student engagement and assessment: promoting student learning across all levels of Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Proceedings of the second PHELC symposium, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2nd June 2020.  Available at:…   

Howe, C. & Griffin, C. (2020). Is Ireland at a crossroads of inclusive education? REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 33(1), 44–56.

MacCárthaigh, S. Griffin, C. & Perry, J. (2020). The relationship between sleep and problematic smartphone use among adolescents: A systematic review. Developmental Review, 55, 1-17. 

Mannion, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2020). A digital Precision Teaching intervention in the primary classroom: effects on Irish reading fluency. Children's Research Digest: Growing up in the Digital Environment, 6(1), 12-15.

Keane, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). Assessing self-assessment: Can age and prior literacy attainment predict the accuracy of children’s self-assessments in literacy? Irish Educational Studies, 37(1), 127-147.

Mannion, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). Precision Teaching: Supporting formative assessment for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland, 31(2), 142–154.

Mannion, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). Precision teaching through Irish: Effects on isolated sight word reading fluency and contextualised reading fluency. Irish Education Studies, 37(3), 391-410.

Griffin, C. P. (2018). A day in the life…of an Educational Psychologist. Assessment and Development Matters, 10(1), 36.

Griffin, C. P. & Howard, S. (2017). Restructuring the college classroom: A critical reflection on the use of collaborative strategies to target student engagement in higher education. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 0(0), 1–18. 

Keane, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2016). Testing the limits of self-assessment: A critical examination of the developmental trajectories of self-assessment processes. Irish Teachers’ Journal, 3(1), 37-51. 

Griffin, C. P. & Murtagh, L. (2015). Increasing the sight vocabulary and reading fluency of children requiring reading support: the use of a Precision Teaching approach. Educational Psychology in Practice: theory, research and practice in educational psychology, 31(2), 186-209. 


Book chapters

Griffin, C. & Blatchford, P. (2023). ‘Give them wings to fly: Critiquing the Special Needs Assistant scheme through the lens of pupil independence'. In R. Webster & A. DeBoer (Eds.), Teaching Assistants, Inclusion and Special Educational Needs: International Perspectives on the Role of Paraprofessionals in Schools. Oxon: Routledge. 

Griffin, C. (2021). ‘Do I get a say in this? Considering the voice of the child in the context of the Special Needs Assistant scheme’. In A. Leavy & M. Nohilly (Eds.), Perspectives on Childhood. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publisher. pp. 2 - 23.

Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘Supporting children with autism spectrum difference: The role of the Special Needs Assistant’, In E. Ring, P. Daly & E. Wall (Eds.), Autism Spectrum Difference from the Inside Out: A Handbook for Parents, Early Childhood, Primary, Post-Primary and Special School Settings. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 97-119.

Griffin, C. P. (2015). 'The Pursuit of independence? Reconsidering the role of the Special Needs Assistant in inclusive education', In A. O'Donnell (Ed.), The Inclusion Delusion? Reflections on Democracy, Ethos and Education, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 61-76.


Research Reports

Daly, P., Ring, E., Egan, M., Fitzgerald, J., Griffin, C. P., Long, S. et al. (2016) ‘An Evaluation of Education Provision for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland: NCSE Research Report No. 21. Trim: Co. Meath: NCSE. Access at:…  

Contribution to published report

National Council for Special Education (2018). Comprehensive Review of the Special Needs Assistant Scheme: NCSE Policy Advice Paper No. 6. Trim: Co. Meath: NCSE. 

Miscellaneous Publications

Howe, C. & Griffin, C. (2023). 'An Application of the Stress, Self-Regulation and Communication Framework for Supporting the Self-Regulation Development of Autistic Children in Irish Primary Schools'. Inclusive Education SIG Newsletter, Vol. 2, 4-7. 

Griffin, C. (2022). Can you hear my voice? Using Lundy's Model of Participation to elicit student voice in Student Support Plans. Irish Learning Support Association Newsletter Autumn 2022. Available online:…  pp. 7 – 10.

Howe, C. & Griffin, C. (2020). Alienating assessment: The effects of a label of special educational needs and vicarious contact on writing assessment. Cumhacht-Brite Research Digest, 1, 17. 

Griffin, C. & Mulcahy, P. (2019). Psychology at Mary Immaculate College: The importance of reflecting on achievement. The Irish Psychologist, 45(3), 74-76. 

Griffin, C. P. (2019). Making the little moments count: A focus on Video Interaction Guidance (VIG). The Irish Psychologist, 45(3), 77-78.

O’Rourke, S. & Griffin, C.P. (2017). Successful aging in the older person with intellectual disability. The Irish Psychologist, 44(1), 16-22.

Griffin, C. P. & O'Sullivan, S. (2017). Educational psychology at Mary Immaculate College - Reflections from the 46th annual PSI conference. The Irish Psychologist, 43(7), 170 - 172.

Loftus, S. & Griffin, C. P (2017). Can apps support the learning of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? A review of the research. Invited public engagement paper at Autism Awareness Week, University of Bristol.

Griffin, C. P. & Ryan, M. C. (2016). Active student responding: Supporting student learning and engagement. In Touch,161(May), 46-47. Accessed online at:… 

Griffin, C. P. (2015). Learning and assessment in education: Implications for practice: Reflections from the PSI conference symposium. The Irish Psychologist. December 2015/January 2016, 42(02/03), 44-45.

Griffin, C. P. & Ryan, M. (May, 2015). Bridging the gap between college and community: Psychological theory and research in practice. The Irish Psychologist, 41(7), 174-175.

Pennycook, C. & Griffin, C. P. (April, 2015). Critically discuss the role of society in impacting on the subjective experience of ageing. The Irish Psychologist, 41(6), 136-140.

Griffin, C.P. (April, 2015). Bringing research to Life: TILDA meets Mary Immaculate College. The Irish Psychologist, 41(6), 149-150.

Griffin, C. P. (2013). Linking activities - Strategies for quality development in general education: A reflection on the Léargas study visit in Stuttgart, Germany entitled, 'Linking Activities - Strategies for quality development in general education'. Accessed online at:…  

Griffin, C. P. (2008). Facilitating children's intrinsic motivation for academic activities - An investigation into teachers' views regarding motivational strategy effectiveness and classroom practices (Abstract). The Irish Psychologist. Dublin: Psychology Society of Ireland.  


Conference Presentations

 International Conferences 

Griffin, C. (2024). Planning for me? Planning with me. Placing Lundy's Model of Child Participation at the heart of individual education plans. In: 14th International Conference the Future of Education. Bologna, Italy and online. 19th June 2024.

Griffin, C.P. (2024). The 'backwash' effect: Prioritising assessment to support student engagement and 'deep' levels of learning. 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’24). Valencia, Spain, 18th June 2024. 

Griffin, C. P. (2024). Fostering independence for life: A critical reflection on the role of paraprofessionals in supporting independence development in children with special or additional needs. EDULEARN24, the 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and online. 1st – 3rd July 2024. 

Howe, C. & Griffin, C (2023). 'An Exploration of an Individualised Self-Regulation Programme using the Stress, Self-Regulation and Communication Framework (SSC) for Autistic Children'. Emerging Researchers’ Conference (ERC) at the European Conference on Educational Research 2023. Glasgow, Scotland: 21-22 August 2023.

Griffin, C. (2023). 'Paraprofessional support – a help or a hindrance? Critiquing the current status and future directions of paraprofessional support for pupils with additional needs'. 13th edition of the 'The Future of Education' international conference. Florence, Italy and online: 29th June 2023.

Howe, C. & Griffin, C. (2023). 'An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Teaching an Individualized Self-Regulation Programme using the Stress, Self-Regulation and Communication Framework (SSC) for Children on the Autism Spectrum'. 13th edition of the 'The Future of Education' international conference. Florence, Italy and online: 29th June 2023.

Griffin, C. (2023). 'Unlocking the door to fluent performance: A critical reflection on the position of frequency-building and Precision Teaching in Irish mainstream schools to support pupil intervention in foundational curricular learning'. 1st International Standard Celeration Society Conference. Galway: 8th June 2023.

Griffin, C. (2022).  'Making the implicit more explicit: Bridging the gap between Psychology of Education theory and practice in Initial Teacher Education'.  Association for Teacher Education in Europe Spring Conference: Teacher Education and Practice: Foresight and Hindsight. Dublin:  25th - 27th May 2022.

Griffin, C. (2022). 'Inclusive Education in Ireland 2022: Critical reflection to inform international practice'. Canada International Conference on Education, Mississauga, Canada and online. 21st – 23rd June 2022.

Griffin, C. (2022). 'Can you hear my voice? Considering the voice of the child in the context of paraprofessional support (with specific focus on the Irish context)'. Canada International Conference on Education, 21st – 23rd June 2022. Mississauga, Canada and online.

Griffin, C. P. (2020). ‘Flipping the psychology classroom: innovative teaching methodologies to enhance student engagement’. 5th International Conference on Teacher Education (INCTE 2020). Bragança - Portugal (abstract publication due to Covid-19).

Griffin, C. P. (2020). ‘Student engagement and assessment: promoting student learning across all levels of Bloom’s revised taxonomy’. Pedagogy for Higher Education Large Classes (PHELC) workshop: Assessment for large classes. Workshop co-located with HEAd’20 Conference, Valencia, Spain. 2nd June 2020. (online format due to Covid-19).

Griffin, C.P. (2017). ‘An evaluation of education provision for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Ireland: The role of the Special Needs Assistant’. 19th International Conference on Special Needs Education, Educational Reforms and Practices. Venice, Italy, 13th April 2017.

Griffin, C. P. (2016). ‘Looking forward, looking back: A critical reflection on the impact of the Special Needs Assistant scheme on inclusionary practices for children with significant care needs in the Irish education system’. ICBEP 2016: 18th International Conference on Behavioral and Educational Psychology, Barcelona, Spain, 15 February 2016.

Daly, P., Ring, E., Egan, M., Fitzgerald, J., Griffin, C. P, Long, S., McCarthy, E., Moloney, M., O’Brien, T., O’Byrne, A., Ryan, M. and O’Sullivan, S. (2015). ‘Educational provision for children with autism in Irish schools: A national evaluation’. Paper presented in the symposium entitled, ‘Educational Effectiveness and Improvement’ at the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2015, Belfast, 16 September, 2015.

Griffin, C. P. (2015). ‘Fostering independence through care? A critical reflection on the role of the Special Needs Assistant in Ireland's inclusive education system’. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting: Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis. Chicago, Illinois, 19th April 2015.

Griffin, C. P. (2014). ‘Precision Teaching in Ireland 2014: The decade in review’. 40th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Chicago, Illinois, 27 May, 2014.


National Conferences

Griffin, C. (2024, forthcoming). Convener of student symposium entitled, ' Topical research through a psychological lens: Research from graduates of the BEd in Education & Psychology Programme'. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 54th Annual Conference, Sheraton Athlone Hotel, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, 13th – 15th November 2024.

Griffin, C. (2024). 'Working collaboratively with the SNA: Evidence-informed strategies to enhance planning and practice'. ILSA Spring Conference, Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa Limerick, 1st March 2024

Griffin, C. (2023). 'The Student Support Plan: Best practices in individual student planning across the Continuum of Support'. ILSA Annual Conference, Mt. Wolseley Hotel, Carlow, 29 Sept. 2023

Griffin, C. (2023). Convener of student symposium entitled, ‘Education matters: Interrogating topical issues in education through a psychological lens'. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 53rd Annual Conference, Silver Springs Hotel, Cork, 10th Nov. 2023.

Griffin, C. P. (2021). Convener of student symposium entitled, ‘'Exploring the theory-practice gap by interrogating evidence-based practice’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 51st Annual Conference (online), 11th – 12th Nov. 2021.

Griffin, C. P. (2020). Convener of student symposium entitled, ‘From College to Classroom: Exploring educational matters through a psychological lens’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 50th Annual Conference (online), 20th Nov. 2020.

Martin, F. & Griffin, C. (2020). ‘Teacher, do we have to do this?’ A Classroom Intervention Exploring the Development of Motivation Regulation in Children and Adolescents. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 50th Annual Conference (online), 20th Nov. 2020.

Howe, C. & Griffin, C. (2020). Alienating Assessment? The Effects of a Label of Sen and Vicarious Contact on Writing Assessment. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 50th Annual Conference (online), 20th Nov. 2020.

Griffin, C. (2020). Can you hear my voice? Empowering the pupil with special educational needs in the individual education planning process: A focus on the ‘Empowerment Process Model’. Paper presentation at the Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2020 ‘Opening up Education: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities. Institute of Education, Dublin City University, 3rd September 2020. 

Griffin, C. P. (2019). Empowering pupil voice in the individual education planning process: A focus on the ‘Empowerment Process Model’. Children's Research Network 2019 Annual Conference: Children Should be Seen AND Heard! Trinity College Dublin, 5th Dec. 2019. 

Griffin, C. P. (2019). Convener of student symposium entitled ‘Psychology in the Classroom: Exploring Topical Educational Issues through a Psychological Lens’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 49th Annual Conference, Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, 8 Nov. 2019.

Curtin, C. & Griffin, C. P. (2019). Psychologists’ perspectives on past, present and future practices in engaging in multi-agency collaboration to support children in care in Ireland: A socio-cultural activity theory analysis. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 49th Annual Conference, Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, 7th Nov. 2019.

Delaney, B., Griffin, C. P & Dooley, M. (2019). The impact of trauma-sensitive schools’ training on school staff members’ ability to respond to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Psychological Society of Ireland’s 49th Annual Conference, Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, 7th Nov. 2019.

Sweeney, K. & Griffin, C.P. (2019). Building bridges: The effects of mutual intelligibility and multilingualism on cross-linguistic comprehension. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 49th Annual Conference, Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, 8th Nov. 2019.

Sweeney, C. & Griffin, C.P. (2019). But how did the others do? An investigation of the effect of relative feedback and self-efficacy on undergraduate students’ performance and motivation. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 49th Annual Conference, Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny, 8th Nov. 2019.

Griffin, C. & O’Sullivan, S. (2019). Using Video to Enhance Practice. Innovations in Assessment and Feedback: peer showcase (Conversations in the Consortium). Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 17th September 2019. 

Griffin, C. (2019). ‘Give them wings to fly’: Considering pupil independence in the context of the continuum of support and SNA scheme. Irish Learning Support Annual Conference, Mount Wolseley Hotel, Tullow, Carlow, 27th Sept. 2019. 

Griffin, C. P. (2019). ‘From Special Needs Assistant to Inclusion Support Assistant - more than just a name change?’ Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference 2019 ‘Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge’. St. Angela’s College and Radisson Blu Hotel, Sligo, 12th April 2019.

Mannion, L. & Griffin, C.P. (2018). ‘A digital Precision Teaching intervention in the primary classroom: Effects on Irish reading fluency’. Children’s Research Network Annual Conference, Chartered Accountant's House, Dublin, 6th Dec. 2018.

Griffin, C.P. (2018). ‘From undergraduate to graduate: Exploring themes of transition through an educational lens’ (symposium chair and discussant). Psychological Society of Ireland’s 48th Annual Conference, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 9 Nov. 2018.

Tuohey, U. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘Teacher expectations as a function of teacher level’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 48th Annual Conference, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 9 Nov. 2018.

Ryan, K. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘Beauty in the body image of the beholder’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 48th Annual Conference, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 9 Nov. 2018.

Kiely, E. & Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘Analytic rubric versus holistic rubric in reducing teacher bias regarding attainment’. Psychological Society of Ireland’s 48th Annual Conference, Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford, 9 Nov. 2018.

Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘Preparedness and deployment of SNA in supporting children with behaviour care needs’. 30th annual conference of the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, 26 May 2018. 

Griffin, C. P. (2017). Convener and discussant at student symposium entitled, ‘Living with uncertainty: Applied research through an educational lens’. 47th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Radisson Blu, Limerick, 10th November 2017.  

Gleasure, S. & Griffin, C. P. (2017). ‘Perceptual bias in grading: Teachers’ mindsets to predict and grading rubrics to preclude?’ 47th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Radisson Blu, Limerick, 10th November 2017. 

Ní Chonaill, M. & Griffin, C. P. (2017). ‘Years of teaching experience as a key influence on teacher self-efficacy and classroom management orientations’. 47th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Radisson Blu, Limerick, 10th November 2017.

Griffin, C. P. (2016). ‘The Special Needs Assistant scheme – Ireland 2016: Critical reflection through a psychological lens’. National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) Annual Conference. Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 29th November 2016.

Griffin, C. P. (2016). Convener of student symposium. 46th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 12th November 2016.

Crowley, A. & Griffin, C. P (2016). ‘A Precision Teaching approach to teaching social sight vocabulary to young adults with moderate intellectual ability’. 46th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 12th November 2016.

Mannion, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2016). ‘Precision Teaching through Irish: effects on reading fluency and attitudes towards the language’. 46th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference. Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 12th November 2016.

Loftus, S. & Griffin, C. P (2016). ‘The use of apps as ‘tools’ to support the learning of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An exploratory study into the role of the Educational Psychologist in an Irish context’. 46th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 11th November 2016.

Griffin, C. P. (2016). ‘The Special Needs Assistant: Bridging the gap between policies, theory and practice’. Joint Managerial Board Education Conference 2016: Special Educational Needs – Understanding Policy, Updating Practice, Unlocking Potential. Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin, 15th September 2016. 

Griffin, C. P. (2015). Convener and discussant at student symposium entitled, ‘Learning and assessment in education: Implications for practice’. 45th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Radisson Blu, Galway, 14th November, 2015. 

Ahern, E. & Griffin, C. P. (2015). ‘Learning by teaching: Is it worth the effort?’ 45th Annual Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, 14th November, 2015, Radisson Blu, Galway. 

Griffin, C. P. (2015). ‘Fostering independence through care? A critical reflection on the role of the Special Needs Assistant in inclusive education’. Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education 27th Annual Conference. All Hallow’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, 13th June 2015.

Griffin, C. P., Parkinson, S. & Ryan, M. (2015). ‘Reflecting, Reconceptualising and Reviewing Pre-Service Teacher Engagement: Promoting assessment of and for learning through portfolio methodology’. Conversations in the Consortium. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 22nd April 2015.

Griffin, C. P. (2015). ‘Restructuring the college classroom: The use of jigsaw groups, online fora and collaborative processes to support student engagement and higher-order learning’. Conversations in the Consortium. University of Limerick, 24th February, 2015.

Keane, L. & Griffin, C. P. (2015). ‘Can developmental trajectories predict the accuracy of school children's academic self-assessments?’ Poster presentation at the Junior Researcher Programme (JRP) Conference. Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, London. 14 August, 2015.


Teaching – Sample module delivery since 2012 

Bachelor of Education: 

  • Supporting the Child as Learner 1 
  • Inclusive Education for children with Special Educational Needs 2 
  • Assessment For and Of Learning 

Bachelor of Education in Education and Psychology: 

  • Psychology of Learning and Development 
  • A Bio-Psychosocial Approach to Inclusive Education for Children with Special Education Needs 
  • Psychological and Educational Assessment 
  • Design and Ethical Evaluation of Psychological Research 
  • Coordinator and supervisor of undergraduate dissertations in Psychology 
  • Developmental Psychology II 
  • Advanced Issues in Educational Psychology

Master of Arts in Educational Psychology:

  • All placement-based modules 

Professional Master's of Education: 

  • Child Development and Pedagogy

Professional Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology 

  • School Placement 
  • Professional Placement 1: Child Disability 
  • Professional Placement 2: Disability-Lifespan
  • Professional Placement 3: School Psychology 1
  • Professional Placement 4: School Psychology 2 (Advanced)
  • Professional Placement 5: Child and Adolescent Psychology 

Additional guest lectures across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (2015 – present)


Academic Service (MIC)

  • Member of the Bachelor of Education in Education and Psychology course board (2018 – present)
  • Member of the Bachelor of Education course board (2018 – present)
  • Member of An Chomhairle Acadúil (2019 - present)
  • Member of the Certificate in Religious Education course board (2017 – present)
  • Member of the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology programme team (2014 – present)
  • Member of PRISEM (Policy Research Institute for Social and Education Matters) workshop series group (2018 – present)
  • Member of the Bachelor of Education in Education and Psychology ethics committee (2013 – present)
  • Member of the Psychology (Arts) ethics committee (2016 – 2017) 
  • Member, Faculty of Education Board (2014 - )
  • Member, MIC Examinations Board (2014 - )


International & National Academic Outreach and Community Engagement

International Engagement

  • Griffin, C. P. (July, 2018): Academic mobility to the University of Auckland, New Zealand, as funded by the Government of Ireland International Academic Mobility Programme. 

Guest lectures included:

  • Griffin, C. P. (2018). Assessment practices in the Irish education system. University of Auckland, New Zealand, 17 July 2018.
  • Griffin, C. P. (2018). Observations and Assessments: A focus on observational methodology. University of Auckland, New Zealand, 19 July 2018.


  • Griffin, C. P. (July, 2018): Academic mobility to the Australian Catholic University, Sydney, as funded by the Government of Ireland International Academic Mobility Programme. 

Guest lecture included:

Griffin, C. P. (2018). Inclusive Practice Developments in Ireland. Australian Catholic University Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Forum. Australian Catholic University, Strathfield campus, Sydney, NSW, 25 July 2018.  


Professional Service with National Bodies

Invited member  on the Steering Group for the national SNA Workforce Development Plan (Special Education, Department of Education: 2023 – 2025). 

This presents as a national Steering Group to advise, monitor and oversee the development and implementation of the SNA Workforce Development Plan. The Steering Group will report to the Minister of State for Special Ed. & Inclusion to influence policy development.

Oscailt Needs Analysis Research Advisory Group member (2023 – 2024)

As funded by the Limerick Regeneration Economic and Social Intervention Fund, this project focuses on the need for multidisciplinary support onsite in Oscailt DEIS Band 1 primary and post-primary schools in Limerick city.

National Council for Special Education – External Peer Reviewer (2018)

External peer reviewer of a number of research reports produced internally within the National Council for Special Education (NCSE). This involved high levels of collaboration with Mary Byrne (Head of Special Education) and Dr Liam Coen (Assistant Principal Officer, Research and Communications). These informed the publication: National Council for Special Education (2018). Comprehensive Review of the Special Needs Assistant Scheme: A New School Inclusion Model to Deliver the Right Supports at the Right Time to Students with Additional Care Needs: NCSE Policy Advice Paper No. 6. Trim, Co. Meath: National Council for Special Education.


Joint Managerial Body Secretariat of Secondary Schools – CPD for National SEN Advisory Group Meeting (June 2018)

Griffin, C. P. (2018). ‘The Special Needs Assistant/Inclusion Support Assistant: Existing model and future possibilities’. Joint Managerial Body Secretariat of Secondary Schools – CPD for National SEN Advisory Group Meeting. Milltown, Dublin. 12th June 2018.


National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) – Provision of CPD (2016)

Griffin, C. P. (2016). ‘The Special Needs Assistant scheme – Ireland 2016: Critical reflection through a psychological lens’. Keynote presentation at the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) Annual Conference. Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 29th November 2016.


National Council for Special Education – Invited guest lecturer input to the NCSE Council (2016)

Griffin, C.P. (2016). The Special Needs Assistant scheme – Ireland 2016: Time to critically reflect? Paper presented at the National Council for Special Education Council Meeting, Trim Castle, Meath, 19th October 2016. 


National Council for Special Education – Research team member (2013 - 2015)

Research team member on the National Council for Special Education-funded research project entitled: ‘An Evaluation of Education Provision for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Republic of Ireland’ (2013-2016).  


Professional Service to Psychology and Education

  • External peer reviewer for international journals (2023, 2024)

    Articles for Education Inquiry (2023, 2024)

    Article for Tizard Learning Disability Review (2024)


  • Leader of the PSI re-accreditation process of the BEd Psychology programme (2021/22)
  • Leader of the redesign of the BEd Psychology programme in light of Céim (2020 – 2023) 


  • Invited Guest Speaker at Autism Book Launch (2022)

Berrings National School, Co. Cork (14th June 2022). Book reference: Droney, C. & Verbeist, A. (2021). The Everyday Autism Handbook for Schools: 60+ Essential Guides for Staff. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Review panel member for Excellence in Teaching and Pedagogic Support Awards 2020: Faculty of Education and Health Sciences. University of Limerick, 31st January 2020.

  • ‘Video Interaction Guidance: 2 Day Initial Training Event’ – 6th and 7th June 2019: Organiser of CPD event for Educational Psychologists.  Approved 8 Learning Credits for members of the Psychological Society of Ireland. Video Interaction Guidance is a cutting-edge intervention through which a practitioner uses video clips to guide clients to reflect on their own successful interactions thereby enhancing communication within their relationships. This strategy is used widely by psychologists and practitioners in the United Kingdom and is central to the training of Educational Psychologists. Facilitators: Cathy Byron (AVIGuk National Trainer and Supervisor); Fiona Gould (Accredited Practitioner and Trainee Supervisor)
  • Student Research Symposium – National Conference: November 2014 - 2021: From 2014 – 2021 inclusive, I have convened an undergraduate research symposium at the Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, comprising four high-achieving graduates of the B.Ed in Education and Psychology programme.  My role is to convene the symposium and act as symposium chair and discussant at the conference. 
  • Convener of student poster exhibition entitled ‘School-based interventions through a psychological lens’. Limerick’s Lifelong Learning Festival, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 8 – 12 April, 2019.
  • Module design team on the Child Development module of the award-winning ‘Leadership for Inclusion’ (LINC) programme
  • Organisation of poster presentations from 2nd and 4th year undergraduate Psychology students from Mary Immaculate College, Limerick at the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education’ Annual Conference. All Hallows College, Dublin, 13th June 2015.
  • Griffin, C. P., Ryan, M. C. & Parkinson, S. P. (2015). Organisation of student poster exhibition at PsychFest 2015. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2nd April 2015. 


Membership of Professional organisations or networks

  • Chartered member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (2017 – present)
  • Member of the Children’s Research Network (2019 – present)
  • Member of Educational Studies Association of Ireland (2018 – present)


Postgraduate Research Supervision

Doctoral Research Supervision

Supervisor: Hannon, A. (2024 – date). 'An exploration of Special Needs Assistants’ role, experiences and perceptions of supporting the care needs and independence of children in nurture groups in mainstream primary schools'. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, MIC, Limerick.

CO-supervisor: Lannin, G. (2022 – date). 'An Evaluation of the ‘Smart Moves’ School Transition Pilot Program in Ireland'. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, MIC, Limerick.

Co-supervisor: MacCartaigh, S. (2021). ‘Sleep, smartphone addiction and mental toughness: an exploration of the effectiveness of a school-based sleep promotion intervention with a cohort of post-primary students in Ireland’. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 

Supervisor: Curtin, C. (2020). ‘Multi-agency work to support children in care in Ireland: an activity theory analysis of psychologists’ and social workers’ perceptions’. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 

Co-supervisor: Delaney, B. (2020). ‘Trauma-informed approaches in schools: The efficacy of the ‘trauma-sensitive schools training package’. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 


Doctoral Examination: External Examiner

Parekh, N. (2022). 'Enhancing the Educational Psychologist’s toolkit: How can Educational Psychologists promote the voices and engagement of children, in the processes of ADHD assessment and intervention?' Doctorate in Educational Psychology, University College of London, Institute of Education.

Griffith, R. (2022). 'Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): The Parent Perspective and The Role of Educational Psychologists'. Doctorate in Educational Psychology – EdPsyD, University of East Anglia.

Winch, A. (July, 2020). ‘Our voices matter: Approaches to student voice explored through case studies of rights respecting secondary schools’. Doctorate of Educational Psychology in Educational Child and Community Psychology, University of Exeter. 

Kearney, M. (Sept, 2019). ‘Tracking the team around the child with an autism spectrum disorder at the point of transition from primary to secondary school: A case study approach’. Doctorate in Educational Psychology, University College Dublin. 


Doctoral Examination: Internal

Brennan, F. (June 2024). 'An exploration of how students with Down syndrome experience basic psychological need satisfaction in Irish mainstream class settings'. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 

O'Neill, K. (June 2023). 'What is strong over what is wrong: An exploration of Irish Educational Psychologists’ perceptions and use of Strengths Based Practice'. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Doctoral Examination: Chair 

Hilliard, E. (June, 2020). ‘The role of physically active play in the socio-emotional wellbeing of children in Ireland’. Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. 

Master's Research Supervision

Howe, C. (2024). 'An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Teaching an Individualised Self-Regulation Programme using the Stress, Self-Regulation and Communication Framework (SSC) for Autistic Children'. M.A in Education (taught).

Kelly, N. (2019). ‘In-class support or withdrawal: An exploration of co-teaching as an in-class support methodology from the perspective of the child’. M.A in Education (taught). 

Crowley, A. (2016). ‘A Precision Teaching Approach to Teaching Social Sight Vocabulary to Young Adults with Moderate Intellectual Disability’. Master of Arts in Educational Psychology.

Loftus, S. (2016). ‘The integration of apps into educational interventions for children with Autism spectrum disorder: To what extent can Educational Psychologists’ practice be considered evidence-based?’ Master of Arts in Educational Psychology.

Hickey (2015). ‘The educational experiences of individuals with physical disabilities’. M.A in Education (by research and thesis).