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MIC Thurles awarded Green Flag once again for sustainability efforts

MIC Thurles Green Flag

MIC (Mary Immaculate College) Thurles has once again been awarded a Green Flag in recognition of the efforts of staff and students who have successfully reduced waste throughout the Thurles campus, increased recycling, and raised awareness of environmental and sustainability issues amongst the student and staff population.

The Green Flag is an internationally recognised award presented by An Taisce’s Green-Schools programme in partnership with the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), representing a commitment to sustainability, environmental awareness, and climate action. Schools and colleges earn the Green Flag by implementing eco-friendly initiatives, reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting biodiversity.

The Green Campus Committee of MIC Thurles oversaw the work on campus to achieve their reaccreditation. Consisting of student and staff volunteers, their aim is to make environmental awareness and action a part of the life and ethos of the campus, involving students, all staff, local business, media, contractors and visitors and to extend learning beyond academic studies to develop responsible attitudes and commitment, both on the campus and in the wider community.

Commenting on their successful reaccreditation, Green Campus Committee member and MIC Thurles Librarian Ruth Talbot, said: ‘We are absolutely delighted with this reaccreditation, representing as it does the culmination of a lot of hard work by staff and students on the committee, whose enthusiasm and dedication made this possible. The support of the wider college community has been essential, especially the Buildings & Estates team. We were so proud to showcase our beautiful and historic campus to the members of An Taisce and are excited to continue working on the Green Campus with great plans for the future’.

During their assessment of the campus, a committee from An Taisce carried noted: ‘It is admirable how embedded sustainability is in the curriculum at MIC and inspiring to think that our future educators are so passionate about it. This will certainly serve to enhance the delivery of our Green-Schools programme in secondary schools in the future’.

Click here to read more about the MIC Thurles Green campus Charter.