Dr Bernd Kreussler

Research interests
Complex Algebraic Geometry and Homological Algebra; Bridgeland Stability Conditions; Classification of complex manifolds and Twistor spaces.
More information
Postgraduate Supervision
- Arne Rüffer (PhD, 2021, MIC): The Stability Space of the Derived Category of Holomorphic Triples and Further Investigations.
- Lisa Kierans (MA, 2010, MIC): Nondegenerate Solutions to the Classical Yang-Baxter Equation, and Checking Solutions with SINGULAR.
- Ciara Daly (MA, 2007, MIC): Stability Concepts in Algebraic Geometry.
- Bijan Afshordel (Dipl.-Math., 2002, University Kaiserslautern): On Fukaya's Category over Elliptic Curves.
- Sergey Mozgovoy (Dipl.-Math., 2002, University Kaiserslautern): Some Observations on Homological Mirror Symmetry in Dimension One.
Selected Publications
- B. Kreussler, J Stevens The versal deformation of Kurke-LeBrun manifolds (2024) arXiv:2409.12022
- N. Honda, B. Kreussler Algebraic dimension of twistor spaces whose fundamental system is a pencil, J. London Math. Soc. 95, (2017) 989–1010, preprint version arXiv:1510.07232
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler Analytic moduli spaces of simple sheaves on families of integral curves, Math. Nachr. 287, (2014) 173–183, preprint version arXiv:1212.5477
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler Vector bundles on degenerations of elliptic curves and Yang-Baxter equations, Memoirs of the AMS 220, Number 1035 (2012) preprint version arXiv:0708.1685
- L. Kierans, B. Kreussler The Belavin-Drinfeld theorem on non-degenerate solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 346 012011 (2012)
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler Vector bundles on families of irreducible cubics and applications, In: Complex Geometry in Osaka, In honour of Professor Akira Fujiki on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Lecture Note Series in Mathematics Vol. 9, Osaka University (June 2008) 200–216.
- B. Kreussler Elliptic Curves — an Introduction, Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin, 60 (2007) 39–43
- B. Kreussler Solving Cubic Equations in Two Variables, Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin, 60 (2007) 45–66
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler Derived categories of irreducible projective curves of arithmetic genus one, Compositio Mathematica 142 (2006) 1231–1262, preprint version arXiv:math.AG/0503496
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler On a relative Fourier-Mukai transform on genus one fibrations, manuscripta mathematica 120 (2006) 283–306, preprint version arXiv:math.AG/0410349
- I. Burban, B. Kreussler Fourier-Mukai transforms and semi-stable sheaves on nodal Weierstrass cubics, J. Reine Angew. Math. 584 (2005) 45–82, preprint version arXiv:math.AG/0401437
- B. Kreussler Homological Mirror Symmetry in Dimension One, Emma Previato (ed.) Advances in Algebraic Geometry Motivated by Physics: AMS Special Session Enumerative Geometry in Physics, April 1–2, 2000, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Massachusetts, Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Contemporary Mathematics 276 (2001) 179–198.
- B. Kreussler Another Description of Certain Quartic Double Solids, Mathematische Nachrichten 212 (2000) 91–100.
- B. Kreussler Twistor Spaces With a Pencil of Fundamental Divisors, Doc.Math.J.DMV 4 (1999) 127–166.
- F. Campana, B. Kreussler Existence of twistor spaces of algebraic dimension two over the connected sum of four complex projective planes, Proceedings of the AMS 127 (1999) 2633–2642.
- F. Campana, B. Kreussler A conic bundle description of Moishezon twistor spaces without effective divisors of degree one, Mathematische Zeitschrift 229 (1998) 137–162.
- B. Kreussler On the algebraic dimension of twistor spaces over the connected sum of four complex projective planes,, Geometriae Dedicata 71 (1998) 263–285.
- B. Kreussler Moishezon twistor spaces without effective divisors of degree one, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 6 (1997) 379–390.