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Dr Josephine Brady

Dr Josephine Brady

PhD (Bham) MA English Literature and Language (Bham) MA Creative Writing (Oscar Wilde Writing Centre, Trinity)
Course Co-ordinator for S PhD/M Ed in Literacy Education

More information

Academic Duties/Responsibilities (past and present)

QA Officer / Chair of Exam Boards

Chair of Validation/Approval Panels

Chair of Appeals Panel for various issues related to student progression etc.

Chair for Vivas (multiple times)

PhD Supervisor 

MEd Supervisor

Member/ Sessional Chair of Faculty Ethics Committee 

Personal Tutor 

Academic Support Tutor

APR Assessor for Doctoral students (across faculties)

Lead Writer for OFSTED documentation

 Lead Bid Writer for various DfE funding grants (team-based)

Assessment Innovator (Peer Assessment /Patchwork Assessment/ Audio assessment)

School Graduation Organiser (Collaboration with Mosaic – Prince of Wales mentoring programme)

External School INSET Provider 

Internal Examiner for nine doctoral vivas

External Examiner for six doctoral vivas

Academic/QA advisor for BA (Hons) and MA in Arts-Based Education ( at affiliated institution) 

Relevant External Training Courses Attended

Media Champions training

‘Go M.A.D.’ leadership training 

Successful Bid Writing training

Governance Roles in Schools

Sep 2006 -2010 Community Governor (responsible for Inclusion and SEND) at Holy Trinity Secondary

Sep 2008-2012 Community Governor (responsible for Literacy) Victoria School

Sep 2012-2017 Community Governor (responsible for Curriculum Development) Redford Infants 


Brady, J. (2025) (Chapter Accepted) Creating Dangerously: Literature Circles and Virtual Engagement in Global Engagement as Professional Development in Higher Education.

O’Brien, E., Brady, J., O'Ceallaigh, T.J.,(2023) Learning how to become a teacher researcher: Using rubrics to support evidence-informed, research-based practice in eds Gonsalves, C, Pearson, J (2023) Improving Learning Through Assessment Rubrics: Student Awareness of What and How They Learn, IGI Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6086-3

Jackson, D., Davison, I. and Brady, J. (2021) Institutional influences on the supervision of GP trainees: a documentary analysis. Education for Primary Care, pp.1-19. 

Perry, T., Davies, P. and Brady, J. (2020) Using video clubs to develop teachers’ thinking and practice in oral feedback and dialogic teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education, 50(5), pp.615-637.

 Jackson, D., Davison, I. and Brady, J. (2018) The tacit rules of the game in the GP trainee–trainer supervisory relationship: experienced educators describe GP supervision. Education for Primary Care, 29(5), pp.278-285.

Brady, J. (2016) ‘Being in the world’: Students’ writing identities beyond school. In Cremin, T, & Lock, T. (eds) ‘Writing Identity and the Teaching and Learning of Writing' Routledge: London. 

Brady, J. (2014) ‘The lost jewel in the crown? Poetry memorisation and recitation in the primary classroom’, Writing in Education, 63. Summer Edition

Brady, J. and Aubrey, C. (2013) 'Why Write On! Writing Squads Matter', Writing in Education, 60: unknown. Summer Edition.

Brady, J. and Millard, E. (2012) ‘Weaving new meanings: evaluating children's written responses to a story telling resource package.’ Literacy, 46: 17–24. 

Brady, J. (2010) ‘The SAGE Handbook of Writing Development’ (Book Review). English in Education, 44: 172–174.

Brady, J. (2009) Exploring teachers’ perceptions of children’s imaginative writing at home.’ English in Education, 43(2), 129-147.

Conference Proceedings

‘Deepening intercultural bonds through writing: a creative writing group for Asian girls’. Research presentation at National Association of Writers in Education, Bristol Mercure Holland House Hotel, 14-16 November 2014.

‘Poetry voiced: the verbal art of poetry for primary trainee teachers and their pupils’. Research presentation at United Kingdom Literacy Association, University of Sussex, Brighton, 4-6th July 2013. 

‘How to teach poetry as a verbal art in primary and secondary classrooms’ Workshop with PGCE Primary Students. National Association of Teachers of English conference, Bristol Royal Marriott Hotel, 27-29th June 2013.

‘The impact of community-based writing groups on children and young people.’ Paper presented at ‘Children as Readers, Children as Writers’ Conference, Bath Spa Literacy Festival, October 2013.

‘Why writing squads for young people matter’. Paper presented at Reading Association of Ireland, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, 26-18 September.

 ‘The secret gardens of home writing: a small-scale study of young female home writers aged between 7 and 13 years’. Paper presented at the British Educational Research Association conference, University of Manchester, 4-6 September.

‘The concepts of ‘home’, ‘out -of-school ’ and ‘third space ’ in relation to children’s ‘home ’writing’ British Educational Research Association international conference , University of Manchester, 4-6 September.

‘Post-Structuralist Feminist Theory and the Secret Worlds of Home Writers’. Paper presented at British Education Research Association conference, University of Manchester, September 3rd – 5th.

‘Children’s Home Writing’, UKLA, Greenwich University, July 10th-12th.

Using children’s picture books to explore the issue of death and bereavement’, National Association of Teachers of English conference, April 4th – 6th.

‘Exploring Children’s Imaginative Writing at Home’.  Paper presented at British Education Research Association conference, Herriott-Watt University, Edinburgh, September 3rd – 6th. 

‘Accepting the Challenge?  Paying more attention to the issue of context in educational research’, National Association of Teachers of English conference, University of Warwick, April 4th – 6th 

Individual Research Project Funding for Teaching and Learning Projects

External funding, £25,000 (2014-16) from Arts Connect West Midlands. 

Internal funding, £5,000 ELSS ‘Teaching and Learning’ Research Funding and external funding  (£15,000) from DfE and the Poetry by Heart organisation.

Externally funded research project, £25,000 (2012-14): Exploration of the impact of community-based writing groups  on young people. Arts Council


Literacy Association of Ireland; British Education Research Association; United Kingdom of Literacy Association; National Association of Teachers of English.