Dr Ailbhe Kenny

More information
TEDx Talk: https://youtu.be/5BJ-X8t3tWE
Academia: http://maryimmaculate.academi…
Dr Ailbhe Kenny is an Associate Professor in Music Education and an Irish Research Council Laureate. She is currently the PI on ‘Music in the Intercultural School: Uncovering Spaces for Agency and Belonging’, a four-year project funded by an Irish Research Council Starting Laureate award. Ailbhe holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge and gained both Bachelor of Education and Master in Music Education degrees from St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University. Dr Kenny was the Irish PI on the HERA-funded project ‘Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and IntegraTion in Europe’ (NITE) from 2019-22 and was a EURIAS fellow at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study in Germany for 17-18. A Fulbright Scholar, Ailbhe spent the academic year 14-15 at Teachers College, Columbia University and New York University. Before taking up her current position at MIC, Ailbhe held a research fellowship and also lectured in Music Education at St. Patrick’s College. Ailbhe has worked as a primary teacher in a mainstream, learning support and specialist music teacher capacity and spent a year on secondment as Arts and Education Officer to ‘The Ark - A Cultural Centre For Children’ in Dublin. Ailbhe has led numerous professional development courses for teachers and is actively involved in community projects which includes directing the MIC Children's Choir (see https://www.youtube.com/watch…) and working in asylum seeker centres. Ailbhe was awarded the MIC President's Bursary for Outstanding Academic Achievement in 2014 and was a finalist in the Shannon Consortium Award for Excellence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning in 2016.
Course involvement
- B Ed Bachelor of Education
- PME Professional Master of Education
- MA in Music Education
- MA in Education and the Arts (META)
- M Ed Master of Education
- Structured PhD (Education)
Research Funding & Awards (External)
- Irish Research Council (IRC) Research Ally Prize, 2023.
- IRC Ukrainian Researchers Scheme, 2023-24.
- Irish Research Council Starting Laureate Award, 2022 – 26. ‘Music in the Intercultural School: Uncovering Spaces for Agency and Belonging’
- HERA, 2019-22. ‘Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and IntegraTion in Europe’ (NITE)
- Creative Ireland. National Creativity Fund, 2018-19. ‘Song Seeking: A choral research project with asylum seekers’
- Limerick Creative Ireland, 2018-19. MIC Children’s Choir (with Ruth Bourke).
- EURIAS Fellowship, 2017-18 (Hanse Institute for Advanced Study). 'Unheard: Exploring the musical lives of children of asylum seekers in Germany'
- Irish Research Council (IRC) New Foundations Award, 2015-16. ‘Music at the Margins: Exploring the Musical Lives of Children Living under Direct Provision’
- Commission from the Department of Education and Skills with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, 2014-16. ‘Researching Teacher-Artist Partnerships as a Model of CPD for Supporting & Enhancing Arts Education in Ireland’ (with Dr Dorothy Morrissey)
- Fulbright Scholar Award (Columbia University and NYU), 2014-15
- Homerton College Research Grant, University of Cambridge, 2010 & 2012
- FBD Insurance research grant to the Swan Research Group, 2007-8
Kenny, A. (2025, in press) Music Refuge: Living Asylum Through Music. Oxford University Press.
Pardue, D., Kenny, A. and Young, K. (Eds., 2023) Sonic Signatures: Music, Migration and the City at Night. Bristol: Intellect. Access at https://intellectdiscover.com…
Christopherson, C. and Kenny, A. (Eds., 2018) Musician-Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord Abingdon: Routledge, Access at https://www.outledge.com/Musi…
Kenny, A. (2016) Communities of Musical Practice, Abingdon: Routledge. Access at https://www.routledge.com/978….
Articles (Peer reviewed)
Christophersen, C., Holdhus, K. & Kenny, A. (2024) ‘Third Space Moments: Exploring a University-School Partnership through Collaborative Action Research’. Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol 141.
Kenny, A. (2023) ‘Border Crossing in the Sociology of Music Education: Are We There Yet?’ Action Criticism and Theory for Music Education, 22:1, 103-111. https://doi.org/10.22176/act2…
Morrissey, D. & Kenny, A. (2023) ‘Teacher-artist partnership as teacher professional development’, Irish Educational Studies, 42:1, 59-77.
Fahy, E. & Kenny, A. (2023) ‘The potential of arts partnerships to support teachers: learning from the field’, Irish Educational Studies, 42:2, 149-163.
Chistophersen, C., Aróstegui, J., Holdhus, K. Kenny, A. Knudsen, J.S., Lindgren, M., Väkevä, L., & Grieg, T. (2023) ‘Music teacher education for the future: Reflections on change’. Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 22:3, 7–40.
Kenny, A. (2022) ‘Stateless in School: The ‘discomfort’ of Kurdish asylum seekers’, Intercultural Education 33:6, 579-594. https://doi.org/10.1080/14675…
Kenny, A. (2022) ‘Music facilitator experiences of working in asylum seeker centres: Complexities, dilemmas and opportunities’ International Journal of Music Education, 40(4), 542–553. https://doi.org/10.1177/02557…
Kenny, A. & Young, K. (2022) ‘The house of the Irish’: African migrant musicians and the creation of diasporic space at night, Ethnomusicology Forum, 31:3, 332-352.
Kenny, A. (2022) ‘Becoming and Being a DJ: Black female experiences in Ireland', Journal of Popular Music Education, 6:2, 235–46. https://doi.org/10.1386/jpme_00087_1
Brandellero, S., Kenny, A. and Pardue, D. (2022) 'Night stories: Urban narratives of migrant lives in Europe', Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 13:1, 3-10.
Fahy, E. & Kenny, A. (2022) ‘Bridging the gap’: The role of an arts broker in supporting partnerships with teachers, Arts Education Policy Review DOI:10.1080/10632913.2022.2037483 (online first)
Burbridge Rinde, F. & Kenny, A. (2021). ‘Music in the school life of newly arrived migrant children: potential paths to participation and belonging’ Music Education Research. 23:5, 622-633, DOI: 10.1080/14613808.2021.1993165
Kenny A. & Morrissey, D. (2021). 'Negotiating teacher-artist identities: “Disturbance” through partnership', Arts Education Policy Review, 122(2), pp.93-100, DOI: 10.1080/10632913.2020.1744052
Kenny, A. (2020). 'The ‘back and forth’ of musician-teacher partnership in a New York City school'. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 20(3). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea2….
Kenny, A. (2018). 'Voice of Ireland? Children and music within asylum seeker accommodation', Research Studies In Music Education, 40(2), pp. 211-225. http://journals.sagepub.com/d….
Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Come into the Parlour: A Response to ‘Co-constructing global visions for intercultural music teacher education’, The Finnish Journal of Music Education, 21, pp.64-67.
Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Building Student Leadership Through A University-School-Community Children’s Choir’, British Journal of Music Education. 35 (2), pp. 203-216
Kenny, A. (2017). Arts in education within Irish cultural policy: the "ins" and "outs". Cultural Trends. 26 (3), pp.254-258. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095…. 1343003.
Kenny, A. (2016). 'Beginning a journey with music education: Voices from pre-service primary teachers'. Music Education Research, 19 (2), p. 111-122. : DOI:10.1080/14613808.2015.1077801.
Kenny, A. (2016). ‘聚在一起做音乐: 音乐的实践共同体中的学习与共享’ (‘Making Music Together: Learning and participation within communities of musical practice’) Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol. 6 (7), pp. 39-46.
Kenny, A., Finneran, M. and Mitchell, E. (2015). 'Becoming an educator in and through the arts: forming and informing emerging teachers’ professional identity'. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 49, pp. 159-167.
Kenny, A. (2014). ‘Practice through partnership: examining the theoretical framework and development of a ‘community of musical practice’’. International Journal of Music Education, vol. 32(4), pp.396-408. Access at hhttp://ijm.sagepub.com/conten…
Kenny, A. (2014). 'Collaborative creativity' within a jazz ensemble as a musical and social practice'. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, pp.1-8. Access at http://www.sciencedirect.com/….
Kenny, A., Ní Chróinín, D., Mitchell, E., Vaughan, E. and Murtagh, E. (2014). 'In their shoes: exploring a modified approach to peer observation of teaching in a University setting'. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51 (2), pp.218-229. Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/ep…
Kenny, A. (2013). ‘The next level': investigating teaching and learning within an Irish traditional music online community'. Research Studies in Music Education, 35 (2) pp. 234 - 248. Access at http://rsm.sagepub.com/conten…
Ní Chróinín , D., Mitchell , E., Kenny , A., Murtagh, E. & Vaughan, E. (2013). 'How can pre-service primary teachers' perspectives contribute to a pedagogy that problematises the ‘practical’ in teacher education?', Irish Educational Studies, vol 32:2, pp.251-267.
Kenny, A. (2011). 'Mapping the context: insights and issues from local government development of music communities'. British Journal of Music Education, Vol.28:2, pp. 213–226. Access at http://journals.cambridge.org…
Kenny A. (2010). 'Too cool for school? Musicians as partners in education'. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 29:2, pp.153 - 166.
Book Chapters
Kenny A. & Young, K. (2025) ‘Music within Nocturnal Constellations: A photo essay from two Irish cities’, in Pardue, D., Brandellero, S. & Rodrigues, K. (Eds.) Urban Nightlife and Contested Spaces. Cultural Encounters After Dusk. Amsterdam University Press.
de Quadros, A. and Kenny, A. (2024) ‘Forced Migration and Identity in School Music’ in Aróstegui, J. L., Christophersen, C., Nichols, J. & Matsunobu, K. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of School Music Education. pp.93-105. CA: Sage.
Kenny, A. (2023). ‘Music and Early Childhood in Asylum Seeker Centres: Insights from Ireland and Germany’, in Barrett, M. & Welch, G. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Early Childhood Music Learning and Development. Ch 31. Oxford: OUP.
Young, K. & Kenny, A. (2023) ‘Music, Memory, and Migration at Night: Relational Ways of Knowing Through Arts-Based Collaborations’, in Pardue, D., Kenny, A. & Young, K. (Eds.) Sonic Signatures: Music, Migration and the City at Night. Bristol: Intellect.
Kenny, A. (2021). ‘Body Politics: Positioning the Pregnant Researcher amongst Asylum Seekers’. In Kallio, A.A., Westerlund, H., Karlsen, S., Marsh, K., Saether, E. (eds.). The Politics of Diversity in Music Education, pp. 29-38. Springer Open. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65617-1_3
Kenny, A. (2021). ‘Making Space: Expanding professionalism through relational university-community partnerships’. In Westerlund, H. & Gaunt, H. (Eds.) Expanding Professionalism in Music and Higher Music Education: A Changing Game, pp.30-42. London/New York. Routledge.
Kenny, A. & Christophersen, C. (2018). Musical Alterations: Possibilities for Musician-Teacher Collaborations’. In Christophersen, C. & Kenny, A. (Eds.) Musician-Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord (pp.3-12). Abingdon: Routledge.
Christophersen, C. & Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Alteration, Disruption or Reharmonisation? Pathways for Musician-Teacher Collaborations’. In Christophersen, C. & Kenny, A. (Eds.) Musician-Teacher Collaborations: Altering the Chord (pp.233-244). Abingdon: Routledge
Kenny, A. (2017) ‘”Placing” technology within music education communities’. In Ruthmann, S.A. and Mantie, R. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Technology and Music Education (Ch. 21), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kenny, A. (2014) 'Sound connections for institutional practice: cultivating 'collaborative creativity' through group composition'. In Burnard, P. (Ed.), Developing Creativities in Higher Music Education: International perspectives and practices (Chapter 25 pp.469-493), Oxford: Routledge.
Kenny, A. (2013). Between the jigs and the reels (in cyberspace): Investigating an Irish traditional music online community. In M. Waligórska (Ed.), Music, longing and belonging: Articulations of the self and the other in the musical realm (pp. 94–113). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Colley, B., Eidsaa, R,M.
Kenny, A. and Leung, B.W (2012) Creativity in Partnership Practices. In McPherson, G. & Welch, G. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education (vol2, pp.408-426), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kenny, A. (2012) ‘Scene and heard’: exploring a jazz ensemble as a community of musical practice. In Coffman, D.D. (Ed.) Proceedings from the International Society for Music Education (ISME) 2012 Seminar of the Commission for Community Music Activity, (pp.7-14). Access at http://issuu.com/official_ism….
A. (2011) Social Questions, Musical Answers: Local Government Music Policy and Practice. In O’Flynn, J. (ed.) Proceedings from the 6th International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education. Dublin: St Patrick’s College.
Research Reports
Kenny, A. (2020) Song Seeking: An exploration of a singing project within direct provision. Creative Ireland. Find at https://www.creativeireland.g….
Kenny, A. (2017) Music at the Margins: Research Briefing. Mary Immaculate College: Limerick.
Kenny, A. and Morrissey, D. (2016) Exploring teacher-artist partnership as a model of CPD for supporting and enhancing arts education in Ireland. Dublin: Government of Ireland. Access at: http://artsineducation.ie/wp-…
Kenny, A., Bourke, R. and Ní Chondúin, M. (2016) All Together Now: A Review of the Mary Immaculate College Children’s Choir. Limerick: CDU, Mary Immaculate College.
Kenny, A. (2014) Evaluation Report: Noye’s Fludde. Limerick: commissioned by St Mary’s Cathedral.
Kenny, A. and Moore, G. (2011) Sing out with Strings Evaluation Report, commissioned by the Irish Chamber Orchestra, University of Limerick
Kenny, A. (2009) Knowing the Score: Local Authorities and Music. Dublin: St. Patricks College, Wexford Co. Council, Sligo County Council.
Kenny, A., Larkin C., MacSithigh D. and Thijssen J. (2009) Reforming Irish Education for a Globalised World: A Policy for Chasing Black and White Swans. Dublin: FBD.
Media Publications
Kenny, A. (2018) Other Voices: The power of music for children in direct provision, RTÉ Brainstorm, 9th Jan 2018. Access at https://www.rte.ie/eile/brain…
Kenny, A. (2016) Power in Numbers: Ways Forward for Musical Communities, Journal of Music in Ireland, 18th October, 2016. Access at http://journalofmusic.com/foc….
Kenny, A. (2012), Report on National Music Education Conference, Journal of Music in Ireland, 4th October, 2012.
Kenny, A. (2011) Future direction of education in Ireland, Public Affairs Ireland Journal, April/May 2011 Issue no.76, Dublin.
Kenny, A (2008) Important First Steps: Innovation and Primary Education, Irish Times, 3rd November 2008
Kenny,A., Larkin,C., MacSíthigh, D. and Thijssen, J. (2008) The Missing Link, Irish Times, 6th October 2008
Kenny, A. (2008) World Music in the Classroom, Intouch Magazine, Irish National Teachers Organisation, Issue October 2008.
Recent Conference Presentations
Kenny, A. (2024) ‘Seeking an Alternative: Making music in asylum seeking accommodation centres’, Social Impact of Music Making (SIMM) Symposium, Rhythmic Conservatory of Music, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Kenny, A. (2024) ‘Making music while seeking asylum: Negotiating the politics of belonging’, (In)visible Publics: Performing (Non)Belonging Conference, University College Dublin (UCD) Online.
Kenny, A. (2024) ‘Forced Migration and Music in Schools: Moving beyond Representation’, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Maynooth University.
Kenny, A. (2023) ‘Music and Asylum Seeking: Alternative Spaces and Identities’, International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, University of Veracruz, Mexico.
Kenny, A. (2023) ‘Resourcing or Outsourcing? Exploring Partnerships in Schools’, ESAI Conference, Stranmillis University College, Belfast.
Kenny, A. (2022) 'The Black Irish Female DJ Signature', 2022 AMS-SEM-SMT Joint Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Kenny, A. (2022) “Oh, I didn't expect that”: The Black Irish Female DJ Journey, City Nights: Migration and Cultural Encounters, Leiden University.
Kenny, A. (2022) Music in Asylum-Seeking Centres: The Complexity and Challenge of Facilitation. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, San Diego (online).
Kenny. A. (2022) Oh, I didn't expect that: The Black Irish Female DJ Journey. City Nights conference, Leiden University.
Kenny, A. (2021) In/Outsider: Positioning the Musician-Researcher within Asylum Seeker Centres. SIMM-posium 6, Philharmonie de Paris, Paris.
Kenny, A. (2021) Afro-Irish female experiences of becoming and being a DJ. 12th biennial International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (online).
Kenny, A. (2021) ‘There for Decoration’: Afro-Irish female experiences of being a DJ. Identities in flux: pasts, presents and futures of migrant communities across Europe, University College Dublin.
Kenny, A. and Young, K. (2021) ‘Music, Memory and the Night: Reimagining Nocturnal Musical Memories Through Digital Space’, Augmented Cities – where did the night go? Humboldt University, Berlin (online).
Kenny, A. (2021) Seeking New Ways: Music facilitation within asylum seeker accommodation, SIMM-posium 5. Bozar, Brussels (online).
Kenny, A. and Young, K. (2020) Seeing Voices: African Migrant Music in Galway’s Night Spaces. International Conference on Night Studies. Lisbon (online).
Kenny, A. (2020). 'We sing together, it is important': Child insights from an asylum seeker centre. Society for Music Education in Ireland National Conference, DCU, Dublin.
Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Welcome Notes? Exploring the Musical Lives of Children living in Direct Provision’ Society for Music Education in Ireland National Conference, RIAM, Dublin.
Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Getting out of Carnegie Hall: Problematising a Musician-Teacher Collaboration’ Music In Schools and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC), ISME World Conference, NYU, Prague.
Kenny, A. (2018). ‘Making music as research with children in asylum seeker centres’ Research Symposium on the Social Impact of Music Making. Porto Polytechnic Institute, College of Education, Porto.
Kenny, A. (2018) ‘Musician-Teacher Collaborations: A field of tensions’ Nordic Network for Research in Music Education Conference, Oslo.
Kenny, A. (2017) ‘Voicing the Musical Lives of Children of Asylum Seekers in Ireland’, International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Institute for Contempory Music Performance, London.
Kenny, A. (2017) ‘Music at the Margins: Exploring the Musical Lives of Children Living under Direct Provision’, New Frontiers: Arts Participation Amongst Young Refugees & Asylum Seekers, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Kenny, A. (2017) ‘A second pair of ears’ : Insights from a musician-teacher collaboration in Ireland. The 10th International Conference for Research in Music Education. Bath Spa University.
Kenny, A. (2016) ‘Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Role of University-Community Partnerships in University Music Education’. New Directions for Performance and Music Teacher Education A Symposium on University Music Education in China. Xiamen University.
Kenny, A. (2016) 'Power in Numbers: Insights into Communities of Musical Practice', SMI (Society for Musicology in Ireland) Annual Plenary Conference, Dublin City University, 10-12th June.
Finneran, M. & Kenny, A. (2016) ‘Researching Professional Praxis in Arts Education within Times of Programme and Policy Change’, IRMSS, MIC, 27th-29th May.
Kenny, A. & Morrissey, D. (2016) ‘Teacher/Artist Partnership: Locally significant, nationally important’, ESAI Annual Conference, March 31st - April 2nd.
Kenny, A. (2015) ‘Collective Music-Making as a Musical and Social Practice’. International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education (ISSME2015), Loyola University, New Orleans, June 14-17.
Kenny, A. (2015) ‘Communities of Musical Practice: Examining Musical Learning, Collaboration and Participation within Music-Making Communities’. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, AERA15, Chicago, April 16-20.
Mitchell, E., Kenny, A. and Finneran M. (2015) ‘Arts educators' beginnings: Necessitating academic enagement with the arts in student teacher identity formation’. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, AERA15, Chicago, April 16-20.
Kenny, A. (2015) ‘It’s the journey that counts: voices from pre-service teachers on beginning music education’, Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium (SMERS X), University of South Florida, Tampa, February 4 -7.
Kenny, A. (2014) ‘The Old in the New: teaching and learning traditional music online’. Researching Music, Technology & Education: critical insights, SEMPRE conference, Institute of Education, University of London.
Kenny, A. (2013) ‘The Lived Reality of Policy: examining the policy-practice interface of music communities’. The Music Education Gathering Conference, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin.
Kenny, A., Dineen, S. & Finneran, M. (2013) ‘Re-imagining Arts Education: teaching and learning perspectives’. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul.
Kenny, A. (2013) ‘Rhetoric and Reality: Examining the policy-practice interface of European and Irish arts policy’. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul.
Kenny, A. (2013). Creative collaboration within a jazz ensemble: ‘exhilarating and frightening’?. The 8th International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Hedmark University, Norway.
Kenny, A. (2013). ‘More Irish than the Irish themselves’: investigating the ‘place’ of tradition within an Irish traditional music online community. The 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education, University of Exeter.
Kenny, A., Dineen, S. & Finneran, M. (2013). ‘Things do not change; we change’: new directions for the arts within teacher education. Educational Studies of Ireland Annual Conference, Limerick.
Kenny, A. (2012). Fostering communities of musical practice. Voicing national music education conference, Trinity College, Dublin.
Kenny, A. (2012). Scene and heard: exploring a jazz ensemble as a ‘community of musical practice’. ISME Commission for Community Music Activity, Corfu, Greece.
Kenny, A. and Malambo, S. (2012). Tuning in or tuning out? Investigating teacher attitudes towards teaching music in Zambian basic schools. ZITEP international conference, Lusaka, Zambia.
Kenny, A. (2011). Between the jigs and the reels (in cyberspace) – investigating an Irish traditional music online community. Music and Imagined Communities Conference, European University Institute, Florence.
Kenny, A, (2011). Sound connections: bridging the third level-community gap through musical partnership. The 7th International Conference for Research in Music Education, University of Exeter
Kenny, A, (2010). ‘It just shows you like, cause we’re not arguing’: building a community of music practice through a university-school partnership. Irish Social Science Platform Annual Conference, University of Limerick.
Kenny, A, (2010). What's it worth? Evaluating music education initiatives. International Society of Music Education World Conference, Beijing, China
Kenny, A, Colley, B., Eidsaa, R,M., Leung, B.W, (2010). International Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Partnerships: Music-Literature Initiates in Ireland, Norway, China, and U.S, International Society of Music Education World Conference, Beijing, China
Kenny, A, (2010). Change the record: the role of musicians in schools. ESAI Annual Conference, Dundalk
Kenny, A., (2009). Evaluating Arts Education Initiatives: complexities and dilemmas. European Conference on Educational Research, University of Vienna.
Kenny, A., (2009). Mapping the context: local government and music in Ireland. Research Perspectives in Music: Sharing Practice Seminar, Cambridge University.
Kenny, A., (2009). Social Questions, Musical Answers: Local Government Music Policy and Practice. International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
Kenny, A. (2008). Signs and Symbols: making sense of children’s musical representations. Teachers as Researchers Conference, St Patrick’s College, Dublin
Kenny, A. (2008). Music for all citizens: local government’s role in music in Ireland, International Society of Music Education World Conference, Bologna, Italy
- Vice-Chair of the International Society for the Sociology of Music Education (ISSME).
- Member of NCCA Arts Education Development Group.
- Editorial Board member for MayDay journal ‘TOPICS for Music Education Praxis’.
- Review Editor of ‘Performance Science’, Frontiers
- Invited international member of research group ‘Culture-Criticism-Community’ at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- International Society for Music Education (ISME)
- Society for Music Education in Ireland (SMEI). Founding Committee member (2011-2012).
Completed Research Students
Fahy, E. (PhD, 2023). Igniting the spark?: An investigation into how an Irish arts partnership can support primary teachers in their teaching of arts education.
Rinde, F.B. (PhD, 2023). Inclusive socio-musical spaces: An ethnographic case study of newly arrived migrant children’s musical engagement in a Norwegian primary school (co-supervised at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences).
Jordan, A. (PhD, 2022). Exploring a Community of Musical Practice: A Case Study of Music Generation Limerick City.
O'Sullivan, D. (PhD, 2019). Positive Youth Development and Resilience amongst Early School Leavers.
Cramer, J. (MA, 2016). Musical Identities, Relationships and Roles in the One to One music lesson.
Crosse-Ryan, A. (MA, 2016) From Both Sides Now: A Bifocal Examination into the Provision and Delivery of Music Education in Irish Primary Schools: National and Local Perspectives.
Curran, L. (MEd, 2013) The impact of Utilising Integrated Drama and Music Methodologies into comprehension and writing lessons.
Daly, D. (MA, 2014) School’s Out: An autoethnographic study of informal learning through collaboration, creativity and music-making.
Dervan, A. (MA, 2014) How to develop and explore rhythm in a diverse Infant Classroom.
Fitzmaurice, M. (MA, 2014) Approaching Music Literacy: An exploration of the contribution whole-class tin whistle lessons can make to children’s music literacy development in the primary school classroom.
McLoughlin, U. (MA. 2012) Towards a Creative Classroom: An investigation into teachers' practice of the composing strand in the Irish primary school.
Moloney, C. (MA, 2012) The Significance of having a background in Music for a teacher in the Irish Primary School System with particular reference to the Strand Composing.
Ryan, A. (MA, 2013) Lyrical Learning: An action research study investigating the value of integrating song-singing into the Irish language classroom.
Shaughnessy, N. (MA, 2012) Sing it in Solfa: The contribution of solfa singing on primary school children’s music literacy development.