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MIC academics offer new ‘Perspectives on Childhood’ in new publication

Drawing of girl colouring on the floor beside a wooden chair

Artwork from the cover of 'Perspectives on Childhood'

A recently published book, ‘Perspectives on Childhood’, draws on the expertise of a range of academics from MIC’s Faculties of Education and the Arts.

Published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing and edited by Dr Aisling Leavy and Dr Margaret Nohilly, ‘Perspectives on Childhood’ brings together various cutting-edge and accessible perspectives and insights into childhood.

The book follows on from work conducted by Dr Leavy and Dr Nohilly at the Institute for Education and Social Policy Studies (PRISEM) at MIC, which aims to give effect to the advancement of research and the fostering of knowledge and best practice in line with the provision and values of the college’s strategic plan. Contributions were sought from MIC staff on the theme of childhood, which is collected within the book under four themes: (1) Education and Special Education Settings, (2) Children’s Voice in Research, Classrooms and Other Spaces, (3) Children’s Geographies and Play Spaces, and (4) Children and STEM education.

According to Dr Aisling Leavy: “Several cross-cutting themes are pervasive across and underpin many of the chapters. Evident in all chapters are the advances made in acknowledging the critical role that childhood plays in later life. Concomitantly, the authors point to the progress in recognising the breadth of experiences critical to childhood development and the efforts to provide children with access to such high-quality experiences. There is a strong cross cutting theme relating to places and spaces, both geographical and educational, that children inhabit and the critical need for children to gain access to places and spaces that are appropriate for their needs. The fundamental role played by schools in promoting equitable and high-quality experiences cuts across all four themes; alongside this role comes the responsibility that is placed on schools and policymakers to promote partnerships that encompass and incorporate the voices of children and their parents in decision-making.”

Welcoming the opportunity to work with colleagues, Dr. Margaret Nohilly noted that across the chapters of the book, the authors identify current best practices and place them within the overall context of current trends in research into childhood. According to Dr Nohilly: “There is a fine balace of theory and practice presented throughout. The authors identify current best practices and place them within the overall context of current trends in research into childhood. Given the variety of perspectives and contributions in this book, it will be of interest to those working in professional practice, such as educators, psychologists and sociologists, and the general public, including parents and policy makers.”

Chapter contributions come from MIC’s Dr Claire Griffin, Dr Johanna Fitzgerald, Dr Lainey Keane, Dr Margaret Egan, Dr Sandra Ryan, Dr Sarah O Leary, Dr Mary Moloney, Dr Fionnuala Tynan, Dr Margaret Nohilly, Dr Maurice Harmon, Dr Mia Treacy, Sara Fitzgerald, Dr Suzanne Egan, Clara Hoyne, Chloé Beatty, Dr Jennifer Pope, Dr Emma Hilliard, Rebecca Aspell, Dr Anne Dolan, Deirdre Breatnach, Dr Aisling Leavy, Breed Murphy, Dr Maeve Liston, Dr Miriam Hamilton, Dr Anne O Dwyer and Dr Mairead Hourigan.  The beautiful cover image for the book was created by Anne Marie Morrin, lecturer in visual arts education in the college.

The book is available to publish through Cambridge Scholars Publishing here.