Dr Ronan Flatley

Research interests
Central simple algebras with involution; the algebraic theory of quadratic forms. Mathematics education.
More information
Selected Publications
- R. Flatley, MIghTY Maths: Mathematical Investigations for Transition Year, Curriculum Development Unit, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 2021.
- R. Flatley, Codes and Ciphers, IMTA Newsletter 120 (2022) 59-66. pdf html
- R. Flatley, Transition Year in the Irish School System: Challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning mathematics, Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 123 (2022), pp. 41–44. html
- R. Flatley, Visualising Sums of Integers, IMTA Newsletter 118 (2020) 39-46. pdf html
- R. Flatley, A note on the computation of symmetric powers of hyperbolic forms and of trace forms on symbol algebras, Journal of Algebra, Number Theory: Advances and Applications 12:2 (2014) 91-110. preprint arXiv:1307.7891
R. Flatley, Trace Forms of Symbol Algebras, Algebra Colloq. 19:spec01 (2012) 1117-1124. preprint arXiv:0811.4572