Dr Dorothy Morrissey

More information
Dorothy Morrissey is a Lecturer in Drama Education, Faculty of Education EDI and Interculturalism Lead, and Theatre Artist in Residence Coordinator. She recently tendered successfully (with Dr Hannagh McGinley, MIC) for the Research and Evaluation of the STAR (Supporting Traveller and Roma) strand of BLAST and Creative Clusters under the Traveller and Roma Education Strategy (TRES). In 2024, she completed a Baboro International Children's Festival commissioned report on The Wonder Project, a sensory theatre project for children with special needs, and a Department of Education (DE) commissioned report, 'I am Creative': Collaborating with artists in special education settings. Her Department of Education commissioned report on Creative Clusters, a national project in which clusters of two to five schools collaborate on creative projects, was published in January 2023. Dorothy is a member of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Primary Arts Education Development Group, a founding member of the All of Ireland Talking Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) Research Network, a member of the (National) Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository committee, and a member of MIC's Research Committee. She has previously worked in Teacher Continuing Professional Development, as a primary teacher in mainstream and special schools, and as an Adult Education Tutor (in Literature and Women's Studies) at University College Cork.
Commission from Department of Education: I am Creative.
Commission from Baboro International Children's Festival: The Wonder Project.
Commission from Department of Education: Research and Evaluation of Creative Clusters.
Commission from Department of Education and Skills and Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs: 'Exploring teacher-artist partnership as a model of CPD for supporting and enhancing arts education in Ireland.' (With Dr Ailbhe Kenny).
Galway 2020: International Talking TYA (online) conference.
Research travel grant: European Network for the Diffusion of Performing Arts for Early Childhood.
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
Curran, A. and Morrissey, D. (2023). Deconstructing the policy narratives at the roots of arts-in-education practice in Ireland: A potential othering of teachers at play? Irish Educational Studies. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2023.2279520 (online first)
Morrissey, D. (2023). The pull of opposing forces: An inquiry into the ethical dimensions of an emergent research-based theatre project. Qualitative Inquiry 29 (2): 374-382. DOI: 10.1177%2F10778004221097059
Morrissey, D. and Kenny, A. (2023). Teacher-artist partnership as teacher professional development. Irish Educational Studies 42 (1): 59-77. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2021.1910972
Kenny, A. and Morrissey, D. (2021). Negotiating teacher-artist identities: ‘Disturbance’ through partnership. Arts Education Policy Review 122 (2): 93-100.
Morrissey, D. (2018). The habits of history: a research-based play script. The Qualitative Report 23 (2): 403-421.
Morrissey, D. (2016). Reviewing literature on gender using found poetry and dramatic script. The Qualitative Report 21 (12): 2284-2307.
Morrissey, D. (2014). An autoethnographic inquiry into the role of serendipity in becoming a teacher educator/researcher. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 27 (7): 837-849.
Book chapters
Morrissey, D. (2021). Motherhood and the search for recognition in Deirdre Kinahan’s Moment (2011). In Clare, D. McDonagh, F. and Nakase, J. (Eds) The golden thread: Irish women playwrights (1716-2016). Liverpool University Press, pp. 157-167.
Morrissey, D. (2019). The roles we ‘were born to fill’: thinking about performing teaching with Mona Lisa Smile. In Conrad, D. and Prendergast, M. (Eds) Teachers and teaching onstage and onscreen: dramatic depictions. Bristol, UK: Intellect, pp. 32-40.
Morrissey, D. (2018). Metaphor and narrative as teaching, learning and research strategies in teacher education. In Hanne, A. and Kaal, A. (Eds) Narrative and metaphor in education: look both ways. London: Routledge, pp. 193-207.
Morrissey, D. (2012). Goldilocks’s testimony: an auto/ethnodrama. In Sparkes, A. C. (Ed) Auto/Biography Yearbook 2011. Durham: Russell Press, pp.124-134.
Morrissey, D. (2011). Having a ball: intertextuality and the performance of feminine identity in Maguy Marin’s dance work, Cinderella. In Kerchy, A. (Ed) Contemporary fictional repurposings and theoretical revisitings of fairy tales and fantasies. Lewiston, Lamepter: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 49-66.
Research reports
Morrissey, D. (2024) 'I am Creative': Collaborating with artists in special education, a research report. Dublin: Department of Education. https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=…
Morrissey, D. (2023). Creative Clusters: A collaborative approach to cultivating creativity in Ireland’s schools. Dublin: Department of Education. https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=…
Kenny, A. and Morrissey, D. (2016). Exploring teacher-artist partnership as a model of CPD for supporting and enhancing arts education in Ireland: a research report. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills and Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.
Morrissey, D.(2017). A review of Belltable:Connect Theatre Makers. Limerick: Belltable. Available at: http://belltableconnect.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/A-Review-of-BelltableConnect-Theatre-Makers-11-Oct-17.pdf
Digital media publications
Morrissey, D. (2019). Using drama to explore student teacher identity, Digital Repository of Ireland [Distributor], Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository [Depositing Institution], https://doi.org/10.7486/DRI.w089fw708
Conference proceedings
Morrissey, D. (2010). In our own image? Cultivating creativity in a culture of compliance. In: Creativity and the arts in the primary school: discussion document and proceedings of the consultative conference on education 2009. Dublin: Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, pp.106-110.
Morrissey, D. (2009). Moving through the looking glass: a physical approach to drama and story. In Govas, N. (Ed) Proceedings of the 6th Athens international theatre/drama and education conference 2008. Athens: The Hellenic Theatre/Drama and Education Network, pp.408-416.
Professional publications
Morrissey, D. (2022). Submission. Consultation on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework (2020). NCCA. Available at: https://ncca.ie/media/5759/dorothy-morrissey.pdf
Morrissey, D. (2017). Submission. Written submissions: consultation on curriculum structure and time. NCCA. Available at: https://www.ncca.ie/media/3234/written-submissionsdocument_structureandtime_ncca.pdf
Gleeson, C. and Morrissey, D. (2014). Ideas for dance with third and fourth classes. In Touch 114 (May), pp.66-67.
Morrissey, D. (2013). The Arts in Education Charter. In Touch 138 (Oct), p.41.
Stokes, T. and Morrissey, D. (2012). Billie Butterfly’s adventure: ideas for dance and drama with infant classes. In Touch 131 (Nov), pp.60-61.
Morrissey, D. (2007). Movement and dance. In Moloney, M. et al. (Ed) Voice and choice. Limerick: MIC & Limerick City Childcare Committee, pp.55-58
Conference presentations (since 2020)
Morrissey, D., MacLochlainn, M., and Barcelo Miquel (2024). TYA and Ireland’s new arts education curriculum: The case of ‘Ballad of a Bandit’. Talking TYA symposium 2024: Putting performance to work for children and young people. Baboró International Arts Festival for Children, University of Galway, 11 Oct.
Morrissey, D. (2024). ‘I am Creative’: Imagination and collaboration in Special Education. Educational Studies Association of Ireland Annual Conference: Education for more just societies: the roles of imagination, innovation and collaboration, Maynooth University, 5 April.
Morrissey, D. (2023). 'I am Creative': Findings from a special education-artist initiative. 'Learning without limits', National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education Annual Conference. Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, 19 Oct. INVITED ADDRESS
Morrissey, D. (2023). Developing systemically sustainable models of teacher-artist partnership: Is it worth the trouble? Sustainable models of teacher-artist partnerships (TAP) in 21st century education: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in co-operation with International-Teacher Artist Partnership-Professional Development (I-TAP-PD). Serafio City of Athens, 29 Jun. KEYNOTE ADDRESS
Morrissey, D. (2023). 'I am Creative': Emergent findings from a special education-artist initiative. Sustainable models of teacher-artist partnerships (TAP) in 21st century education: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network in co-operation with International-Teacher Artist Partnership-Professional Development (I-TAP-PD). Serafio City of Athens, 30 Jun. INVITED PRESENTATION
McDonagh F. and Morrissey, D. (2023). Teacher-artist partnerships: Navigating between education and theatre. Irish Society for Theatre Research (ISTR). Balancing Acts, 5 May.
Morrissey, D. (2022). A theatrical approach to troubling gender with young children. International Drama in Education Research Institute (IDiERI) 10, University of Warwick, 11 July.
Morrissey, D. (2022). Resource-based drama teaching. International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA) 9th World Congress. Drama for all: Celebrating drama for tall and small in a changing world. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 6 July.
Morrissey, D. (2022). The Wonder Project. IDEA 9th World Congress. Drama for all: Celebrating drama for tall and small in a changing world. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 5 July.
Morrissey, D. (2022). Creative Clusters: A national model for improving creativity in Ireland’s primary schools. American Educational Research Association: Cultivating equitable education systems for the twenty-first century (online), 23 Apr.
Morrissey, D. (2021). Using TYA resources to teach drama in primary schools. Children, Youth and Performance. York University, Canada (online), 26 Jun.
De Paor, D., Mooney-Simmie, G. and Morrissey, D. (2021). Stories from school exploring possibilities in school-based teacher education: People, purpose and place. Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 2021. Possibilities in Education: Reimagining Connections with People, Purpose and Place (online), 26 Mar.
Research projects supervised to completion
Clerkin, S. (MEd, 2024). From page to stage: Adapting Seamus Heaney’s Sweeney Astray into a one-act play for young audiences (with Dr Fiona McDonagh, MIC).
Mythen, A. (PhD, 2022). A performance-based narrative inquiry into the experiences of women in academic leadership in Ireland (with Dr Michael Finneran, MIC).
De Paor, D. (PhD, 2021). Stories from school: A narrative inquiry exploring primary teachers’ experiences of school-based teacher education (with Dr Geraldine Mooney-Simmie, UL).
Sullivan, N. (MEd, 2020). Connections, community and visual arts: A study of artists and teachers working together in a Community of Practice.
Hargreaves, J. (MEd, 2018). A qualitative study of the value of art education in Further Education and Training (FET).
Curran, A. (MA, 2016). Unmasking the superhero: a narrative inquiry into the construction of gender narratives in early childhood.
Power, G. (MA, 2016). Using picture books as a stimulus for cross-curricular learning with infant classes.
O’Sullivan, M. (MA, 2015). What does All About Eve teach a woman about ageing?
Ryan, C. (MEd, 2013). From implicit to explicit: an examination of the effects of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on the comprehension strategy usage, motivation to read and critical thinking of 3rd and 4th class children.
Burns-Sharma, C. (MEd, 2012). Creating safe learning environments.
Cleary, M. (MEd, 2012). A narrative inquiry into how the experience of learning to read transformed the lives of a learner and a teacher in adult education.
McGealy, K. (MEd, 2011). An exploration of techniques used to strengthen the resilience of educators.
Makoni Fenix, P. (MEd, 2009). An investigation into factors affecting the use of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) for children with emotional social and behaviour difficulties: a case study.
Neylon, J. (MEd, 2007). A study into the processes involved in computer-based collaborative groupwork with second class.
O’ Reilly, C. (MEd, 2007). An investigation into the dietary intake and physical activity patterns of two groups of fifth class children in a disadvantaged area in Mid-West Ireland.
Laherty, B. (MEd, 2006). Visual art in rehabilitative education.
McGrath, M. (MEd, 2004). The practice of learning support in two to seven teacher primary schools in Co Limerick.
Brady, O. (MEd, 2003). How can puppetry, as a concrete manipulative, motivate children to show care and consideration to others?
Current memberships
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (2025-)
Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT), MIC Branch Committee (2023-)
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Arts Education Development Group (2022-)
Talking TYA Research Network Steering Committee (2021-)
MIC Research Committee (2018-)
Teachers' Advisory Group, The Ark (2018-)
National Arts and Culture in Education Research Repository Steering Committee (2017-)