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Dr Joan O'Sullivan

Dr Joan O'Sullivan

BBS; MA (UL) and PhD (UL)

More information



   O’Sullivan, Joan (2020) Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of Sociolinguistic Change. London: Routledge (Applied Corpus Linguistics series)

   O’Sullivan, J. (2008) Talkin’ Different: Linguistic Diversity and the Irish Traveller Minority: Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

O’Sullivan, Joan (2018) ‘Advanced Dublin English in Irish radio advertising: The “initiative” role of advertising in the construction of identity’, English World-Wide 39(1): 60-84

O’Sullivan, Joan and Kelly-Holmes, Helen (2017) ‘Vernacularisation and authenticity in Irish radio advertising’, World Englishes 36(2): 154-299

O’Sullivan, Joan (2016) ‘Standard Southern British English as referee design in Irish radio advertising’, Linguistics 55(3): 525-551

O’Sullivan, Joan (2016)Language change and ideology in radio advertising in Ireland’, Irish Communications Review (15)1: 75-112

O’Sullivan, Joan (2013) ‘Advanced Dublin English in Irish radio advertising’, World Englishes, 32(3): 358–376,


Chapters in Edited Volumes

Forthcoming         O’Sullivan, J. (2019) ‘Constructing identity in radio advertising in Ireland’ in Amador-Moreno, C. P. and Hickey, R. eds.  Irish Identities. Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton

2015                       O’Sullivan, J. (2015) ‘Pragmatic markers in contemporary radio advertising in Ireland’ in Amador-Moreno, C. P., McCafferty, K. and Vaughan,E. eds.,Pragmatic Markers in Irish English, [P&bns 258], Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 318-347.


Invited Reviews

2017                       O’Sullivan, J. Review: Sociolinguistics in Ireland: London: Palgrave Macmillan (Raymond Hickey (ed.) 2016) for English Language and Linguistics

2015                       O’Sullivan, J. Review: New perspectives on Irish English (Varieties of English Around the World, G44 (Bettina Migge and Máire Ni Chiosáin.(eds.), 2012)

for World Englishes special issue