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Tips for New International Students: MIC International Student Ambassadors Stephanie and Julia Share Their Knowledge

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MIC International Student Ambassadors Stephanie and Julia share their tips for new international students

Welcome to Ireland! Whether you are coming for the first time, or you have been here before, it’s totally normal to feel anxious or nervous. We’ve both been through it, and here’s the good news, things get better with time! We have prepared some tips for you to help you settle in and make the most of your time in Ireland.

Tip #1: Arrive a few days before classes start

Give yourself a few days to get used to the new environment before the hustle of classes begins, you’ll have time to unpack, figure out transportation, find the closest groceries around you, and settle into your accommodation. Trust us, once you find the rhythm Ireland will start to feel like home.

Explore Limerick and beyond
Explore Limerick and beyond
Nice towns and attractions to explore are Cobh and the Cliffs of Moher.

Tip #2: Explore Limerick and beyond!

Learning how to get around in a new country can be a stressful task, whether you are trying to communicate with friends or coordinate a night out, having areas not being familiar with can make a person very anxious. However, we have narrowed down every international student’s best friend when moving around Limerick (and Ireland as a whole!)

Your lifelines in getting around the city will revolve around having an Irish SIM Card and a Student Leap Card. A recommendation for a trusted and affordable phone service provider that has yet to let us down is Vodafone! The process is simple enough: you tell the associate you are looking for a new SIM card, they ask you what kind of features you would like (i.e. unlimited texts, data, etc.), and you have an Irish number!

The student leap card can be obtained by going to the TFI Leap Card Page, once filled out you can head on down to the collection points provided and ride the bus and train at a discounted rate! Using the TFI Live app will also be a handy tool in planning best routes and bus arrival times. As friends who have had our share of being lost in a foreign country (while they make for great pub stories) trust us when we say having signal as well as a mode of transport will save immense headaches!

Ireland has so much to offer! Start by getting to know Limerick. Transportation in Ireland is convenient and easy to navigate. For getting around Limerick, you can take the 304 bus from Punches Cross (the closest bus station from the college) to the city centre, where you will find landmarks like King John’s Castle, which is definitely worth a visit. Beyond Limerick, Ireland provides several beautiful counties and small towns that are well worth exploring, including Cork, the charming town of Cobh, Dublin, and more. You can easily reach these destinations by pre-booking your train tickets on or by using Dublin Coach, both of which are affordable and reliable options.

Attend international events and Irish festivals
Attend international events and Irish festivals
Christmas in Dublin or St Patrick's Day parades are great to explore Irish culture.

Tip #3: Attend international events

One of the best ways to meet other internationals and make friends is by attending international events or by joining clubs and societies around campus. MIC offers a range of clubs and societies for you to join and meet people from all around the world. Take advantage of special volunteer opportunities offered throughout the school year. Remember: the more you join, the more your CV/resume will thank you later.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for events hosted around the country! St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin, the Limerick Riverfest, as well as the Limerick Culture Night taking place in the city centre on Friday September 20th, 2024 are just a few of many annual events not to be missed. It will be the perfect time to experience Ireland’s rich culture and try great food!

Overall, while arriving as a new international will inevitably come with its worries, enjoying every moment (even the mistakes made along the way) will lead to some of the best memories to look back on and friendships that will last a lifetime!


-Stephanie Gonzalez & Julia Nimat Allah, international full-time students at MIC