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Teachers’ Research Exchange (T-REX)

About T-REX

T-REX is a non-profit online community that was established to facilitate and support inter-disciplinary collaboration across numerous professional boundaries in Ireland. Members of the community vary in their experience of educational research – some are research curious, others are actively engaged in or leading on research projects.
All are welcome.

Through T-REX, members can share ideas, resources and examples of best practice. T-REX encourages and celebrates the sharing of research work undertaken by teachers - such as reflections on practice, action research, school self-evaluation or formal research projects. Students and teachers from early years to higher education are invited to join, connect with like-minded professionals and advance their knowledge and research skills.

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Teachers' Research Exchange (T-REX)
T-REX Project Lead
Dr Marek McGann
+353 61 204326
T-REX Project Lead
Marie Ryan
+353 61 204372
T-REX National Coordinator
Barbara Mulvihill
T-REX Communications and Marketing Officer
Leo McKenna

Project Partner Members

Mary Immaculate College

University of Limerick

Dr Nicolaas Blom

University of Galway

Prof. Tony Hall

DCU Institute of Education

Dr Maura Coulter

Marino Institue of Education

Dr Aimee Brennan


Dr Anna Mai Rooney

Education Support Centres of Ireland

Norma O’Brien


T-REX is a non-profit organisation. It is funded through public bodies; partner HEIs (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Marino Institute of Education, University of Galway, Dublin City University), the Teaching Council, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and the Department of Education. There is no charge to become a member. 

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MIC Graduates: Invitation to Join T-REX

As an MIC graduate, you’re part of a community dedicated to educational excellence and growth. Now, we invite you to take the next step in your professional journey by joining the Teachers’ Research Exchange (T-REX).

What is T-REX?

T-REX is an online, non-profit community of practice created to connect higher education researchers, students and teachers across Ireland interested in evidence-informed practice and research impact. Members vary in their experience of educational research – some are research curious, others are actively engaged in or leading on research projects. All are welcome!

Why Should You Join?

Our suite of Short Asynchronous Courses provide accessible resources to introduce key concepts or methods, serving as an entry point for those just getting started. These progress to support deeper study or act as a complement to existing knowledge. T-REX Digital Badges, earned through structured courses, recognise educators' expertise in teaching and wellbeing, highlighting their commitment to professional growth. A digital badge signifies the achievement of specific skills or knowledge, validating an educator's particular expertise.

The Special Interest Groups are collaborative communities where members engage in discussions and share research on specific topics to foster professional learning for all. Activities within SIGs may include online forums, research colloquiums and virtual events.

T-REX Bytes are concise, practical summaries of education research. Members can choose from various templates to publish their work—such as Research Review, Reflection on Practice, Research Project, or One Paper Study. Published Bytes are accessible to all T-REX members.

At the heart of T-REX is the Treasure Chest, a dynamic hub where students, teachers and other educational professionals can upload and share their research e.g. UGD, M. Ed and PhD theses, book chapters, journal articles etc. This exclusive repository is a valuable source of research conducted by Irish researchers.

Share your Research with T-Rex

T-REX celebrates research sharing. We encourage you to upload your research, whether it’s reflections on your practice, action research, or formal projects. By sharing your work, inform your professional peers, spread your knowledge, and contribute to the wider educational conversation.

T-REX celebrates research sharing. We encourage you to upload your research, whether it’s reflections on your practice, action research, or formal projects. By sharing your work, inform your professional peers, spread your knowledge, and contribute to the wider educational conversation.
If you're interested in sharing your research, please complete the form at the link here.

Join T-REX Today!

Joining T-REX is easy - simply visit to register. Once you’re a member, you can begin collaborating, sharing and learning from the community of members. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just getting started, T-REX offers a platform to help you grow. Queries can be directed to

  • About T-REX
  • Project Partner Members
  • Networks
  • MIC Graduates: Invitation to Join T-REX