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Dr Tom Carroll

Dr Tom Carroll

BEd (MIC); MA (MIC); PhD (MIC)
Teaching Fellow in Religious Education

Research interests

Catholic education; mindfulness; Catholic school ethos; Religious Education; Spirituality and Well-being 

More information

Recent Publications:

Journal Articles:

Carroll, Thomas. 2023. "Mindfulness in Catholic Primary Schools: An Irish Perspective" Religions 14, no. 11: 1348.

Carroll, Thomas. 2023. Mindfulness as praeparatio evangelica in the Irish Catholic Primary School” Irish Theological Quarterly, 88(4): 323-339.

Carroll, Thomas. 2022. “Theology, Irish University Students and the Age of Experience” Doctrine and Life, Vol.72 No.8: 41-49.

Chapters in Books:

Carroll, Thomas. 2024. “Mapping the Field: Mindfulness in the Catholic Primary School in a Pluralist Context” in Sawicki, Bernard (Ed.), Monasticism, Education and Formation: Acts of the International Symposium Rome, 8-11 June 2021. St Otillien: Eos Verlag. 323-333.


Carroll, Thomas, ‘Mindfulness and Ethos: Compatibility, Challenges and Opportunities in the Irish Catholic Primary School’ Forthcoming from Peter Lang (Forthcoming, 2024)