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Dr Richard Bowles

Dr Richard Bowles

B Ed (NUI); MSc (University of Leicester) & PhD (UL)

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Recent Publications

Bowles, R. (2022). Moving towards change: the contribution of physically educated communities. In A. M. Dolan (Ed.), Teaching climate change in primary schools (pp. 272-283). Routledge.

Bowles, R., & O Sullivan, M. (2018, July 27). Opportunity knocks: The intersections between schools, their teachers and the external provision of schooling AIESEP World Conference: Creating Thriving and Sustainable Futures, Edinburgh.

Bowles, R., & O’Dwyer, A. (2019). Athlete-centred coaching: perspectives from the sideline. Sports Coaching Review, 9(3), 231-252.

Brennan, C., Bowles, R., & Murtagh, E. (2021, April 9th). A wise head on young shoulders? Early career subject experts’ integration into the school community [Poster]. Early Career Researcher and Student Conference, Durham University.

Clohessy, L., Bowles, R., & Ní Chróinín, D. (2019). Playing to our strengths: Generalist teachers’ experiences of class swapping for primary physical education. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 571-586.

Coulter, M., Bowles, R., & Sweeney, T. (2021). Learning to teach generalist primary teachers how to prioritize meaningful  experiences in primary education. In T. Fletcher, D. Ní Chróinín, D. Gleddie, & S. Beni (Eds.), Meaningful Physical Education: An Approach for Teaching and Learning (pp. 75-86). Routledge.

Hogan, I., Bowles, R., & Kitching, N. (2019). ‘Support is everything’: Experiences of female ladies’ Gaelic football coaches in Ireland Cluster for Research into Coaching, Worchester.

O'Dwyer, A., & Bowles, R. (2020). Exploring the Potential Value of Self-Study to Support Coach Learning. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7(1), 95-101.

O’Dwyer, A., & Bowles, R. (2021). “I’m valuing the journey as much as the destination”: Exploring shared reflection to support novice coach learning. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(4), 1035-1044.