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Statement on events in Ukraine

Flag of Ukraine

Mary Immaculate College expresses its profound sorrow and revulsion at the tragic events in Ukraine and stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

The mission of our College is to uphold the dignity and flourishing of all human beings. The continuing assault on the peace and security of people throughout our world during these early decades of the Twenty First Century demands that we create enduring freedom to pursue truth, and that we share the determination to champion and safeguard human rights for all. This must be accepted as our collective responsibility.

As a College that has a special role in fostering the education and welfare of children, we wish to see an immediate end to the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the reunion of families and loved ones separated so suddenly and traumatically. We will display the colours of the Ukrainian flag at our campuses in sympathy with all victims of this unacceptable onslaught of violence.