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Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma / M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only.

Available: Full-time/Part-time

NFQ Level: 9*

Duration: 1 yr FT/2 yrs PT

Location: Online/ MIC Limerick

Delivery Mode:

Students have the option of engaging online (Hyflex) or face to face (at weekends).


Continuous Assessment

  • Programme Overview
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Programme Overview

The Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma / M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education is designed for those working in education to support them to lead, design, implement and evaluate an integrated and innovative model of digital learning within their educational contexts. Learners will work collaboratively to solve problems that explore the elements key to a successfully digital learning ecosystem in particular the relationship between digital learning policy; digital pedagogies; digital equality, diversity and inclusion (Digital EDI); open and distributed e-leadership; digital literacy and wellbeing and digital infrastructure when planning digital learning in their individual schools or educational institutes.

Key Features

A future focused programme which adopts an integrated approach to developing 21st Century educational leadership skills, the programme encourages learners to explore the relationship between open and connected leadership, e-leadership, digital literacies, digital wellbeing, digital EDI and digital pedagogies which are key for modern educational leadership and a successful digital learning ecosystem.

Delivered using a hyflex model learners can choose how they wish to engage with the programme material and with each other. Learners will cultivate cross-sectoral communities of practice to work collaboratively to bridge theory and practice and develop a digital learning ecosystem that considers the needs of the whole educational community including students, educators, parents, communities.

Based on an innovative, inclusive digital pedagogical approach the programme models and fosters a transformative digital learning experience based on principles of Universal Design for Learning, Heutagogy, Transformative Learning and Learner agency.

Learners will reflect on the dilemmas and problems experienced within a digital-learning era and how they can become agents for change at micro, meso, macro and mega levels to develop a sustainable model of digital learning within their institutes and across the education sector as a whole.

Student on the M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education with child in a classroom setting
M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education
A future focused programme focused on developing 21st Century educational leadership skills.

Career Opportunities

Our programmes in Digital Leadership in Education are designed for those working in education to support them to lead, design, implement and evaluate an integrated and innovative model of digital learning within their educational contexts. Learners will work collaboratively to solve problems that explore the elements key to a successful digital learning ecosystem, including the relationship between digital learning policy; open and distributed e-leadership; digital literacy and wellbeing and digital infrastructure when planning digital learning in their individual schools or educational institutes.


Dr Emma O’Brien, Programme Coordinator, M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education


T: +353 61 774785

NFQ Levels

*Graduate Certificates are Level 9 Minor Awards, Graduate Diplomas and Masters are Level 9 Major Awards and PhDs are Level 10 Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), awarded by the University of Limerick.

Programme Content

Full-time Option (over one year)
Please Note: Non-EU applicants can apply for all three full-time programme options, but the Certificate and Diploma options are online only until further notice.
Certificate in Digital Leadership in Education
Semester 1
Digital EDI (9 ECTS)
Digital Pedagogies (9 ECTS)
Semester 2
Open Leadership (12 ECTS)
Diploma in Digital Leadership in Education
Semester 1
Digital EDI (9 ECTS)
Digital Pedagogies (9 ECTS)
Applied Research Project (12 ECTS)
Semester 2
Open Leadership (12 ECTS)
Digital infrastructure (9 ECTS)
Digital Literacies (9 ECTS)
M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education
Semester 1
Digital EDI (9 ECTS)
Digital Pedagogies (9 ECTS)
Applied Research Project (12 ECTS)
Principles & Practice of Research (9 ECTS)   
Dissertation 1 (6 ECTS)
Semester 2
Open Leadership (12 ECTS) 
Digital infrastructure (9 ECTS)
Digital Literacies (9 ECTS)
Dissertation 2 (15 ECTS)
Part-time Option (over two years)
Certificate in Digital Leadership in Education
Diploma in Digital Leadership in Education
Year 1, Semester 1
Digital EDI (9 ECTS)
Digital Pedagogies (9 ECTS)
Year 1, Semester 2
Open Leadership (12 ECTS)
Year 2, Semester 1
Applied Research Project (12 ECTS)
Year 2, Semester 2
Digital infrastructure (9 ECTS)
Digital Literacies (9 ECTS)
M Ed in Digital Leadership in Education
Year 1, Semester 1
Digital EDI (9 ECTS)
Digital Pedagogies (9 ECTS)
Applied Research Project (12 ECTS)
Year 1, Semester 2
Open Leadership (12 ECTS) 
Digital infrastructure (9 ECTS)
Digital Literacies (9 ECTS)
Year 2, Semester 1
Principles & Practice of Research (9 ECTS) 
Dissertation 1 (6 ECTS)
Year 2, Semester 2
Dissertation 2 (15 ECTS)

The programme is comprised of the following core modules:

  • Applied Research Project
  • Digital Pedagogies
  • Digital Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Principles and Practice of Research in Education
  • Open and Distributed e-leadership
  • Digital Literacies and Wellbeing
  • Digital Learning Infrastructure
  • Dissertation Modules x 2

Full-time Structure: In Semester 1, students complete five core modules (Applied Research Project, Principles and Practice of Research in Education, Digital Pedagogies, Digital EDI and Dissertation 1) In Semester 2, students complete four core modules (Open and Distributed e-leadership, Digital Literacies and Wellbeing, Digital Learning Infrastructure and Dissertation 2)

Part-time Structure: In Semester 1, students complete three core modules (Applied Research Project, Digital Pedagogies, Digital EDI) In Semester 2, students complete three core modules (Open and Distributed e-leadership, Digital Literacies and Wellbeing and Digital Learning Infrastructure).  In Year 2, (i.e. semester 3 & 4) students engage with two core modules in Semester 3 (Principles and Practice of Research in Education and Dissertation 1) and one core module (Dissertation 2) in Semester 4.

Semester 1 Modules

This module enables learners to devise and complete an independent academic research project based on a question of their choice. This module aims to prepare learners to structure, develop and interrogate a research question following critical exploration of contemporary research methods in education.

This module will explore the meaning of education in a digital age, its philosophical underpinnings and the differences between pedagogy and digital pedagogy. Learners will critique pedagogical theories in the context of their relevance in a digital age. They will consider the role of the teacher and the student in a digital-learning environment and how teaching, learning and assessment can be supported through digital-learning mediums.

Participants will reflect on their own individual experiences with ICT and digital technologies and how it informs their pedagogical use of technologies for teaching, learning and assessment. Learners will explore the concept of digital transformative pedagogies and how to enhance learner agency in a digital environment.

This module will explore the various individuals within the digital learning ecosystem, and who is included and excluded in a digital education era. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own values and biases and how this impacts on how they interacting, communicate, teach and lead in their educational environment. From this, learners will debate concepts regarding digital ethics, digital poverty and the digital divide, social inclusion, considering those with learning needs. It will explore Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework to support inclusion in a digital environment. 

Semester 2 Modules

This module will explore concepts of distributed, open and connected (e)-leadership as an approach to managing change, innovation and crisis. It will explore interdisciplinary approaches to leadership and stakeholder collaboration in particular connecting with communities and parents. It will leverage from the concepts of open innovation that are harnessed in several industries.

Learners will have to reflect on their individual leadership style and develop an action plan for a digital-learning strategy leveraging from the principles of open and distributed leadership to enable them to introduce a sustainable model of digital learning within their educational institutes. They will be encouraged to engage with various stakeholders and other leaders to pool resources and ensure inclusion.

This module will explore various digital competency and literacy frameworks. Learners will be encouraged to critique and evaluate these frameworks in the context of their individual educational institutes from the perspective of both teaching staff and learners in particular learner demographics and the level of digital literacy required. Learners will be encouraged to appraise various skills and technologies required from both a staff in achieving specific digital literacy levels and how best to support staff and student in attaining such.

This module will explore technologies that comprise of the digital-learning infrastructure including hardware, software and applications required to support digital pedagogies, literacies, inclusion and wellbeing. Using the DigCompEdu framework learners will be encouraged to reflect on their own context regarding the requirement of specific digital- learning technologies and the needs of their educational context. They will analyse how they can identify, procure and maximise their digital infrastructure. Learners will develop skills to support them in making decisions about their digital-learning infrastructure, procuring resources, innovative use of such technologies and the evaluation of such infrastructure in the context of their digital-learning strategy.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold a relevant degree / Postgraduate Diploma / Professional Master at 2.2 Honours Level or higher (Level 8 - National Framework of Qualifications).

It is expected that applicants should have a minimum of two years’ experience in education.

Places on the programme will be offered based on the above, based on qualifications, performance at interview (if applicable), language proficiency level (if applicable), and application form.

In cases where the applicant does not meet normal entry requirements, the applicant can be assessed on prior learning in line with University policy and procedures on the Recognition of Prior Learning. The admission procedures will include an interview wherein the prior learning and experience of applicants in education will be assessed.

For English language requirements, click here.

How to Apply

Applications for September 2025 intake are now open.

This programme is suitable for EU and Non-EU Applicants:

  1. EU Applicants – Applicants from EU/Worked in EU for the last 3 years
  2. Non-EU Applicants – Applicants living/working outside of the EU

Please ensure you read the information specific to your region below and follow the correct application route.

EU Applicants

To apply, please complete all the steps below:

  1. Download and complete the application form here (application fee Payment Ref ID required)
  2. Please pay the non-refundable €50 application fee here using Stripe, and return the completed application along with the supporting documents below by email only to

What to include with your Application

You will be required to send:

  1. University transcripts and certificates
  2. If English is not your first language/language of qualification, you will require:
  • English translation of transcript/qualification
  • Your English Language Competency Certificate (Academic IELTS or equivalent)

Applications will close on 27 June 2025.

Non-EU Applicants

You are advised to contact the MIC International Office before applying:

E:  I  T: +353 61 204988 /+353 61 774790

Entry requirements may vary according to country of origin. For information that is specific to your home country, click here.

To apply, please complete the following:

  1. Download and complete the application form here (application fee Payment Ref ID required)
  2. Please pay the non-refundable €50 application fee here using Stripe, and email the completed application form, along with supporting documents below, to

What to include with your Application

You will be required to send:

  1. University transcripts
  2. If English is not your first language/language of qualification, you will require:
  • English translation of transcript/qualification
  • Your English Language Competency Certificate (Academic IELTS or equivalent)

Transferring from another 3rd Level Institution

The transfer route into MIC depends on the content overlap of your new and old course and the number of places on the new course in the year you apply. Before submitting an application you should contact where we will consider your case with the relevant Head of Department of the course you wish to transfer to.

EU/Non-EU Status Assessments

The designation of a student as being from the EU or a Non-EU country determines the fees they will pay at MIC, i.e. there may be cases where a non-EU national acquires EEA citizenship during the course of their third-level studies and would qualify for EU fees for example. 

Click here for more information on EU/Non-EU assessments which will be conducted by MIC International office to determine status. 


For information on Postgraduate Fees, click here

US students please note that you may be able to apply for Federal Aid. For more information about fees & funding, click here

EU Applicants:
061 205160 / 204348
Non EU Applicants:
+353 61 204988 / +353 61 774787

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  • Programme Overview
  • Programme Content
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
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