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Bachelor of Education - International (MI004)

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only. Hours and assessment methods vary across semesters, years and subjects.

CAO Points 2024: 565

Duration : 4 years full-time

Places Offered: 17 approx.

Location: MIC Limerick

Lecture Hours: 19 approx.

Tutorial Hours: 4 approx.


Mixed but may include presentations, portfolios, exams, group-work, poster presentations, case studies, lesson plans, objective tests, problem-based learning and essays.

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Programme Overview

The Bachelor of Education - International is a four-year, full-time, honours degree (Level 8) designed to qualify students to be primary teachers, with the addition of an international study component. Accredited by the Teaching Council, it seeks to equip participants with the competence to teach at all levels of the primary school. Reflecting the College's well-established reputation for excellence in teacher education, this programme enables students to examine their role as a learner, a teacher, a researcher and a leader. It comprises on-campus study and school placement, and also gives students the opportunity to specialise in comparative/ international education. Insightful and challenging, the B Ed International programme will prepare you for a varied and rewarding career as an educator.

Student in MIC Thurles library

Explore a New Corner of the World

This Bachelor of Education - International programme offers a unique opportunity to spend some of your time at third-level studying abroad with links to various institutions worldwide. It not only seeks to equip participants with the competence to teach at all levels of primary school in the Irish context, but it also allows you to turn your degree into an adventure of a lifetime, where you can set your sights on a study abroad experience that will stay with you forever!

As a student on the programme you will study many of the same modules as your colleagues on the Bachelor of Education (MI005/MI006). In Year 3, semester 5, you will spend the semester studying abroad. Not only will you explore teaching methodologies in a different context but the semester will also allow you to experience and understand the education system and policies of another country. On returning from your study abroad you will take education specialisation modules in Comparative Education. 

You will study at MIC’s many prestigious partner universities around the world. Subject to exchange balances, students may choose from locations such as the Australian Catholic University or universities in the USA such as Boston College; Loyola University, Chicago; University of San Francisco; Salve Regina University, Rhode Island; Regis University, Denver and many others throughout the world.

Studying abroad at one of MIC’s partner universities is a safe and well-supported means of gaining valuable international experience. MIC students only pay MIC tuition fees (not their host university’s tuition) for that semester and have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience life at a university campus in another country. While other costs such as airfare, travel insurance and accommodation are borne by the student, the International Office at MIC will always be on hand to answer any questions and to facilitate the exchange arrangements.

Please note, students bear the cost of this compulsory study abroad semester (i.e. air travel, international accommodation and MIC tuition fees) 

Career Opportunities

The Bachelor of Education International Honours Degree is designed to qualify students to teach in primary school. This University of Limerick accredited degree is an internationally recognised qualification and was the first programme of its kind to be accredited by the Teaching Council of Ireland. The programme promotes the personal and intellectual development of students, while providing the professional and academic foundation for a career in teaching.

Not only will the programme enable you to explore a new corner of the world but you will also develop many new life skills such as independent thinking and resilience while doing so. Studying abroad will benefit both your personal and professional development, while also demonstrating to future employers that you are flexible, self-sufficient, culturally-aware and can think outside the box, all desirable traits in the modern educational professional.


Professional Placement

The professional placement element of the programme is designed to meet the Teaching Council’s requirements, and students will spend approximately 24 weeks in primary schools during the programme. This period will allow students to engage in observation, class-based and whole-school teaching and learning activities. Working in partnership with schools, the placements are designed to enable students to experience all class levels and a range of school types, and the student is guided and empowered along his/her learning-to-teach journey.

Professional Placement
Professional Placement
Honing your teaching skills in a real school environment is a key part of the degree

Gaeltacht Courses

All Bachelor of Education International students are required to attend two residential placements in the Gaeltacht as part of the programme – Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht 1 agus 2Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht 1 is taken in Year 1 of the programme and Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht 2 in Year 3. Each placement lasts two weeks.

Students bear the cost of this compulsory course and the cost for 2017 - 2018 was €750 per placement. Each of these modules is graded with an examination in oral Irish. Students will take an examination in oral Irish after completing the first placement at the end of their first year of initial teacher education. Students must pass this examination in order to continue to the second year of the programme. A repeat of the examination in oral Irish test is provided by the College. All Bachelor of Education students must have completed the two Gaeltacht placements successfully before entering year four of the programme.


Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Each year, Mary Immaculate College awards up to 50 Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships across all undergraduate programmes valued at €2,000 each, on the basis of results obtained in the Irish Leaving Certificate Examination.

Further information about Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships available here.


Ashling Murphy Scholarship

We are delighted to honour the memory of Ashling Murphy by introducing a new scholarship in her name in recognition of her talents and love of traditional Irish music. The scholarship, valued at €4,000 and jointly awarded by MIC and the INTO, is restricted to B Ed applicants only and will be awarded on the basis of the applicant’s exceptional achievements and talent in the field of traditional Irish music.

Further information about the Ashling Murphy Scholarship available here.



MIC Education Office


Programme Content


Year 1 – Learner

During Year 1 of the programme the student will undertake a core programme of study designed around the theme of ‘Learner’. During the first semester the student will be introduced to academic life and will experience a specific programme of study that complements the first academic modules. This year comprises of on-campus study and professional placement in a primary school. See below for specific modules.

Year 2 – Teacher

During Year 2 the student will undertake a core programme designed around the theme of ‘Teacher’. During this year, students explore a broad range of subject areas and disciplines including the study of inclusive education for children with special educational needs. The student will also complete the first of their Liberal Arts modules. This year comprises on-campus study and professional placement. See below for specific modules.

Year 3 – Leader

During Year 3 the student will become more responsible for the direction of core elements of the degree and will choose electives in Liberal Arts. B.Ed. International students will specialise in Comparative Education for their education elective. In Year 3 students explore a broad range of subject areas and disciplines including the study of early childhood education. See below for specific modules.

Year 4 – Researcher

This final year comprises on-campus study and extended professional placement. The student will spend the first semester on placement engaged in a wide variety of activities such as being responsible for teaching various class groupings for prolonged periods of time, bringing a particular curricular focus to host schools and learning about aspects of school life outside of the classroom. The student will experience teaching in the infant classes and another class grouping of their choice. During this year, students compile a portfolio showcasing samples of work completed over the course of the degree to date and will also complete a dissertation or a final suite of elective modules together with capstone modules that include a focus on leadership and policy in education. See below for specific modules.

The summary of modules below is an indicator of content; the structure will be slightly different for Bachelor of Education - International students as they will be abroad for Semester 5. Also, instead of choosing Education electives they take Comparative Education 1 (Year 3) and Comparative Education 2 (Year 4) 

Semester 1 (Year 1) - Student as Learner

Language and Literacy 1

An Ghaeilge agus Múineadh na Gaeilge 1  

STEM 1: Introduction to Mathematics and its Teaching 

Schools and Society 1: Developing criticality around recent and contemporary issues in education  

Developmental Psychology

Introduction to Technology and Educational Methodology

Becoming a Student Teacher

Professional Placement 1
Semester 2 (Year 1) - Student as Learner

Language and Literacy 2  

An Ghaeilge agus Múineadh na Gaeilge 2

STEM 2: Introduction to Mathematics and its Teaching 2  

STEM 3: Introduction to Science

Supporting the Child as Learner 2

Introduction to the Creative Arts 1

Ethics, Religions and Beliefs

Professional Placement 2

Tréimhse sa Ghaeltacht 1

Semester 3 (Year 2) - Student as Teacher

Language and Literacy  3

An Ghaeilge agus Múineadh na Gaeilge 3

STEM 4:  Introduction to Mathematics and its Teaching 3

Social Studies 1: The Global Teacher

Christian Religious Education 1 or Religious Education in Multi-denominational Schools 1

Social, Personal, Health, and Physical Education 1

Inclusive Education for Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) 1

Creating a Positive Classroom Climate

Elective 1 (Liberal Arts)
Semester 4 (Year 2)  - Student as Teacher

Language and Literacy 4

STEM 5: Pedagogy of Maths and teaching and Learning with ICT

Social Studies 2: Teaching History and Geography in Primary Schools                       

Christian Religious Education 2 or Religious Education in Multi-denominational Schools 2

Social, Personal, Health, and Physical Education 2

Schools and Society 2

The Creative Arts 2

Professional Placement 3

At the end of Year 2 students will decide whether to take the Multidisciplinary B Ed programme or to pursue a specialism in Liberal Arts or Education.

Semester 5 (Year 3) - Student as Researcher

Study Abroad - International Placement

Semester 6 (Year 3) - Student as Researcher

Research Methods 2

Schools and Society 3

Language and Literacy 5

Early Primary Education and Advanced Educational Methodology

Christian Religious Education/Multi-Denominational Religious Education

Inclusive Education for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) 2

Comparative Education 1 

Elective (Liberal Arts)

At the end of Year 3 students will select whether to take the dissertation or taught elective option.

Semester 7 (Year 4) - Teacher as Leader

Professional Placement 4

Professional Placement 5

Professional Placement 6


Semester 8 (Year 4) - Teacher as Leader

Policy and Leadership in Education

Schools and Society 4

Comparative Education 2

Undergraduate Dissertation 1 or Taught Elective 7

Undergraduate Dissertation 2 or Taught Elective 8

 At the end of Year 3 students will select whether to take the dissertation or taught elective option.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must be at least 16 years old on 15 January of the year of entry.

Applicants must have obtained the following minimum grades at a single sitting of the Leaving Certificate examination:

  • Grade H5 on a Higher Level paper in not less than three subjects
  • Grade O6/H7 in three other subjects (Higher or Ordinary Level)

Applicants must have obtained the following grades, at minimum, in the following subjects:

  • Gaeilge - Grade H4
  • Mathematics - O4 or H7
  • English - O4 or H7

Foundation Level Mathematics does not satisfy the entry requirement in Mathematics.

The Department of Education and Skills Entry Requirements for 2025 available here.

The Department of Education and Skills Entry Requirements for 2025 available here (Irish Version). 

Note: Minimum grades required in Gaeilge, English and Mathematics can be obtained at different sittings of the Leaving Certificate Examination(s). The requirement to achieve a minimum of Grade H5 in three Higher Level papers and Grade O6/H7 in three other subjects (Higher or Ordinary Level) must be obtained in a single sitting of the Leaving Certificate Examination.

Gaeltacht Applicants (MI006)

Up to 10% of places on the Bachelor of Education programme may be reserved for applicants from the Gaeltacht, i.e. applicants must reside in the officially designated Gaeltacht and must use Irish as the normal language of the household. Eligibility for this category is determined by An Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta. Intending applicants are strongly advised to check their eligibility with An Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta. In order to ensure that an applicant is a bona fide Gaeltacht applicant, the CAO transfers personal data to the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, who in turn verifies the status of the applicant. Gaeltacht applicants may, if they wish, apply under both MI005 and MI006.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

Link modules will be accepted for points purposes but they will not qualify as a subject for matriculation purposes.

GCE/GCSE Applicants

Further information about minimum grades and entry requirements is available here or please contact the MIC Admissions Office at E:

Garda Vetting /Criminal Records Bureau Check (for UK students)

Registration will be conditional upon successful completion of the Garda Vetting/CRB checking process.

If you are at least 23 years old on 1 January of the year of entry to College, you are considered as a mature applicant.

Mature applicants wishing to apply to Mary Immaculate College for MI004 must apply for entry through CAO The closing date each year is 1 February and applications will not be accepted after this date.

While 1st February is the deadline through CAO for completed applications, programme choices may be amended up until 1 March.

In March, those mature applicants meeting the eligibility criteria will be sent an email (to the email account registered to their CAO account), with instructions for completing and submitting a supplementary form, which must be returned to the MIC Admissions Office.

Download the supplementary form here (file format: pdf). It is advisable to download and save the supplementary form locally, open the saved form from your PC and then email the completed form to

Personal Statement

In addition to applying through the CAO, Mature applicants must also complete a Personal Statement. The Personal Statement guideline can be downloaded here. It is advisable to download and save the guideline/personal statement form locally, open the saved form from your PC and then email the completed form to by 30 March 2025


The CAO has a video guide for Mature Applicants wishing to apply, and it can be accessed on the CAO website.

The Department of Education and Skills Minimum Entry Requirements for 2025 available here.

The Department of Education and Skills Minimum Entry Requirements for 2025 available (Irish Version) here.
Academic Requirements

Minimum Grades in Leaving Certificate Examination from 2017 onwards

  • Grade H4 on a Higher Level paper in Irish, and Grade H5 in two other subjects. 
  • English - H7 or O4
  • Maths - H7 or O4
  • One H7 or O6 grade in another subject

Minimum Grades in Leaving Certificate Examination 1992-2016

Grade HC2 in a higher level in Irish and 2 HD1 grades in two other subjects.

Applicants must have obtained the following grades at minimum in subjects specified:

  • Irish - HC2
  • English - HE or OC2
  • Maths - HE or OC2
  • One HE or OD3 grade in another subject

Accepted Examination Alternatives

There are a number of acceptable alternatives to Leaving Cert Irish, English, and Maths, and these are listed on the Department of Education and Skills Minimum Entry Requirements each year.

Combination of Leaving Certificate Examination Grades

Mature applicants for MI004 who wish to be considered on the grounds of age, and wish to attend for Interview and Oral Irish test, may combine results obtained at the Leaving Certificate Examination in different years for the purpose of meeting the academic requirements.

Interview and Oral Irish Test

All mature applicants who make an application to the College through the CAO for MI004 and, are meeting the eligibility criteria, will be invited to attend for an interview and an Oral Irish test.

Applicants are awarded a grade for their performance at the interview and an additional grade for the Oral Irish test. The combined score determines the applicant's place on the order of merit list. Where places remain unfilled after the list of successful first preference applicants has been exhausted, offers may be made to other applicants in order of preference and in accordance with the order of merit. Applicants who get a ‘fail’ grade in either the Interview or Oral Irish test will be eliminated from the competition. Applicants who have failed the Interview on two previous occasions are not eligible to reapply.

Mature Applicants - Interview Marking Sheet available to download here.

Mature Applicants - Oral Irish Marking Sheet available to download here.

For details of Uversity Scholarships for Mature Applicants click here. Applications can be submitted from 1 February 2025 to 31 March 2025.

Offer of Place

Mature applicants who have completed an interview and Oral Irish test will be contacted by the College to indicate whether or not they are being offered a place and all places will then be offered by the CAO.

Garda Vetting /Criminal Records Bureau Check (for UK students)

Registration will be conditional upon successful completion of the Garda Vetting/CRB checking process.

Teacher Education Access Programme for Mature Learners

This programme is designed for mature students, who do not hold the minimum entry requirements, but who wish to gain entry to the B Ed. Further information about the Teacher Education Access Programme for Mature Learners, available here. Please contact the MIC Admissions Office on

Further Information

For further information about applying as a mature applicant, please contact the MIC Admissions Office on email Telephone 061 205137/204348

Fees & Grants


Tuition fees may be paid in respect of full-time undergraduate students undertaking approved courses in eligible institutions. Details of the Free Fees criteria are listed here.

If you do not qualify for free fees, undergraduate tuition fees and other charges may apply. See Undergraduate Fees here.


Students apply for a grant through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) and if they meet certain criteria, they may be eligible for full or partial financial support.

Before applying at, please review the criteria carefully.

MIC Admissions Office
061 205137/ 204348

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