Curious and Critical GCE is a podcast series all about global citizenship education which was developed to accompany the book Global Citizenship Education: Curious Teachers, Critical Classrooms. The podcast series is hosted by Dr Brighid Golden, lecturer in Global Citizenship Education at MIC, and member of the national DICE Project Network for over ten years.
During MIC term time, there will be weekly episodes in which Brighid talks to educators about their experiences implementing GCE with curiosity and criticality in their different education settings. This podcast series is for students, teachers, and anyone who is interested in how GCE can be implemented in different educational settings.
This podcast series was supported by funding from Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) through the DICE Project. The ideas, opinions and comments herein are entirely the responsibility of its author(s) and do not necessarily represent of reflect DFA policy.
With huge thanks to Wired FM for supporting and producing this series.
Episode 7 - Active learning for global citizenship education with Niall Quigley and Abigail Gallagher
In this episode I talk to newly qualified teachers Niall Quigley and Abigail Gallagher who recently completed their B Ed Degree in MIC with a specialism in global citizenship education. Niall and Abigail discuss their experiences of teaching and researching GCE throughout their degrees and share insights into what they learned about active learning, choosing resources, and integrating GCE into lessons in primary schools.
The padlet they mention in the interview is available here.