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My MIC Story

Julie's MIC Story

Read all about Julie’s, Eoin’s and Alannah's student experiences, what they love about college life and their advice for anyone considering studying at MIC.

"There’s a supportive learning environment and this greatly impacted my decision to study at MIC."

Julie Scally, Bachelor of Education (MI005) - Year 3

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi! My name is Julie. I’m from Cork and I attended Mount Mercy College in Bishopstown before coming to MIC where I’m now studying to become a primary teacher. I’m now in year three of my four year degree. 

Why did you choose MIC?

I chose MIC as I had heard a lot of amazing things from friends in older years attending MIC. The small class sizes appealed to me as it makes it a lot easier to make friends. MIC is very welcoming! There’s a supportive learning environment here, and this greatly impacted my decision in choosing to study at MIC.

Has it been easy to make new friends?

Yes, it has been very easy to make friends. The small class sizes have helped and you’re also mixed with other classes so there's plenty of people to chat to and get to know. You constantly see the same people around the campus, which makes it easier to make friends. I also lived in student accommodation for first year so that really made the process of making friends easier. There was always someone to talk to!

Tell us about your experience here at MIC

The time I have spent in the College has had a positive impact on me. I joined MIC Camogie in first year and it was nice to be able to train with the team as I was missing it at home. It also helped in making friends as you share the same interests with a lot of people on the team. Studying here has also helped my confidence. You often have to stand up and teach something in front of those in your class. This is great practice for placement!

What do you love about the B Ed programme and studying at MIC?

My favorite module at the moment is PE. It's like you're in primary school again! You learn to teach PE by doing all the activities and games that the children would be doing. It's also very practical as some weeks you have to teach the rest of the class a PE lesson you would do with the kids. I've had some experience of placement but I know there’s a lot more to come throughout the programme. I was nervous on my first placement, but you get lots of help and support from the College. I also received a lot of help from the school I went on placement to. That’s one of the great things about MIC, there's always someone there to offer help or support.

What do you love about college life?

I love the social life in college. I love being able to grab a coffee between classes with friends. Nights out are also an important part of college life! I also love the independence that college life brings. A lot of this is down to living away from home and you really get to learn a lot when you’re living away from home. I'm living in a house with friends I lived with in student accommodation last year. It's only a ten-minute walk to the College, which is great as you can go home for breaks between classes, which is needed with the busy timetable of lectures and tutorials we have.

What do you do when lectures are done for the day?

In my spare time I usually do something with my friends. Sometimes we go for coffee in town, or we might go out for dinner in Bobby Byrnes, or we have movie nights. On a Thursday we go out, usually to Molly’s or Black Rabbit. As it comes closer to exams I’d go to the library or to the RES block to get some work done.

What would you like to do after your graduate?

After I graduate, I’d like to travel. I've always wanted to live in New Zealand so hopefully I'll have the opportunity to work there. I’d also love to do another course or masters in something.

What advice would you give to anyone considering studying at MIC?

My advice is to enjoy your time in MIC. It goes so quickly so enjoy it all!

Eoin's MIC Story

"I chose MIC because the campus, small class sizes and friendly atmosphere appealed to me."

Eoin Coughlan, Bachelor of Arts (MI002) - Year 4

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi! My name is Eoin and I’m from Limerick city. I’m a final year at MIC Limerick where I’m studying English Language and Literature and Theology and Religious Studies on the Bachelor of Arts programme. In second year, I also completed an elective in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and I spent third year off-campus on  placement with SMILE School Completion Programme in Thomond Community College, which offers support work to students to help them to stay in school and complete the Leaving Certificate.

Where did you go to secondary school?

Before coming to MIC, I attended Ard Scoil Rís here in Limerick for secondary school. I’m from Limerick myself and live relatively close to the campus so I walk to and from college. For anyone thinking of coming to college in Limerick, it’s actually really easy to get around the city and the MIC campus is only about a 10-minute walk from the city centre, which is great.

Why did you choose MIC?

I chose MIC because the campus, small class sizes and friendly atmosphere appealed to me when I visited during the Open Day.

Has it been easy to make new friends at MIC?

In first year, we were online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was hard to make friends during that year due to the circumstances but ever since we came back on campus in September 2021, it has been easy to make new friends. Since MIC is a relatively small college, it’s easy to get to know people and the small class sizes for tutorials and some subjects mean you get to know most of the people in your class quickly.

Tell us about your experience of studying on the Bachelor of Arts programme here at MIC

From studying on the BA programme, I have been exposed to a wide range of subjects that I might not have otherwise considered as subjects I would have been interested in. I found it great that we chose 4 subjects in first year and then we narrowed it down to two subjects with an elective in second year. This gives you a chance to try new subjects and get a feel for what they are like. It’s also helpful that your QCA from first year doesn’t carry forward to second year as this takes a lot of the pressure of studying new subjects off as you are only required to pass all your modules in first year. Your QCA a.k.a Quality Credit Average is basically your average performance across all modules. You’ll become familiar with all these terms once you become a college student and if you’re confused about anything there are lots of people here at MIC who can help you.

What do you like about the BA programme and studying at MIC?

I love the fact that most subjects have small class sizes – most of my classes in MIC are actually smaller than my secondary school classes. The small class sizes make socialising a lot easier, and it’s easier to get to know your classmates and lecturers. The subjects with larger class sizes still have smaller tutorial groups that allow you to get to know your fellow students and lecturers.

I know most of my lecturers and they’re easy to talk to in-person and contact by email or MS Teams if I have any concerns. The lecturers in MIC want you to succeed - they push you to do your best and the feedback you get about assignments is very helpful.

What do you love about college life?

I love the wide range of clubs and societies on offer at MIC. There’s something for everyone and the club and society activities are always great fun!

The academic pressure in college is also greatly reduced when compared to secondary school. The QCA grade system makes it easier to improve your overall grade if you have a bad semester. The supports available in MIC, such as I-grades, are also excellent if anything happens in your personal life such as illness or bereavement.

Exams in college are also easier to manage and prepare for – we have been continually assessed so far using essays and we have had the choice to take oral exams in some subjects if we wanted to. We also have the choice between multiple titles when we are assigned essay assignments. The continuous assessment system and the choice you have within the system is a massive help when it comes to taking the pressure off students.

What do you do once the lectures are done for the day?

I love attending society events like the MIC Live Music Society and MIDAS (MIC Dramatic Arts Society) who hold open mic nights and other events throughout the year. I’m not sure if they love me though, I’m a terrible singer! The society events are always great fun and the clubs and societies in MIC welcome everyone of all abilities – you don’t have to be great at what the society is about to take part and have fun.

Outside of college, I play clarinet and banjo. I also coach and referee underage GAA with my local club.

What would you like to do after your graduate?

I’m not sure! But the BA programme here at MIC is great for students who are unsure of what they want to do in the future. You’ve a great amount of choice with the subjects that are offered and the off-campus placement year in third year gives you great experience working in a field you are interested in. 

What advice would you give to anyone considering studying at MIC?

Give everything a try! If you’re studying Arts, don’t be afraid to pick one or two subjects that you didn’t study in secondary school. Theology is a subject I picked in first year not knowing what it was about, and I enjoyed it so much I decided to keep studying it to degree level.

Alannah's MIC Story

"Being a student at MIC Thurles has really helped to build my independence & further my confidence."

Alannah Dunne, BA in Education, Mathematics & Gaeilge (MI013) - Year 4

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi! My name is Alannah and I’m from Tipperary. I’m now in my final year at MIC Thurles where I’m studying to become a Maths and Gaeilge post-primary teacher. Before coming to MIC, I attended Nenagh College. I live just an hour away from the campus so commuting to college has been a dream.

Why did you choose MIC?

I chose MIC because it offered the perfect subject combination for me. The small class sizes also greatly appealed to me. The campus is easily accessible and there was a very homely feel to the college when I first arrived. 

Has it been easy to make new friends?

Making friends at MIC Thurles has been a very positive experience for me. Everyone is very approachable and from the moment you walk in the door, you're greeted with a friendly and positive atmosphere. Everyone at MIC Thurles is working towards the same goal of becoming a post-primary teacher and we all come together to help and support each other on our journey.

Tell us about your experience here at MIC Thurles

I’ve benefitted from studying at MIC Thurles in many ways. I’ve availed of student academic supports in preparation for exams, and engaging with these supports has been really beneficial to my overall academic journey.  

I've also had the opportunity to join new clubs and societies here at MIC Thurles and push myself outside of my comfort zone. Over the past three years, I’ve been a member of a jiving society, competed in tag rugby competitions, and even gave ladies soccer my best effort!

Being a student here at MIC Thurles has really helped to build my independence and further my confidence. While you’re supported by lecturers, there’s an encouragement to develop your own learning patterns and explore your individual teaching style.

What do you love about your programme and studying at MIC Thurles?

MIC has opened so many doors for me! Throughout Covid-19 and through remote learning, I was given a fantastic opportunity to partake in a tuition programme called Go Figure. This gave me the opportunity to work with classmates while tutoring Maths to leaving certificate migrant students.

I was also very fortunate to win a scholarship to New York in June 2023. It was great to represent my college abroad and participate in a course on Human Rights and Global Citizenship.

One of the great things about MIC Thurles is that all of the lecturers here are very supportive and are available for additional queries and advice outside of normal lecture times.

What do you love about college life?

There’s a great social aspect to college life. There’s always an opportunity to join a new club or society and RAG (Raising and Giving) Week is a great chance to give back to the community, as well as enjoy an extra healthy social life. After the first few weeks of initial excitement, it’s great to find the balance of academia and enjoying the buzz of college life. My favourite event of the year is the annual college ball. It’s a lovely opportunity to dress up and there’s a lovely sense of community at the event.

What do you do when lectures are done for the day?

In my spare time, I love to swim! Each semester, the local swimming pool in Thurles teams up with the College to provide great student deals. I also enjoy spending time with my friends.

What would you like to do after your graduate?

I have big plans for myself after I graduate! I definitely see myself travelling abroad and teaching. I also see myself returning to MIC to complete a master’s in the near future.

What advice would you give to anyone considering studying at MIC?

I would really encourage everyone to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and take every opportunity to try something new while studying at MIC. I would also say to enjoy every moment at MIC – you wouldn’t believe how fast time flies by.

  • Julie's MIC Story
  • Eoin's MIC Story
  • Alannah's MIC Story