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Professional Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only.
There will be a number of funded places available for AY 2025/26 and updates on funded places will be provided in due course.

Available: Full-time

NFQ Level: 10*

Duration: 3 years

Location: MIC Limerick

Delivery Mode:

Face-to-face with some online teaching (synchronous and asynchronous) and over 300 days on professional placement.


Portfolios/e-portfolios, essays, presentations, Objective Structured Professional Assessment (OSPA), case reports, systematic reviews and thesis.

  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Ask a Question

Programme Overview

The Professional Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology (DECPsy) is a highly sought-after three-year, full-time professional training course for applicants interested in pursuing a career as an educational psychologist. This course will equip applicants with the necessary competencies to work in a range of autonomous and collaborative professional roles that are performed by educational psychologists (EPs) in a variety of contexts and with a range of client groups. The overall aim of the DECPSY programme is to enable students to effectively integrate theory and practice and become skilled and accountable professional practitioners.

Key Features

The programme is sufficiently flexible in content and structure to adapt readily to current and future needs and to the emergence of new knowledge in educational psychology and related fields. Taught modules are typically delivered in four-day blocks over the first two years. In addition to taught modules, a variety of workshops and seminars are organised for trainees and delivered by experienced practitioners e.g. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Video Interactive Guidance, Dynamic Assessment. One day per week is normally assigned to study.

Over the three years, students develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of research showing in depth understanding of the range of research orientations and methods used in educational and professional educational psychology research. Students are required to complete a research thesis which must make an original contribution to knowledge and contain material of a standard and form appropriate for peer-reviewed publication.

The programme utilises approaches to learning that are problem-based and collaborative. Learners will be provided with opportunities to construct knowledge in an active, collaborative manner by working through real-life case studies and examples, thereby linking psychological theory and research to professional practice. Those involved in the delivery of the programme recognise that they are engaging with adult professional learners and aim to employ methods that will afford adult learners a robust learning experience.

Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology FAQ

Professional Placement & Career Opportunities

Professional placements, totalling 300 days, are organised in a variety of settings e.g. early intervention and school age teams with HSE/disability services, National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS). Professional placements provide extensive opportunities for the exercise of a wide range of professional roles and competencies. Students typically attend placements for 3-4 days per week. Where possible, students will be placed close to their home base.

Graduates of the DECPsy will have knowledge of a broad range of psychological theory, evidence-based practice, method and research and will have the ability to apply psychological methods, insights and interventions to working autonomously or as part of multi-disciplinary teams, with a variety of clients in diverse contexts. Professional practice will be characterised by high ethical standards, competence to practice in a variety of professional contexts, and a disposition to work collaboratively with high levels of professional skill and up- to- date knowledge.

Graduates will be eligible to apply for Chartered Members of the Psychological Society of Ireland and for full membership of the Division of Educational Psychology.

Dr Therese Brophy, Lecturer in Educational and Child Psychology
DECPsy Programme
Dr Therese Brophy speaks about this professional training course.

More Information

DECPsy Newsletter

For an insight into this programme, please click on the links below to access past editions of the DECPsy Newsletter.

Issue No. 4 DECPsy Newsletter 2023
Issue No. 3 DECPsy Newsletter 2022
Issue No. 2 DECPsy Newsletter 2021
Issue No. 1 DECPsy Newsletter 2020


Postgraduate Support, Faculty of Education


NFQ Levels

*Graduate Certificates are Level 9 Minor Awards, Graduate Diplomas and Masters are Level 9 Major Awards and PhDs are Level 10 Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), awarded by the University of Limerick.

Programme Content

The programme is sufficiently flexible in content and structure to adapt readily to current and future needs and to the emergence of new knowledge in educational psychology and related fields. Taught modules are typically delivered in four-day blocks over the first two years. In addition to taught modules, a variety of workshops and seminars are organised for trainees and delivered by experienced practitioners e.g. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Video Interactive Guidance, Dynamic Assessment. One day per week is normally assigned to study.


The DECPsy programme is structured as follows:

Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
EPS733: Professional Skills and Issues in ECP (9 ECTS)
EPS734: Assessment, Formulation and Intervention in ECP 1 (9 ECTS)
EPS704: Research Methods (6 ECTS)
EPS736: Personal and Professional Development 1 (3 ECTS)
EPS737: Professional Placement 1 (3 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
EPS738: Assessment, Formulation and Intervention in ECP 2 (9 ECTS)
EPS739: Research Project 1 (6 ECTS)
EPS740: Personal and Professional Development 2 (3 ECTS)
EPS741: Professional Placement 2 (12 ECTS)
Summer (30 ECTS)
EPS742: Research Project 2 (30 ECTS)
Semester 3 (30 ECTS)
EPS743: Advanced Theory and Practice in ECP 1 (9 ECTS)
EPS744: Research Project 3 (6 ECTS)
EPS745: Personal and Professional Development 3 (3 ECTS)
EPS746: Professional Placement 3: (12 ECTS)
Semester 4 (30 ECTS)
EPS747: Advanced Theory and Practice in ECP 2 (9 ECTS)
EPS748: Research Project 4 (6 ECTS)
EPS749: Personal and Professional Development 4 (3 ECTS)
EPS750: Professional Placement 4(12 ECTS)
Summer (30 ECTS)
EPS751: Research Project 5 (30 ECTS)
Semester 5 (30 ECTS)
EPS752: Research Project 6 (15 ECTS)
EPS753: Personal and Professional Development 5 (3 ECTS)
EPS754: Professional Placement 5: (12 ECTS)
Semester 6 (30 ECTS)
EPS755: Research Project 7 (12 ECTS)
EPS756: Personal and Professional Development 6 (3 ECTS)
EPS757: Professional Placement 6: (15 ECTS)
Summer (30 ECTS)
EPS758: Research Project 8(30 ECTS)

Frequently Asked Questions - Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology

  1. Academic Qualification
    Applicants will have a minimum upper second class honours (2.1) degree in psychology or an equivalent qualification in psychology (e.g. HDip Psychology Conversion), recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland or equivalent, as conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership.

  2. Experiential Component
    An equivalent of two year's relevant full-time experience working in the field of education, psychology or healthcare settings (Psychological Society of Ireland, 2022).
  3. Interview
    Short-listing of applicants for interview normally occurs. Applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of requirements 1 and 2 above.  Shortlisted applicants will be assessed by a panel, to include the Programme Director, the core programme team and, where feasible, a representative of external stakeholders (PSI, 2022). The selection panel will pay particular attention to the personal suitability of applicants to work with clients of all ages and with clients from diverse social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. (PSI, 2022, p.17). In judging applicants’ suitability, account will be taken of academic qualifications, professional and research experience, interpersonal skills and communication skills in addition to the quality of references provided.
  4. Garda Vetting
    Successful applicants will be Garda vetted prior to final acceptance on to the course.

In the interests of equity and fairness, we only accept applications from candidates who have completed their psychology degree by the closing date for applications.  You cannot apply until you have obtained your psychology degree results. Applicants must hold an accredited qualification in psychology by the closing date for applications.

A minimum of an upper second class honours (2.1) degree or an equivalent psychology qualification (e.g., H Dip Psychology – Conversion) is required.  Applicants should ensure that their psychology qualification is accredited by the PSI or equivalent body.  See the PSI website for a list of accredited programmes.

You will need to demonstrate that you have relevant experience of working in educational, psychology or healthcare settings. Some work experience or combinations of work experience allow applicants better opportunities to acquire the necessary competencies. It is important that applicants can demonstrate what they have learnt from their experiences and how this is relevant to work as an educational psychologist. Applicants should be able to give examples of how they could apply the knowledge gained through their studies and work experience.

Two years’ full time (or four years’ part time) experience working with clients in an educational, psychology or healthcare setting is a recommended minimum. This can be cumulative or continuous. Voluntary experience of various kinds may also assist applicants in demonstrating a breadth of relevant experience.

NB: periods of continuous professional experience of less than three months full-time employment will not count towards the two years minimum experiential requirement.

Applicants must have a degree in psychology or an equivalent qualification (e.g. Higher Diploma in Psychology - Conversion or a Masters in Psychology), recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland or equivalent, as conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership. If you wish to pursue a qualification in psychology, please see a list of accredited conversion courses on the Psychological Society of Ireland website.

Applicants with a BPS accredited psychology degree who meet the minimum academic requirements will be eligible to apply.

There are a variety of routes you can take in pursuing a place on the programme. The route you choose must enable you to meet the minimum entry requirements and should also depend on your own interests.

No, it is not essential that you complete a teaching qualification before applying. You should only undertake a teaching qualification if you feel you have a desire to teach.

To practice as an Educational Psychologist in the UK you must be registered with the Health Professions Council (HCPC). The HCPC assess applicants who have trained outside of the UK against Standards of Proficiency for practicing psychologists. If an applicant meets these standards they are eligible to apply for registration. For further information please refer to the Standards of Proficiency on the HCPC website.

Application to the programme is open to candidates from the European Economic Area (EEA) which includes countries in the EU and Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.

The programme is currently not open to applicants outside of the EEA.

English language proficiency: For English language, candidates will require an IELTS test score of 6.5-7.0, with no less than 6.0 in any one component.

The fees for international students outside of the EEA for academic year 2023/24 were €29,000 per annum.

It is important to note that any successful international applicants who obtain a funded place will be required to adhere to the funding conditions outlined by their funder. This may include a commitment to work with the funding body for three-year post-graduation.

Trainees on the programme undertake substantial professional placements in a variety of settings over the course of the three years. The placement coordinator will organise each of the psychology placements. Trainees will be placed near their home base where possible.

Trainees are consulted with regard to school placement at the early stages of the programme. Please note trainees are required to have their own transport and must be prepared to travel to placements.

The programme is a three year, full-time programme. A part-time option is not available.

The programme includes a combination of taught modules, professional placements and research.

Taught Components: The programme is sufficiently flexible in content and structure to adapt readily to current and future needs and to the emergence of new knowledge in educational psychology and related fields. Taught modules will be typically delivered by qualified psychologists in four-day blocks over the first two years. In addition to taught modules, a variety of workshops and seminars are organised for trainees and delivered by experienced practitioners e.g. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Video Interactive Guidance, Assistive Technology, Dynamic Assessment. One day per week is normally assigned to study.

Placement: Professional placements, totalling over 300 days, are organised in a variety of settings (e.g HSE Disability services, National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS), Child Psychology (Primary Care/CAMHS). The professional placements provide extensive opportunities for the development of professional competencies. Detailed placement handbooks are provided to trainees in advance of each placement. Trainees typically attend placements for 4 days per week. In addition to professional placements, trainees also undertake a 20-day placement in an educational context in Semester 1. This placement will provide opportunities for trainees to carry out shadowing and observation in varied educational settings.

Research: For the award of Doctorate, the research thesis must make an original contribution to knowledge and contain material of a standard and form appropriate for peer-reviewed publication.

Trainees will develop their knowledge and understanding of the nature of educational research showing in depth understanding of the range of research orientations and methods used in educational and professional educational psychology research. Trainees will be supported through this process through regular supervision and the provision of advanced research methods workshops over the three years. It is envisioned that trainees will conduct a thorough literature review in their area of interest in Year 1. In Year 2 trainees will focus on obtaining ethical approval and data collection. In Year 3 the emphasis will be on data analysis and thesis write up.

Trainees on the DECPsy programme are provided with a broad range of professional placement experiences working with children and young people across a variety of settings and contexts.  The research component enables trainees to gain in-depth knowledge in their area of interest.

The number of funded places is finalised ahead of each annual intake. Updates on funded places will be provided via the How to Apply page.

Successful applicants to the DECPsy for 2024/45 received funding from external stakeholders, namely the HSE and NEPS. The HSE (CHO 3 Mid-West & CHO4 Cork) funded seven trainees via a salary of approximately €40,000 per year and payment of 60% of trainees fees/per year. NEPS also funded seven trainees via a bursary scheme amounting to €40,000 per year. As part of funding arrangements, trainees agree to pursue employment with their funder for three years post-graduation.

Applicants identified their funding preferences in advance (HSE or NEPS or both) and then successful applicants were assigned funding based on merit (performance at interview).

Information on the application process is available on the How to Apply page.

The programme plans to have an annual intake. The programme is normally advertised online in November/ December with a closing date for applications in January. Interviews are normally held in late February/ early March.

Trainees who obtain a funded place will be required to adhere to the funding conditions outlined by their funder. This may include a commitment to work with the funding body for a period of time post-graduation. Many of our past graduates have taken up positions working as educational psychologists with the HSE, or with the National Educational Psychological Service. Some graduates choose to work in academia or as private educational psychologists.  Others have opted to work as educational psychologists in the UK. Detailed support and guidance on career options is provided as part of the programme.

The number of students accepted onto the programme is subject to annual review. Fourteen students were accepted onto the programme in 2023/2024.

If you have additional queries about the course structure and content, please forward your questions to:


If you have queries regarding the application process, please contact: Admission Office:

If you have queries regarding awards and postgraduate support structures, please contact the Research and Graduate School.


Entry Requirements

1. Academic Qualification

Applicants will have a minimum upper second class honours (2.1) degree in psychology or an equivalent qualification in psychology (e.g. HDip Psychology Conversion), recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland or equivalent, as conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership.


2. Experiential Component

An equivalent of two year's relevant full-time experience working in the field of education, psychology or healthcare settings (Psychological Society of Ireland, 2022).

3. Interview

Short-listing of applicants for interview normally occurs. Applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of requirements 1 and 2 above. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview and to complete a group task on the same date.  The selection panel will include members of the DECPsy team and where feasible, external stakeholder representatives.  In judging applicants’ suitability, account will be taken of academic qualifications, professional and research experience, interpersonal skills and communication skills in addition to the quality of references provided. The selection panel will pay particular attention to the personal suitability of applicants to work with clients of all ages and with clients from diverse social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. (PSI, 2022, p.17).

4. Garda Vetting

Successful applicants will be Garda vetted prior to final acceptance on to the course.

How to Apply

EU Applicants

Applications for the Professional Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology (DECPsy) are now closed.

For EU Postgraduate programme fees click here.


The number of funded places is finalised ahead of each annual intake. Updates on funded places will be provided here in due course.

Successful applicants to the DECPsy for 2024/25 received funding from the HSE and NEPS. The HSE (CHO 3 Mid-West & CHO4 Cork) funded seven trainees via a salary of approximately €40,000 per year and payment of 60% of trainees fees/per year. NEPS also funded seven trainees via a bursary scheme amounting to €40,000 per year. As part of funding arrangements, trainees agree to pursue employment with their funder for three years post-graduation.

Applicants identified their funding preferences in advance (HSE or NEPS or both) and then successful applicants were assigned funding based on merit (performance at interview).

Postgraduate Support, Faculty of Education

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  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Ask a Question