Dr Mary T. Brien

Research interests
Paul’s letter to the Romans; the Pauline Corpus; the Psalms of Israel; Intertextuality; Hermeneutics; New developments in NT Studies; Liturgy and Church Music.
More information
Active Membership of Professional Associations
- Catholic Biblical Association of America
- Society of Biblical Literature
- Irish Biblical Association
- European Society for Catholic Theology
- Irish Church Music Association
Selected Publications
In Series What the Bible Says… City Press, NY. Series Editor: Ronald D. Witherup PSS: What the Bible says about Justice and Mercy, 2019.(forthcoming).
Eds. Mary T. Brien, Bernadette Flanagan and Anne M. O’Leary. Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism (Dublin: Veritas,2017).
Eds. Mary T. Brien, Anne M. O’Leary, Women of Light. Sharing Nano Nagle’s Gospel Vision. Dakota Papers. Union of Presentation Sisters. Limerick, 2011.
Eds. Mary T. Brien, Anne M. O’Leary, Contemplating the Mystery. Living the Vision. Los Gatos Papers. Union of Presentation Sisters, San Antonio TX, 2009.
Articles and Chapters in Books (a selection)
"Exegesis and Incarnation. Towards Recovering a Biblical Perspective on Consecrated Life" in The Furrow (St Patrick's College: Maynooth), April 2020.
Scripture in Church. Sundays and Festivals. Dominican Publications, Dublin. Homily Resources for !st and 2nd Sundays in Lent. No 197. (March 2020).
ESCT Papers (2020). "Beyond Comparison: Hope, Glory and New Creation. A Study of Paul's Eschatology in Rom 8:18-25". European Society for Catholic Theology Publications (March 2020).
“Baptised into Christ Jesus, baptised into his death…Alive for God” (Rom 6) in Eds. Luke Macnamara OSB and Martin Browne OSB. The Glenstal Guide to the Easter Vigil (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2019).
Scripture in Church. Sundays and Festivals. 28th Sunday (December 2018); New Year’s Day; Feast of the Epiphany; Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (2019) in Scripture in Church (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2018-2019), Numbers 191, 193.
“Lectio Divina”. Intercom, June 2019.
Scripture in Church (Dominican Publications). Reflections for 22nd and 23rd Sundays. September 2018.
“A Woman for All Seasons”. The Irish Catholic (April 2018).
“Consider the Mustard Seed”. Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism (Dublin: Veritas, 2017).
“The Song Must Not Stop with Us”. Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism (Dublin: Veritas, 2017).
“‘For the Greater Glory of God’: A Reflection on the Jesuit Influence on Nano Nagle”. Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism (Dublin: Veritas, 2017).
“Zeal in the Writings of St Paul and of Nano Nagle”. Nano Nagle and an Evolving Charism (Dublin: Veritas, 2017).
“The Obedience of Faith in Paul’s Letter to the Romans”. SBL International. Vienna. July 2014.
“The Kilnaruane Pillar Stone”. Treasures of Irish Christianity, Volume 2. Eds. Salvador Ryan and Brendan Leahy (Dublin: Veritas, 2013).
“Eucharist is Mission”. Women of Light (Aberdeen SD: Presentation Sisters, 2011).
“Doing the Truth in Love” (Ibid.).
“Lantern Beams on Tomorrow” (Ibid.).
“Vowed Religious Life in the Twenty-First Century” (Ibid.).
“The Psalter at Work in Paul’s Letter to the Romans”. Udo Schnelle (ed.), Romans (Leuven: Peeters, 2010).
“Making a Fresh Start with Saint Paul”. LUCEAT. Annual Publication St Patrick’s College, Thurles. Summer 2009.
“The Scapegoat”. Intercom Magazine (April 2007).
“The Language of Lament”.LUCEAT. Summer 2007.
“The Contribution of Women in Anglo-Irish Spirituality”. Joseph Putti (ed.) Papers of the 2005 Summer School, St Patrick’s College, Thurles (2006).
“Celebrating the Word”. Intercom Magazine (November 2006).
“Illuminating the Word. The St John’s Bible”. Intercom Magazine (June 2005).
“The Psalms of Israel” (Reality Magazine, Redemptorist Publications, April 2004).
“Latecomers to the Light. A Study of the Roles of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea in John’sGospel.” New Theology Review. November 2003/ February 2004.
“The Rendezvous”. Review for Religious. February 2003.
Book Reviews
CBQ (Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Summer 2020). G. Roger Greene. The Ministry of Paul the Apostle. History and Redaction (Lanham/Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2019.
CBQ (2019). Bradford A. Anderson and Jonathan Kearney (eds.), Ireland and the Reception of the Bible:Social and Cultural Perspectives (Scriptural Traces: Critical Perspectives on the Reception and Influence of the Bible 13; London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2018). Pp. xvii +395. $128.
PIBA (Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association) 2018. Margaret Daly-Denton. John: An Earth Bible Commentary. Supposing Him to be the Gardener {London/New York: Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark {2017}. Hard cover. Pp. 247. Series Editor: Norman C. Habel.
CBQ (2018). Jerry L. Sumney. Steward of God’s Mysteries: Paul and Early Church Tradition (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2017) Pp. xiv +209. Paper.
PIBA (2017). Douglas A. Campbell. Framing Paul. An Epistolary Biography (Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge UK: Eerdmans, 2014). Paper. Pp. Xxii +468.
CBQ (2017). Patrick Gray, Paul as a Problem in History and Culture. The Apostle and His Critics through the Centuries (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016), Pp x +262.
The Furrow (February 2011). Susan Sink, The Art of the Saint John’s Bible. A Reader’s Guide to Wisdom Books and Prophets. Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, 2010.
The Furrow (December 2010). Vicente Balaguer, Understanding the Gospels. Pamplona. Trans. Bernard Browne, 2009.
CBQ (2010). Richard I. Pervo. The Making of Paul. Constructions of the Apostle in Early Christianity (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2010). Paperback. Pp.376.
The Furrow(June 2004). Sandra M. Schneiders. Buying the Field. Catholic Religious Life in Mission to the World (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 2003)
PIBA (2005). Sean Freyne, Jesus, a Jewish Galilean (Dublin: Columba Press, 2004).
PIBA (2003). Seyoon Kim: The Origins of Paul’s Gospel (Grand Rapids MI:Eerdmans, 2003).
Poems published in the following collections and elsewhere:
Poetry Today;Watching the River Flow; Poetry Ireland; As the Poet Said;Poets of Beara;
Academic Papers/Public Lectures (a selection)
“All Creation Groaning…” (Rom 8)” ESCT, Bratislava, August 2019.
Series of Twelve Lectures on "Becoming the Gospel: Becoming Presentation", Aberdeen SD, July 2019.
Public Lecture: :The Origins of the New Testament", Kerry Diocesan Programme, February, 2020.
“The Flanders Factor”. NUIG Galway, HWRBI Annual Conference, June 2018
“God in Romans”. CBA Annual Conference. Pauline Task Force. August 2017. Forthcoming publication in CBQMS.
“’Captive to the Word’. The Bible and Paul in the Reformation”. Public Lecture. Dominican Centre, Limerick. 5 December 2017.
“Maria Knotenlöserin”. ESCT, Leuven 2016.
“Pistis Christou, The faith of Jesus Christ”. SBL International, Vienna, July 2014.
“Preludes and Paradigms”. A Reflection on Biblical Call-Stories. Presentation Sisters’ Province Gathering. November 2014.
“God in Second Corinthians” Pauline Seminar, CBA Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, August 2013.
“Who is God for Paul in 1 Cor?” Pauline Seminar, CBA Notre Dame, Indiana, August 2012.
“The Jealousy Motif in Romans 9-11”, Paper delivered at SBL International, London, 2011.
“The Psalter in Paul’s Letter to the Romans”, Paper delivered at KUV Summer School, Leuven, 2008.