Dr Liam Chambers

Research interests
I joined the staff at Mary Immaculate College in 2000 and I have been a senior lecturer and head of the Department of History since 2011. My research interests include eighteenth century Irish history; Irish migration to early modern Europe; history of Catholicism; Irish students, and clergy and colleges in early modern Paris. I was a joint editor of Irish Historical Studies from 2016 to 2021. I am a current member of the Irish Manuscripts Commission.
More information
- Books (monographs)
Michael Moore c.1639-1726: Provost of Trinity, Rector of Paris (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2005).
Rebellion in Kildare 1790-1803 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998).
- Books (edited)
Edited with Thomas O’Connor, Forming Catholic Communities: Irish, Scots and English College Networks in Europe, 1564-1918 (Leiden: Brill, 2018).
Edited with Thomas O’Connor, College Communities Abroad: Education, Migration and Catholicism in Early Modern Europe (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017).
Edited with Anthony McElligott, Ciara Breathnach and Catherine Lawless, Power in History: From Medieval Ireland to the Post-Modern World (Historical Studies XXVII) (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011).
- Journal Special Issue (edited)
Irish Historical Studies, xxxviii, no. 149 (May 2012), Special Issue on ‘Power, the State and Institutions in Ireland’. Edited with Anthony McElligott and Ciara Breathnach
- Essays and Articles
‘The Irish regulars in early-modern Paris: a re-examination’ in Cormac Begadon and James Kelly (eds), British and Irish religious orders in Europe, 1560-1800 (Woodbridge: Durham University IMEMS Press, 2022), pp 180–200.
‘“A very bad man”: William Cooney leaves the Irish College, Paris, 1872’ in Terence Dooley, Mary Ann Lyons and Salvador Ryan (eds), The historian as detective: uncovering Irish pasts – essays in honour of Raymond Gillespie (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2021), pp 223–5.
‘“Abroad colleges”, print culture and book collections: the Irish Colleges Paris, 1676-1794’ in Mordechai Feingold, Anja-Silvia Goeing and Glyn Parry (eds), Early modern universities: networks of higher learning (Leiden: Brill, 2021), pp 392–411.
‘The Irish in Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 1691-1815’ in James Kelly (ed.), The Cambridge History of Ireland, III: 1730-1880 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp 569-92.
‘Rome and the Irish Catholic community in the eighteenth century, 1691-1789’ in Matteo Binasco (ed.), Rome and Irish Catholicism in the Atlantic world (London: Palgrave, 2018), pp 237-61.
(with Thomas O’Connor), ‘Introduction’ in Liam Chambers and Thomas O’Connor, Forming Catholic Communities: Irish, Scots and English College Networks in Europe, 1564-1918 (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp 1-11.
‘The “British Establishments”, the Irish College in Paris and Restoration France, 1814-1830’ in Liam Chambers and Thomas O’Connor, Forming Catholic Communities: Irish, Scots and English College Networks in Europe, 1564-1918 (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp 261-83.
‘Introduction: College Communities in Exile: Education, Migration and Catholicism in Early Modern Europe’ in Liam Chambers and Thomas O’Connor (eds), College Communities in Exile: Education, Migration and Catholicism in Early Modern Europe (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017), pp 1-33.
‘Irish boursiers at the Collège de Reims, Paris, 1650–1706’ in Archivium Hibernicum, lxx (2017), pp 41-46.
‘Family Politics and Revolutionary Convictions: The Career of Edward Fitzgerald (1763-1798)’ in Patrick Cosgrove, Terence Dooley and Karol Mullaney Dignam (eds), Aspects of Irish aristocratic life: essays on the Fitzgeralds and Carton House (Dublin: UCD Press: 2014), pp 148-157.
‘Les confessions au carrefour : catholiques et protestants irlandais à Spa au 18e siècle’ (trans. Daniel Droixhe) dans Daniel Droixhe (ed.), Spa, carrefour de l’Europe des Lumières: les hôtes de la cite thermal au XVIIIe siècle (Paris: Editions Hermann, 2013), pp 35-65.
‘Patrick Boyle, the Irish Colleges and the Historiography of Irish Catholicism’ in Studies in Church History, 49 (2013), pp 317-329.
‘Paul Cullen and the Irish College, Paris’ in Dáire Keogh and Albert McDonnell (eds), Paul Cullen and His World (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011), pp 358-76.
‘Miracles and Medicine in the Late Seventeenth Century: Bernard Connor’s Evangelium Medici (1697)’ in Fiona Clark (ed.), Ireland and Medicine in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010), pp 53-72.
‘Adapting Early Modern Ireland’ [Review Article: Sean Connolly, Divided Kingdom: Ireland 1630-1800 (Oxford, 2008); Contested Island: Ireland 1460-1630 (Oxford, 2007)] in Eighteenth Century Ireland, 24 (2009), pp 164-175.
(with John Bergin) ‘The Library of Denis Molony (1650-1726), An Irish Catholic Lawyer in London’ in Analecta Hibernica, vol. 41 (2009), pp 83-132.
‘Une Seconde Patrie’: The Irish Colleges, Paris, in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries’ in Susanne Lachenicht and Kirsten Heinsohn (eds), Diaspora Identities: Exile, Nationalism and Cosmopoitanism in Past and Present (Frankfurt/New York: Campus/University of Chicago Press, 2009), pp 16-30.
‘Irish Catholics and Aristotelian Scholastic Philosophy in Early Modern France, c.1600-c.1750’ in James McEvoy and Michael Dunne (eds), The Irish Contribution to European Scholastic Thought (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2009), pp 312-30.
‘Revolutionary and Refractory? The Irish Colleges in Paris and the French Revolution’ in Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, vol. 2, no. 1 (2008), pp 29-51. [A special edition titled: Gallic Connections: Irish & Scottish Encounters with France]
‘Irish Fondations and Boursiers in Early Modern Paris, 1682-1793’ in Irish Economic and Social History, vol. xxxv (2008), pp 1-22
‘Patrick O’Kelly and the Interpretation of the 1798 Rebellion in County Kildare’ in William Nolan and Thomas McGrath (eds), Kildare History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County (Dublin: Geography Publications, 2006), pp 439-459.
‘Rivalry and Reform in the Irish College, Paris, 1676-1775’, Thomas O’Connor and Mary Ann Lyons (eds), Irish Communities in Early Modern Europe (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006), pp 103-129.
‘Irish Catholics, French Cartesians: Irish Reactions to Cartesianism in France, 1671-1726’ in Eamon Maher and Grace Neville (eds) France-Ireland: Anatomy of a Relationship (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2004), pp 133-45.
‘The Library of an Irish Catholic Émigré: Michael Moore’s Bibliothèque, 1726’ in Archivium Hibernicum, vol. lviii (2004), pp 210-42.
‘The 1798 Rebellion in North Leinster’ in Thomas Bartlett, David Dickson, Daire Keogh and Kevin Whelan (eds), 1798: A Bicentenary Perspective (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003), pp 122-36.
‘“A More General and Rooted Spirit of Disaffection”: The 1803 Rebellion in Kildare’ in History Ireland, vol. 11, no. 3 (2003), pp 20-5.
‘“Knowledge and Piety”: Michael Moore’s Career at the University of Paris and Collège de France, 1701-20’ in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, vol. 17 (2002), pp 9-25.
‘A Displaced Intelligentsia: Aspects of Irish Catholic Thought in Ancien Régime France’ in Thomas O’Connor (ed.), The Irish in Europe 1580-1815 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001), pp 157-74.
‘Insurgent Wicklow’ [Review Article] in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, vol. 16 (2001), pp 135-41.
‘The State Solicitor’s Report on the 1803 Rebellion in County Kildare’ in Journal of the County Kildare Archaeological Society, vol. xix (part 1) (2000-2001), pp 217-26.
‘Defying Descartes: Michael Moore (1639-1726) and Aristotelianism in Ireland and France’ in Michael Brown and Stephen Harrison (eds), The Medieval World and the Modern Mind (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000), pp 11-26
‘John Esmonde c.1760-1798’, ‘George Lube’, ‘Laurence O’Connor’ in Seamus Cullen and Hermann Geissel (eds), Fugitive Warfare: 1798 in North Kildare (Clane: CRS Publications, 1998), pp 86-93, 101-4, 124-30.
‘The Defenders in Kildare: their origins, nature and United Irish links’ in Retrospect: Journal of the Irish History Students Association (1997), pp 4-12.