Dr Jonathan Burroughs

Research interests
- The Interpretation of the New Testament and its Reception (particularly the Synoptic Gospels)
- the Pneumatologies of the Bible (especially the Gospel of Matthew)
- the Writings of Emmanuel Levinas
- Religion and Education.
Enquiries about research supervision in any of the above or related areas are welcome. Please email me at Jonathan.Burroughs@mic.ul.ie
- The Spirit in the Gospel of Matthew: A Narrative-critical Investigation. [monograph]
- The Golden Rule for teaching Climate Change through Parables: Climate Change Education and Religion. [book chapter]
- “The Holy Spirit and Spirit of God in Matthew.” Pages 97-116 in Missed Treasures of the Holy Spirit: Distinctive New Testament Pneumatologies. Catholic Biblical Quarterly Imprints 5. Edited by Jeremy Corley and Jessie Rogers. Eugene, Org: Wipf & Stock, 2024.
- “David Friedrich Strauss as a Biblical Interpreter: Strauss' Unhistorical Reading of Jesus' Temptation.” Doctrine and Life 73/6 (July-August 2023): 35-45.
- "Martin Luther as a Biblical Interpreter: Luther's Lectures on Genesis (Gen 1:3).” Doctrine and Life 73/5 (May-June 2023): 46-54.
- “Aquinas as a Biblical Interpreter: The Four Senses, Christology, and The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1).” Doctrine and Life 73/3 (March 2023): 39-47.
- “Augustine as a Biblical Interpreter: Did God Literally Rest?” Doctrine and Life 73/1 (January 2023): 18-27.
- “Matthew’s Narrative Portrayal of Peter as an ‘Emotional Character’.” Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 45 (2022): 33-52.
- “‘To Fulfil All Righteousness’ (Mt 3:15): Practising What You Preach.” Scripture in Church 202 (2021): 122-28.
- “Who Do You Think You Are? Matthew’s Genealogy (Matt 1:1-17).” Reality (December 2019): 26-29.
- “Caught in a Bind: Experiencing the Akedah.” The Furrow 69 (2018): 693-99.
- “Fraternity in the Gospel of Matthew: Discipleship and Doubt.” Pages 245-55 in Le défi de la fraternité (The Challenge of Fraternity). Edited by Marie-Jo Thiel & Marc Feix. Theology East–West: European Perspectives 23. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2018.
- “Meet the Parents: Matthew’s Annunciation Story (Matthew 1:18-25).” Reality (December 2017): 17-19.
- “Matthew’s Theology of the Cross.” Reality (April 2017): 12-15.
- “Jesus’ Cry from the Cross (Matt 27:46).” Intercom (April 2015): 16.
- “Jesus and the Law in the Gospel of Matthew.” Doctrine and Life 64/10 (December 2014): 45-58.
- “The People of God: A Biblical Reflection.” Doctrine and Life 64/9 (November 2014): 2-10.
- “‘He Released the Spirit’: The Spirit in the Gospel of Matthew.” Intercom (June 2014): 12-13.
- Editor. Maynooth Theological Journal (2010–2013).
- “Emmanuel Levinas’ Methodological Approach to the Jewish Sacred Texts.” Heythrop Journal 53 (2012): 124-36.
- “The Spirit in the Gospel of Matthew: Matthew’s Distinction Between the ‘Holy Spirit’ and the ‘Spirit of God.’” Scripture in Church 163 (2011): 116-27.
Book Reviews
- Review of Jonathan Homrighausen, Illuminating Justice: The Ethical Imagination of The Saint John’s Bible. Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 45 (2022): 78-80.
- Review of Mark L. Strauss, Introducing Jesus: A Short Guide to the Gospels’ History and Message. Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 43-44 (2021): 123-25.
- Review of Torrey Seland, ed., Reading Philo: A Handbook to Philo of Alexandria. Irish Theological Quarterly 81 (2016): 103-04.
- Review of Carey Walsh, Chasing Mystery: A Catholic Biblical Theology. Irish Theological Quarterly 80 (2015): 278-79.
- Review of James P. Danaher, Jesus after Modernity: A 21st-Century Critique of Our Modern Concept of Truth and the Truth of the Gospel. Irish Theological Quarterly 80 (2015): 279-80.
- Review of Daniel A. Smith, Revisiting the Empty Tomb: The Early History of Easter. Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 33-34 (2010-11): 154-57.
Select Presentations
- “The Golden Rule for Teaching Climate Change Through Religion.” Post-Primary Religious Education Teachers’ In-service Day, Elphin Diocese. 22 February 2024.
- “Soul-searching with The Saint John’s Bible.” Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference, Mary Immaculate College. 19/20 October 2023.
- “The Saint John’s Bible: Seeing is believing or is it believing is seeing?” Irish Institute for Catholic Studies Public Lecture Series 2022-2023. 30 November 2022.
- “Peter as an ‘Emotional Character’ in Matthew’s Gospel.” Irish Biblical Association Annual Conference (Online). 13 February 2021.
- “Jesus: Who Do You Think You Are?” Interdisciplinary Research Group (Online), St Patrick’s Campus, Mary Immaculate College. 15 December 2020.
- “A Non-educationist’s Reflections on Education.” Interdisciplinary Research Group, St Patrick’s Campus, Mary Immaculate College. 11 September 2018.
- “Fraternity in the Gospel of Matthew: ‘You have one teacher, and you are all brothers’ (Matt 23:8).” International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT), Strasbourg. 30 August–2 September 2017.
- “The Spirit as God’s Presence and Power in Matthew.” Maynooth–Salamanca (SPCM–UPSA) Symposium: Missed Treasures – Biblical Pneumatologies and their Distinctiveness, Pontifical University, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. 5 May 2017.
- “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt 14:31): Doubt and the Disciples in Matthew’s Gospel.” Irish Biblical Association Spring Lecture, St Patrick’s Campus, Mary Immaculate College. 25 April 2017.
- “The Role of the Bible in Catholic Education: A Layperson’s Perspective.” TRS Catholic Education Lecture Series, Mary Immaculate College. 9 February 2017.
- “The Ecclesiology of Matthew’s Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20): Discipleship, Worship and Doubt.” The Role of Church in a Pluralist Society: Good Riddance or Good Influence? An International Interdisciplinary Conference at Trinity College Dublin. 22-24 June 2016.
- “‘Jesus, again crying out with a loud voice, released the Spirit’ (Matt 27:50): The Spirit and the Cross in the Gospel of Matthew.” Biblical Studies Research Seminar, Trinity College Dublin. 22 January 2016.
- “Encountering the Other(s) in Sacred Scripture: the Hermeneutic Approach of Emmanuel Levinas.” International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT), KU Leuven. 17-20 September 2015.
Research Supervision & Examination
- A Linguistic Analysis of God the Father in the Gospel of Matthew. Supervisor for Master’s Degree by Research & Thesis (2024–Present).
- The Use of the Bible in Contemporary Post-Primary Classrooms in Munster. Supervisor for Master’s Degree by Research & Thesis (2023–Present).
- Suffering, Silence, and Space: The Response of God the Father to the Cry of Dereliction. Co-supervisor for PhD (2021–Present).
- A Socio-rhetorical Interpretation of Paul’s Theology of Christian Suffering in 1 Corinthians. Supervisor for PhD (2021).
- “Do you see this woman? (Luke 7:44)”: The Multi-Faceted Witness of Women in Luke’s Gospel. Internal Examiner for PhD (2021).
- A Narrative-Critical Investigation of the Disciples’ Questions in John 13–17. Supervisor for Master’s Degree by Research & Thesis (2020).
More information
- External Examiner for the Master's in Biblical Studies, The Priory Institute, Tallaght
- Member of the Irish Biblical Association (IBA)
- Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG), St Patrick’s Campus, Mary Immaculate College
- Full Member of the Society for Biblical Literature (SBL)
- Member of the European Society for Catholic Theology (ESCT)