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The MIC International Society

MIC international students posing as a group in a pub during the first International Society meeting.

Coming together and making new friends

Besides the academic programme offered at MIC, students can enjoy a wide variety of Clubs & Societies to enrich their lives. These Clubs & Societies offer a wide range of interests and hobbies students can foster and explore, as well as open doors for personal growth, making new friends and developing on professional and social levels. Clubs can provide students with the opportunity to join a wide range of sports activities, e.g.: Hurling, Camogie, Rugby, Football or Tennis. Training on a regular schedule through a club is a great way to socialise and perform sports in a college-communal manner. 

Societies, on the other hand, centre around everything non-athletic: ranging from the Traditional Music Society, to the Community Choir to Cumann Gaelch, the Irish Language Society. Especially interesting for international students however – and of course Irish students as well – is the International Society. 

The International Society is a means to bring international and Irish students together; engage in cultural exchange and make new friends. Helping international students better engage and familiarise themselves with the new environment and college, this society is also great for learning about different cultures, broadening your horizon and spending quality time together.

'Never have I ever'
'Never have I ever'
MIC international students chat and play 'Never have I ever' in the Blue Bar, Limerick.

Loads of fun and exciting activities!

Activities might include the likes of potluck dinners, bar or café meet-ups, movie nights, cultural presentations and workshops as well as trips in the city of Limerick and around the country. As members have the liberty to vote and bring forward their interests and ideas, the structure of the International Society meetings is open for flexible change, making your engagement more personal.

This week, the International Society met up for the first time in the Blue Bar. Having assembled in a large and diverse group, current international students from different cohorts came together in order to get to know each other and vote for Society activities.  

As distinct groups (e.g.: international full degree and Erasmus short-term) have already formed due to the nature of sharing modules or flats together, this meeting was an excellent way of mixing pre-established groups and engaging in a social and cultural exchange. 

International Ambassador Mai moderates an ice-breaker activity.

Off to a great start!

During the meeting, several ice-breaker games were played so members could find similarities about  each other, share an engaging story and become better acquainted. This resulted in friendly chat and deeper conversations as the night went on. By voting on a poll created by the Student Ambassadors who lead the Society, interest could be narrowed down better, giving an overview of future plans and projects. 

Even after the meeting ended, many members stayed on afterwards talking, relaxing and making use of the freely-provided guitar at the Blue Bar. This jolly time proves the connection and common interests of all international students and was a great start for this Society.

Music and singing at the Society's first meeting
Music and singing at the Society's first meeting
A member of the International Society plays the guitar, while the others join him in singing songs.

I am certain that many more pleasant get-togethers will be held and designed by and for all interested Students at MIC. :)

 - Annemarie (Rie) Menche; Universität Gießen, German