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Faculty of Arts

Media and Democracy – Citizens have their say

19 March 2025
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Twenty people from Limerick city and county will take part in The National Citizens’ Parliament on Media and Democracy this Spring, beginning on Saturday 22 March.

They will convene for four Saturdays in Mary Immaculate College and will discuss the issues and challenges that face journalists in trying to protect democracy. Each day they will be addressed by members of the media, academics and activists to get a clear understanding of the problems and dangers we face in these troubled times.

At the end of each day, they will formulate resolutions that will be voted on. These will have a real impact in the future as they will be presented to all levels of government from Limerick City and County Council to the Oireachtas and right up to the EU. Two of the citizens will join representatives of the other national citizens’ parliaments in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovenia to present their resolutions to MEPs and members of the EU Commission in Brussels in Spring 2026.

This exciting and important event is being organised mainly in the capital cities of each of the other countries involved in this EU HORIZON funded project. Limerick was chosen as an alternative to the usual Dublin based focus of the media and of national politics. The citizens were recruited after a massive campaign on social media, in The Limerick Leader and on Live 95 and they are all ready to give up their weekends to address these issues and find ways of future proofing media for the protection and support of democracy.

More news will follow after each session of parliament that will sit on Saturday 22 March, 5 April, 26 April and 10 May. If you would like to know more about this innovative and important way of accessing citizens’ opinions and making an impact on legislation, regulation and codes of practice for the media in Limerick, Ireland and Europe please log on to or email