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BA in Education, Business Studies & Accounting (MI016)

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only. Hours and assessment methods vary across semesters, years and subjects.

CAO Points 2024: 413

Duration : 4 years full-time

Places Offered: Up to 30

Location: MIC Thurles

Lecture Hours: 10 approx.

Tutorial Hours: 5 approx.


Mixed but may include presentations, essays and exams.

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Programme Overview

The BA in Education, Business Studies and Accounting programme (post-primary) is a four-year, full-time, undergraduate concurrent teacher education degree (Level 8), currently offered at MIC Thurles. Graduates are qualified to teach Business Studies and Accounting to honours Leaving Certificate level.

Female student in the library at MIC Thurles

Why study on this programme?

Graduates of the programme will:

  • Demonstrate subject knowledge, curriculum process and content, and professional knowledge
  • Engage in critical and analytical thinking, problem-solving, reflection and self-evaluation
  • Engage in planning, teaching, learning, assessment, classroom management and organisation for the classroom and the school as a learning organisation
  • Articulate a commitment to and vision for the development of the uniqueness of the pupil in all its dimensions
  • Integrate and apply knowledge skills, attitudes and values in complex and unpredictable educational settings
  • Exhibit strong interpersonal skill and a readiness to be leaders and innovators of curriculum change
  • Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong personal and professional development and actively participate in professional learning communities

Modules, Dissertation & Study Abroad

Students are educated in the most current methodologies and technologies available to enhance the teaching of their subject areas at post-primary level. The degree programme includes four years of modules in Business Studies and Accounting. These are taken concurrently with education modules which include theoretical, pedagogical and professional studies along with a number of school placement experiences.

This programme places great emphasis on teaching and research. As part of their development as research-active teachers, students undertake an Undergraduate Dissertation. The dissertation can be in either Education or a Subject discipline. Students begin the preparation for the dissertation in Year 3 where they undertake their Research Methods module.

Study Abroad Options

Study abroad opportunities for short stay placements are available in Year 3. In recent years, recipients of International Scholarships have undertaken placements in Japan, Brazil, USA and across Europe, where they have immersed themselves in diverse educational practices and cultures. MIC is working with International partner universities on an ongoing basis to expand the range of International opportunities available.

School Placement

The School Placement element of the programme is designed to meet the Teaching Council’s requirements, and students will spend approximately 23 weeks in schools during the programme. This period will allow students to engage in observation, class based and whole-school teaching and learning activities. Working in partnership with schools, the placements are designed to enable students to experience class levels from junior to senior cycle within a range of school types, where the student is guided and empowered along his/her learning-to-teach journey. The level and range of teaching and learning activities increases from School Placement 1 to School Placement 3 and the student is assisted by the placement tutors and cooperating teachers to ensure that his/her practice is reflective of professional knowledge and his/her own personal commitment to the pupils’ wellbeing and learning. There is an integrated focus on subject knowledge and also inclusion and differentiation for each placement. Placements occur at four points in the programme: 

  • Teaching and Learning 1 – Year 1, Semester 2: Students are given the opportunity to observe teaching in practice for one week in a senior primary classroom. This observation placement provides an opportunity for students to gain an insight into the interconnection between primary and post-primary education. The placement inducts student teachers into the practice of teaching and reflection.
  • School Placement 1 – Year 2, Semester 4: The focus for this six-week School Placement is on lesson planning and preparation, scheme planning and developing effective teaching strategies in their subject areas. There is also a strong emphasis on the development of critical and reflective practice, and on developing an understanding of schools as organisations. Both observation and teaching elements are integrated into this placement which is located at Junior Cycle level and /or Transition Year level. Students may also be placed in pairs on this placement, facilitating team teaching with one another as well as with established teachers.
  • School Placement 2 – Year 3, Semester 6: In this two week placement, students will work in special settings including the possibility of an international placement. The purpose of this placement is to support the student in becoming an inclusive teacher and to develop their confidence and competence in responding to diverse needs in the classroom.
  • School Placement 3  – Year 4, Semester 8: School Placement 3  will run over 14 weeks. In School Placement 3 the student teachers will plan, prepare and implement schemes of work and lesson plans in their subject areas at Junior and Senior Cycle level. There will be a strong emphasis on reflective practice throughout these modules.
Real Teaching Scenarios
Real Teaching Scenarios
Both observation and teaching elements are integrated into the professional placements

Career Opportunities

This programme is accredited by the Teaching Council and has been developed in response to the growing need for excellence in teaching at post-primary level. The programme prepares graduates for their roles in all areas of professional life in education.

The following list demonstrates just some of the careers our graduates have pursued:

  • Post-primary teacher
  • Accountant in industry or practice
  • Accounting Technician
  • Retail Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Fund Accounting
  • Banking
  • Marketing and PR
  • Human Resource Management
  • Training and Development
  • Educational Management
  • Sales
  • Entrepreneurship

Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Each year, Mary Immaculate College awards up to 50 Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships across all undergraduate programmes valued at €2,000 each, on the basis of results obtained in the Irish Leaving Certificate Examination.

Further information about Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships available here.


MIC Thurles

T: +353 504 20535 / 21201


Programme Content

Semester 1 (Year 1)
Becoming a Student Teacher 
Fundamental Accounting
Regulatory Framework
Two of the following modules will be offered:
Management Principles 
Business Mathematics
Semester 2 (Year 1)
Teaching and Learning 1 - Planning to Teach 
Understanding Contemporary Schools and Society
Adolescent Development - Understanding Young People and How They Learn
Financial Accounting Principles
One of the following modules will be offered (excluding the modules already offered): 
Management Principles 
Business Mathematics
Semester 3 (Year 2)
Teaching and Learning 2 - Planning for Differentiation
Teaching Business Studies and Accounting 1
Management Accounting Principles
Financial Accounting 1
One of the following modules will be offered:
Legal Environment of Business
Semester 4 (Year 2)
Inclusive Education: Contemporary Perspectives 
School Placement 1
Management Accounting 1
One of the following modules will be offered (excluding the modules already offered):
Legal Environment of Business
Semester 5 (Year 3)
Curriculum Studies; Assessment for and of Learning
Diversity in Education - Ethics Interculturalism and Inclusive Classrooms
Financial Accounting 2
Two of the following modules will be offered:
Organisational Behaviour
Entrepreneurship and New Enterprise Creation
Business Information Systems
Ireland and the Global Economy
Semester 6 (Year 3)
Research Methods - Ethical foundations for Teaching and Research
School Placement 2
Advanced Management Accounting
Financial Management
Two of the following modules will be offered (excluding the modules already offered):
Organisational Behaviour
Entrepreneurship and New Enterprise Creation
Business Information Systems
Ireland and the Global Economy
Semester 7 (Year 4)
Policy and Leadership in Education
Dissertation 1
Teaching Business Studies and Accounting 2
Strategic Management
Financial Reporting
Semester 8 (Year 4)
School Placement 3
Dissertation 2

Entry Requirements

Applicants must have obtained the following minimum grades in the Leaving Certificate examination:

  • Grade H5 on a Higher Level paper in not less than two subjects
  • Grade O6/H7 in four other subjects (Higher or Ordinary Level)

Applicants must have obtained the following grades, at minimum, in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics - O6/H7
  • English - O6/H7

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Link modules will be accepted for points purposes but they will not qualify as a subject for matriculation purposes.

GCE/GCSE Applicants

Further information about minimum grades and entry requirements is available here or please contact the MIC Admissions Office at E:

Garda Vetting

Registration will be conditional upon successful completion of the Garda vetting process.

If you are at least 23 years old on 1 January of the year of entry to College, you are considered as a mature applicant.

The Closing date for late Mature applications to the CAO is 1 May 2024. Mature applicants who have applied initially through CAO by 1 February and wish to change their mind, can do so from 7 May when the Change of Mind Facility opens, until 12 May only.

All mature applicants who make an application to the College through the CAO for MI016 and are meeting the eligibility criteria, will be invited to attend for an interview. Applicants are awarded a grade for their performance at the interview. Where places remain unfilled after the list of successful first preference applicants has been exhausted, offers may be made to other applicants in order of preference and in accordance with the order of merit. Applicants who get a ‘fail’ grade in the interview will be eliminated from the competition.

Applicants who have failed the interview on two previous occasions are not eligible to re-apply. Mature applicants who have completed an interview will be contacted by the College to indicate whether or not they are suitable applicants for a place on the programme. Places are offered by the CAO based on the applicant’s order of preference.

For details of Uversity Scholarships for Mature Applicants click here. Applications can be submitted from 1 February 2025 to 31 March 2025.

Garda Vetting

Registration will be conditional upon successful completion of the Garda vetting process.

A limited number of places per year will be awarded to applicants through the Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS), which gives learners the opportunity to use their QQI Level 5 or 6 major award to apply, through the CAO, for a place on a higher education programme. Entry requirements vary for each degree programme.

Essential component awards:

5M2468 / 5M2102 / 5M2069 / 5M2111 / 5M0828

Five Distinctions plus O6/H7 in LCE Maths or pass in 5N2066 or 5N1833

6M5013 / 6M4985 / 6M4587

Four Distinctions plus O6/H7 in LCE Maths or pass in 5N2066 or 5N1833

Further information about BA in Education, Business Studies & Accounting (International) and applying as an non-EU applicant is available here. For International Fees, click here

You are advised to contact the MIC International Office before applying on +353 61 204988.

Fees & Grants


Tuition fees may be paid in respect of full-time undergraduate students undertaking approved courses in eligible institutions. Details of the Free Fees criteria are listed here.

If you do not qualify for free fees, undergraduate tuition fees and other charges may apply. See Undergraduate Fees here.


Students apply for a grant through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) and if they meet certain criteria, they may be eligible for full or partial financial support.

Before applying at, please review the criteria carefully.

MIC Thurles
+353 504 20535 / 21201

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  • Entry Requirements
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