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Dr Daniel Vázquez

Dr Daniel Vázquez

PhD (King's College London); MPhil (UNAM); PGCAPHE (King's College London); BA (Universidad Panamericana); FHEA
Associate Professor & Head of Department

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I started my studies in Mexico City, where I took two years of a BA in Communications (ITESM) before transferring to the BA in philosophy (Universidad Panamericana), where I graduated in 2006 (cum laude). I then studied for an MPhil in Philosophy (UNAM), graduating (cum laude) in 2010 with an award-winning dissertation on ancient scepticism. The same year, I moved to the UK to study for my PhD in philosophy at King’s College London, where I graduated with a dissertation on Plato and the Stoics in 2015. I also hold a PGCAP in Higher Education from King’s College London (Merit 2014) and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK (2017). In addition, I have spent research visiting periods in the Trinity Plato Centre in Dublin (2019-2020), Sapienza University of Rome and ILIESI, CRN (2019), Princeton University (2018), the Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford (2015-2016), Cornell University (2013), and Yale University (2012). 

In 2021, I became the Head of the Department of Philosophy at Mary Immaculate College. Before that, I worked for three years as an ERC Research Fellow based at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2018-2021), two years as a FAPESP Research Fellow at the University of Sao Paulo (2016-2018), and two years as a College Tutor in Ethics in Oriel College, University of Oxford (2014-2016) and a Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy in the Philosophy Department of the University of Oxford (2014-2015). During my doctoral studies, I also worked as a Tutor at King’s College London. In Mexico, I was an Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy at UNAM (Campus Acatlan) from 2008 to 2010 and at the Universidad Panamericana from 2007 to 2010. In the latter, I also worked as Associate Editor for Tópicos, the university’s journal of philosophy (2005-2010).



My teaching competence comprises all areas of Ancient Philosophy, including the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic Philosophy, and Late antiquity. I have taught graduate seminars on the contemporary reception of Stoicism and a seminar comparing Greek, Roman, Chinese and Indian philosophy.

In Higher Education, I have taught Ethics, Epistemology, Political Philosophy, German idealism, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Love and Desire and Introductions to Philosophy. At the post-primary level, I have taught Logic and Ethics in both the Junior and Senior Cycles. Evidence of my commitment to teaching excellence includes a PGCAP, HEA Fellowship, and my paper “Reflections on Tutoring Ancient Greek Philosophy: A Case Study of Teaching First-Year Undergraduates in the UK.” Studying Teacher Education, 10.2 (2014), 117-129. In addition, I have supervised graduate students in Oxford and mentored graduate students at the Universidad Panamericana, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Mary Immaculate College. 

I currently teach the following BA in Arts modules:

  • PI4721: Fundamental Human Questions
  • PI4712: Greek Philosophy

I also teach Climate Justice in the new MA Climate, Justice & Sustainability



I am also the philosophy reviewer for Greece and Rome. My reviews appear Open Access here: 

A brief interview on my appointment as Head of Department and some biographical information here