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Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma / MA in Autism Studies

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only.

Available: Part-time

NFQ Level: 9*

Duration: 1 year

Location: MIC Limerick

Delivery Mode:



Certificate: Essay, presentation, case study & sample supports for autistic individuals. Diploma: Research proposal and review of current literature. MA: Research proposal & dissertation.

  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
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Programme Overview

The Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, and MA in Autism Studies are accredited by the University of Limerick and are delivered by an award-winning partnership between Mary Immaculate College and Middletown Centre for Autism. The programmes have been designed and developed in collaboration with the autistic community, and are taught by professionals from MIC and Middletown Centre for Autism using both online and face-to-face teaching methods. Both agencies recognise the need for high-quality research opportunities and professional development in autism studies. The graduate programmes are offered in response to this need.

Key Features

Mary Immaculate is a College of Education and the Liberal Arts and has been providing teacher education since 1898. Mary Immaculate has considerable experience and expertise in the provision of teacher education in the area of Special and Inclusive Education including autism.

Middletown Centre for Autism is funded by the Departments of Education in Northern and Southern Ireland to promote excellence in the education of people with autism. As such, the Centre works on a referral basis with children who have complex needs in school and the Centre is one of the main providers of training for parents and educational professionals on the island of Ireland.

Graphic for Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma / MA in Autism Studies - lecturer and students sitting around a table with books and notes open on the table..
WATCH: Cert/Diploma/MA in Autism
These programmes use both face-to-face and online teaching methods.

Programme Information

Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies (GCAS) - Runs every year from Sept-April

GCAS is a one-year part-time Level 9 programme. Applicants who have an honours degree (Level 8) in any discipline can apply to GCAS. The programme is worth 30 credits (ECTs) and there are four modules in total. There are approximately 3-4 onsite Saturdays in MIC over the academic year. The graduate certificate is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of autism and explores overlapping areas from experiential, educational and supportive perspectives. It is both theory and practical-based and is suitable for practitioners who work in this area and for those who are part of the autistic community. Students who are awarded a minimum 2.2 (second class honours) in GCAS are eligible to apply to the graduate diploma.

Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS) - Due to run Academic Year 2025-2026

The one-year part-time Level 9 Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS) is designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of research methods and current topics in autism research. This unique programme combines training and teaching in practical research methods, the impact of research on current practices, and the opportunity to complete a project incorporating a practical model for reflection on practice. The programme is worth 30 credits (ECTs) and there are three modules in total. There are approximately 2-3 onsite Saturdays in MIC over the academic year. Evening supervision and support sessions are offered to students throughout. Students who are awarded a minimum 2.1 in the graduate diploma in autism studies are eligible to apply to the masters.

MA in Autism Studies (MAAS) - Due to run Academic Year 2026-2027

The one-year part-time Level 9 MA in Autism Studies (MAAS) is designed to equip students with the requisite knowledge and skills to design and conduct an empirical study on a topic within the field of autism studies. Students will develop expertise in research design, data collection and analysis, and will demonstrate the capacity to interpret and critique research findings in the context of policy, practice, and research. In semester two, students write a dissertation and are supervised by members of the MAAS team from MIC or Middletown Centre for Autism. 

The live component of the programmes will be delivered on campus. There are approximately 6 onsite days in MIC. The master’s lectures are recorded/live streamed for those who cannot attend. Students will also be required to engage weekly with a range of research papers, podcasts, videos and reflective exercises as part of the programme. The online content is delivered through, and supported by, Mary Immaculate College’s Moodle platform.

Applicants who have not completed the graduate diploma in autism studies but have a graduate diploma in a relevant area, are eligible to apply, but must demonstrate an excellent understanding of autism. Applicants will be asked to complete a portfolio and will be interviewed in advance of being offered a place on the master’s programme. This is decided on a case-to-case basis

What does the GCAS/GDAS/MAAS qualify me to do?


This course does not qualify you for a particular career such as teaching. It provides very valuable skills when supporting autistic people in any setting, thereby giving ‘an edge’ over others when it comes to job applications or job promotions. We welcome autistic and non-autistic students. Students bring a wealth of expertise to the programmes as they come from varied backgrounds such as, the autistic community, teachers, doctors, librarians, special needs assistants, nurses, therapists, social workers, professors, parents and siblings. 

The Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma / MA in Autism Studies programmes are designed to provide academic awards to people interested in studying autism.The awards acknowledge an in-depth exploration of autism and the characteristics, theories and interventions that enhance student learning, and help students to support autistic people.

Critically, students on the programmes will be empowered to foster an inclusive and equitable approach to research which promotes the voice of the autistic person, reflecting a ‘nothing about us without us’ philosophy. This is in an effort to ensure that students from a wide range of professional and personal backgrounds can engage in cutting edge research in the field of autism studies, and apply their research in whatever professional or personal context is most relevant and appropriate for them.

For particular jobs or promotion opportunities, the GCAS/GDAS/MA awards allow you to make a case or argument that you have evidence (in the form of an academic qualification) of being more knowledgeable about autism than competitors may be.

Graphic for Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies
WATCH: Alan Power - GCAS Graduate Testimonial
Alan is a graduate of GCAS with a background & training in engineering & mobile product design.

Testimonial: Caroline Morris - Graduate

As a parent and professional working with neurodiverse families I found this course provided a rich insight into Autism, the historical context, how understanding in this area and research has changed over time and how profiles of autistic people can be similar but different.

The modules covered in GCAS and GDAS enhanced my ability to implement theory and strategies into practice, engage critically with research and empowered me to be an advocate with neurodiverse individuals and their families. 

The course lecturers are very understanding and supportive and the online and face to face lectures provided a balance around family life. As the course can be intense, it is important to be organised and reach out for support if needed. 

Knowledge is powerful and this course is enriching, insightful and empowering.

Testimonial: Mark Dunne - Master's Student

My name is Mark Dunne. I'm a primary school teacher and I completed the GDAS course in Mary Immaculate College. 

I would recommend the course to anyone with an interest in Autism Studies. The GDAS course focuses primarily on research and throughout the year you are given the tools to critically evaluate the research. This is a lifelong skill, no matter your profession, as you can confidently and accurately decipher research and decide whether to implement it into your own practice. 

The hybrid nature of the course also allows flexibility in study while at the same time receiving timely feedback from highly skilled supervisors. 

I would definitely recommend the course to anyone interested. 

Mark Dunne,
Mark Dunne,


Mary Immaculate College

Programme Co-Ordinator: Ms Kim Maguire

Administration: Ms Elaine Gleeson

Middletown Centre for Autism (NI)

Ms Edel Quinn

T: +44 28 3751 5750

NFQ Levels

*Graduate Certificates are Level 9 Minor Awards, Graduate Diplomas and Masters are Level 9 Major Awards and PhDs are Level 10 Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), awarded by the University of Limerick.

Programme Content

Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies (GCAS)
Understanding the Lived Autistic Experiences: The aim of this module is to provide students with a comprehensive overview of autism. This will include how autism presents and is diagnosed, both in adults and children; the core challenges associated with autism and how these impact on the child and the adult; additional difficulties which the environment can pose; how autism interfaces with other difficulties. Students will explore the importance of understanding these differences when supporting an autistic person. Autistic joy is celebrated throughout.
Visual Learning and Environmental Support for Autistic People: The aim of this module is to provide students with the theory and understanding of how the environment can cause difficulties for autistic people. The use of structure and visual teaching strategies for autistic children and autistic adults are explored across learning environments. This will result in a set of core competencies, as well as a practical experience in the development of resources that support the thinking and learning style of every citizen.
Understanding Behaviour and Sensory Processing: The aim of this module is to provide students with an increased understanding of the positive strategies that can be implemented to support an autistic person. This will include consideration of the particular sensory processing differences that autistic people may experience. It will also include an introductory overview of the neural mechanisms that modulate sensory input, the presentation of sensory processing differences and strategies that can be used to support autistic people who experience sensory processing differences. Participants will learn the importance of analysing the environment and adapting it to enable an autistic person enjoy meaningful participation in the events or activities being offered.
Supporting Anxiety for Autistic People: The aim of this module is to provide participants with an overview of the relationship between autism and anxiety. This will involve a review of how the core features of autism can trigger an anxiety response; an examination of a model of the anxiety process and a comprehensive appraisal of current anxiety management strategies. This is all delivered within the context of current research and best practice in the area of autism and anxiety management.
Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS)
Autism Research and Practice: The aim of this module is to provide students with an overview of the key research-based milestones in autism and how research has and continues to change practice and developing our understanding of autism. This module will encourage students to create a culture of research into practice and students will explore other research trends. Students are invited to have their work published in the Middletown Special Bulletin.
Research Methods: This module will introduce students to research methodology, such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods of research. This module will focus on developing research skills and conducting desk-based research using a review of relevant literature. This process is an essential pre-requisite to students conducting their own research project involving a review of literature in the second semester of the programme. 
Research in Autism: This module will teach students the process of reflective practice and enable students to complete a review of relevant literature on a topic of interest to them in autism. This process is intended to prepare students to pursue further study and research within the field of autism studies, whilst also bridging the gap between research and practice. Students will have an opportunity to discuss their research with an expert panel of autistic people.
MA in Autism Studies (MAAS)

Principles and Practices of Research: In semester 1 all master's students in MIC will come together to develop a range of research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, and will develop a critical understanding of the research process. 

Students will use these skills to conduct a research project that expressly addresses the needs and interests of the autism community. Students will develop their ability to interrogate literature and policy, and to develop a research question which is relevant and meaningful to contemporary discourse in autism research.

Dissertation Modules 1 and 2: Within these modules, students will design and conduct an empirical research project on a topic of their choosing. Students will work under the close supervision of faculty from Mary Immaculate College and/or Middletown Centre for Autism, and will receive mentoring and feedback on an ongoing basis. These modules include workshops, discussion sessions and lectures, alongside supervision. Students will have an opportunity to discuss their research with an expert panel of autistic people.

Assessment Modes Students will be required to engage weekly with a range of content (e.g. lectures, readings, videos, etc.). The online content is delivered through and supported by MIC’s Moodle platform. All students will be enrolled as students of Mary Immaculate College and will be required to complete assignments or research dissertations prior to the award of the Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, and MA in Autism Studies. 

Successful completion of each individual programme provides applicants with 30 ECTs at Level 9.

Entry Requirements

Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies (GCAS)

A Level 8 degree in any discipline is required for entry to this programme.

For English language requirements, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions - Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies

The course costs €2658 for the year (2024/25)

Yes. Any queries about fees should be sent to

A level 8 Bachelors Degree is required for entry to this programme or equivalent (nursing certificate prior to degree-based nursing education).

If your degree has gone through an exam board by our closing date, we will accept the application.

The course typically starts the last Saturday in August or the first Saturday in September with online orientation. Dates will be given to students when accepted on the course and when the course board has agreed dates for the academic year.

The course starts in September and finishes in April.

Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies

GCAS course starts with online orientation for all students. Semester One is made up of two modules. Students complete Module One from September-October, and there is a mid-term break for students before commencing Module Two which runs for six weeks. The first semester finishes in early December. 

Semester Two usually begins the second week in January. There is a week off between Module Three and Module Four in February. Module Four finishes mid-April.

This course does not qualify you for a particular career such as teaching. It provides you with very valuable skills to support autistic people in any setting, thereby giving you ‘an edge’ over others when it comes to job applications or job promotions. We have had autistic and non-autistic students in the past, who were teachers, doctors, librarians, special needs assistants, nurses, therapists, social workers, professors, parents and siblings. Many have used this qualification to better support the autistic community with whom they work or live. Others have used the qualification for promotion or for entry to other courses.

Feedback from students indicates that the course takes approximately 10-15 hours of study per week. This includes engagement with online presentations, readings, podcasts and discussion fora.

There is an assignment for each module and students are also required to contribute to various discussions on the online platform (Moodle) each week.

Supporting our students is really important to us, and we are conscious that some students might not have engaged in education for many years. There is a session during orientation which introduces you to Moodle, our online platform. You will also meet our course Moderator who runs the discussions and activities for you during the year who will provide support for engagement in Moodle work.

The following supports are also available:

Academic Writing Support

Assignment Support

Support for your well-being

Group and individual Supervision sessions (GDAS and MAAS)

Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS)

This module is designed to build on the existing Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies programme.

Applicants are required to have a Bachelor’s Degree at Level 8 in any discipline AND a post-graduate qualification in Autism Studies (or a relevant post graduate qualification) with a minimum of 30 ECTs and a minimum award which aligns to a 2.2

Graduates of the GCAS programme must earn a minimum 2.2 award to be eligible for entry to the GDAS programme.

In cases where the applicant has not completed the GCAS programme but can demonstrate comparable expertise and training, the applicant can be assessed on prior learning in line with University policy and procedures on the Recognition of Prior Learning. The admission procedures will include the submission of a portfolio and an interview, wherein the prior learning and experience of applicants will be assessed. This is carried out on a case to case basis.

For English language requirements, click here.

MA in Autism Studies (MAAS)

This programme is designed to build on both the existing GCAS and GDAS programmes. 

Applicants will be considered for direct entry into the MA in Autism Studies programme on the basis of completion of the GCAS and GDAS programmes. Graduates of the GDAS programme must earn a minimum 2.1 award to be eligible for entry to the MA in Autism Studies.

In cases where the applicant does not meet normal entry requirements, the applicant can be assessed on prior learning in line with University policy and procedures on the Recognition of Prior Learning. The admission procedures will include the submission of a portfolio and an interview, wherein the prior learning and experience of applicants will be assessed. This is carried out on a case to case basis.

For English language requirements, click here.

How to Apply

Applications for September 2025 (Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma) are now open.

While the Graduate Certificate in Autism Studies (GCAS) programme is offered each academic year, the Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS) and MA programmes are offered on alternating years, as follows:

  • Academic Year 2025-26: GCAS and GDAS
  • Academic Year 2026-27: GCAS and MA
  • Academic Year 2027-28: GCAS and GDAS

Please Note: This programme is not open to applications from non-EU countries. Application fees are non-refundable due to applicant ineligibility. See International programme listing here.

For fees click here.

Applications for Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GCAS)

Complete all the steps below:

  1. Download and complete the application form (application fee Payment Ref Number required).
  2. Please pay the non-refundable €50 application fee using Stripe, and return the completed application along with the supporting documents below by email only to

What to include with your Application

You will be required to send:

  1. University transcripts and certificates (and applicants may be required to name one or more referees on request)
  2. If English is not your first language/language of qualification, you will require:
  • English translation of transcript/qualification
  • Your English Language Competency Certificate (Academic IELTS or equivalent)

Applications will close on 27 June 2025.

Applications for MA in Autism Studies

MA in Autism Studies (MAAS) - due to run Academic Year 2026-27

To apply for the MA you need to have completed the Graduate Diploma in Autism Studies (GDAS).

For applicants who have not completed both the GCAS and GDAS Programmes, but can demonstrate comparable expertise and training (e.g. GCAS programme and an additional graduate programme in autism studies or a related field), the applicant can be assessed on prior learning in line with University policy and procedures on the Recognition of Prior Learning. Such applicants will be required to submit a portfolio and an application form.

Applicants will be interviewed in advance of being offered a place on the MAAS programme. 

Mary Immaculate College
Administration: Elaine Gleeson
Mary Immaculate College
Programme Co-ordinator: Ms Kim Maguire
Middletown Centre for Autism (NI)
GCAS: Edel Quinn I GDAS and MAAS: Dr Rachel Ferguson

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  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Ask a Question