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Dr Thomas Finegan

Dr Thomas Finegan

BTh; MA; PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies

More information

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications (selection)

“Assisted Suicide and Slippery Slopes: Reflections on Oregon,” The New Bioethics 30(2) (2024): 89–102

“Marrying Body and Theology: A Reply to Lawler and Salzman,” Irish Theological Quarterly 89(1) (2024): 41–60

“Clarifying Core Elements of New Testament Normativity,” Studies in Christian Ethics 36(1) (2023): 84–106

“Ideal and Mandatory Moral Norms,” Journal of Religious Ethics 50(4) (2022): 600–22

“Liberal Relativism’s Challenge to Conscience Rights,” Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 9(1) (2020): 79–104 

“Apology for the Reasonableness of Catholic Religious Education,” Louvain Studies 43(2) (2020): 141–63 

“Conscientious Objection to Referrals,” Journal of Medical Ethics 45(4) (2019): 277–79

“Intermediate Moral Respect and Proportionality Reasoning,” Bioethics 30(8) (2016): 579–87

“Dworkin on Equality, Autonomy and Authenticity,” American Journal of Jurisprudence 60(2) (2015): 143–80

“Levinas’ Faithfulness to Husserl, Phenomenology and God,” Religious Studies 48(3) (2012): 281–303


Other Academic Publications (selection)

“Book Review: Christopher Kaczor, Disputes in Bioethics: Abortion, Euthanasia, and Other Controversies (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2020),” Studies in Christian Ethics 36(1) (2023): 187–91

"Credible Catholic" Religious Education programme (Irish ed.), (2021) (with Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.)

“Hopeful ‘Death’: The Cases of Euthanasia and Amoris Laetitia,” in Hope: Where Does Our Hope Lie?, ed. Miloš Lichner (Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2020), 425–36

“The Right to Life in International Human Rights Law”, in Heritage Foundation, First Principles on Human Rights (2020)

“International Human Rights Law and the ‘Unborn’: Texts and Travaux Préparatoires,” Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 25(2) (2016): 89–126


Other Academic Service (selection)

Invited peer-reviewer for various journals including Studies in Christian Ethics, Louvain Studies, Irish Theological Quarterly, Journal of Ethics, Journal of Medical Ethics, Theology & Sexuality

Chair, Board of Governors, Anscombe Bioethics Centre (

Member, Bioethics Consultative Group of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference


Current Projects / Research 

Monograph on Matthew's divorce clause

Natural law analysis of specific moral norms

Fundamental equality