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Champions of Inclusion and Diversity using Meaningful Physical Education


The Champions of Inclusion and Diversity using Meaningful Physical Education (CHAMP-INC-MPE) project uses meaningfulness as a lens to promote more equal opportunities in children’s physical education experiences. The project runs from 15 September 2023 until 15 September 2026. This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.


The overall aim of CHAMP-INC-MPE is to support primary teachers to implement Meaningful Physical Education (PE) in a way that is inclusive and accounts for the diversity of the student population. Our proposal adopts the Meaningful PE framework as a foundational conceptual and practical guide. The personalisation and individualisation of experiences that is offered by the Meaningful PE framework has potential to reach these children who are currently being discounted. To achieve this overall aim, the purpose of CHAMP-INC-MPE is to support collaboration between 10 Champion teachers and teacher educator partners in five countries (Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Norway and North Macedonia) to develop, implement  and share pedagogies of Meaningful PE. Teachers will explore how the Meaningful PE approach - which consists of democratic and reflective pedagogies - can be implemented in order to specifically promote more inclusive and equitable experiences for children in physical education. Primary teachers will be supported to master these ideas towards becoming a ‘Champion’ of Meaningful PE.  'Champions' are defined as teachers who know about, successfully implement, advocate and share their experiences of Meaningful PE. Champion teachers will contribute to evidence gathering, dissemination and multiplier activities to support other teachers to implement Meaningful PE with transformative effects on PE.

The project includes:

  • Two Transnational project meetings in year 1 (Ireland) and year 3 (Spain)
  • Online training (LTA1) and teacher-teacher educator interactions (LTA2) alongside collection of evidence in support of pedagogies
  • Co-production of Blog posts (DA 1) and  pedagogical case studies (DA 2)
  • Development of a Capstone resource (DA 3) on how to teach Meaningful PE
  • Capstone webinar to accompany DA 3
  • 2 Peer review journal articles
  • Multiplier sharing event for teachers (ME 2) in each implementation country hosted by the Champion teachers to engage other teachers and policy makers.
  • Multiplier sharing event for teacher educators (ME 3) in each implementation country

(Project Reference 2023-1-IE01-KA220-SCH-000154934)

Project Coordinator
Professor Deirdre Ní Chróinín
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The European Commission's support for the implementation of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Caoimhe Costelloe Our Lady’s Abbey Primary School, Adare
Maria Carrie Oola National School
Anne-Marie Bolger Oola National School
Richie English Oola National School
Déirdre Ní Chróinín Mary Immaculate College
Richard Bowles Mary Immaculate College
Aoife Neary University of Limerick
Tim Fletcher Brock University
Juan Ramón García del Río CEIP Fogar
Antonio Fraga Varela CEIP Fogar
Andrés Pérez Coello CEIP Fogar
Pablo Rey Vázquez CEIP Juan Fernández Latorre
Fabian Canosa Pasantes CEIP San Pedro de Visma
Elena Baulúz de la Iglesia CEIP Emilio González López. Brexo-Lema. Cambre.
Raúl Eirín Nemiña Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Iris Luna Millstein Primary school 1-7 grade ‘Vestli skole’
Kjetil Barth Primary school 1-7 grade ‘Vestli skole’
Mats Hordvik Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Department of teacher education and outdoor studies  
Republic of North Macedonia
Jugoslav Spasikj Primary school “Krste Misirkov”
Kate Bujaroska Angeleska Primary school “Grigor Prlicev”
Metodi Petrov Priamry school “Vanco Prke”
Snezana Jovanova Mitkovska Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Biljana Popeska Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Sebastian Morsing Primary school Sølystskolen
Rikke Uldum Petersen  Primary school Sølystskolen
Anne Mie Møller Jung Primary school Auning Skole
Simone Carøe Reus Primary school Auning Skole
Mette Munk Via University College
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