Dr Justin McNamara
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Recent Publications
- McNamara, J. (2024). When a Frog Grows Hair. ELTed Ireland 9th year Anniversary Bulletin. Dublin: ELTed Ireland.
- McNamara, J. (2024). RTE Brainstorm: Where do Expressions like a Piece of Cake come from? Where do expressions like 'a piece of cake' come from? (rte.ie).
- McNamara, J., Rausch, M. (2024) The Diversity Corpus-A corpus-based analysis of the language used by European Businesses in Diversity Policies in Association of Business Communication, 2023: (4): 1.
- Knight, D., O’Keeffe, A., Mark, G., Fitzgerald, C., McNamara, J., Adolphs, S., Cowan, B., Fahey-Palma, T., Farr, F., and Peraldi, S., (forthcoming 2024) ‘Interactional Variation Online (IVO): Corpus Approaches to Analysing Multi-modality in Virtual Meetings’ International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Special Issue on Virtual Workplace Communication (IJCL).
- Fitzgerald, C., Mark, G., O’Keefe, A., Knight, D., McNamara, J., Cowan, B., Adolphs, S. Fahey Palma, T., Farr, F. and Peraldi, S. (2024). Multi-modal Considerations for Social Media Discourse Analysis: A Specialised Corpus of Twitter Commentary on ‘Working From Home’, In Coats, S. and Laippala, V. (eds) Linguistics across Disciplinary Borders: March of Data, London: Bloomsbury, 187-213.
- Knight, D., O'Keeffe, A., Fitzgerald, C., McNamara, J., Mark, G., Peraldi, S., Fahey Palma, T., Farr, F., Cowan, B., Adolphs, S., (2023). Corpus Linguistics for Virtual Workplace Discourse. London: Routledge.
- O’Keeffe, A., Knight, D., Mark, G., Fitzgerald, C., McNamara, J., Adolphs, S., Cowan, B., Fahey-Palma, T., Farr, F., and Peraldi, S., (forthcoming) ‘“We’ve lost you Ian”: multi-modal corpus innovations in capturing, processing and analysing online spoken interactions’, Research in Corpus Linguistics (RiCL).
- Fitzgerald, C., Mark, G., McNamara, J., O’Keefe, A., Knight, D., Cowan, B., Peraldi, S., Adolphs, S., and Farr, F. (forthcoming 2024) ‘Multi-modal Considerations for Social Media Discourse Analysis: A Specialised Corpus of Twitter Commentary on Working From Home’ in Coats. S and Laippala, V. (eds) March of Data, London: Bloomsbury.