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MA / PhD in Arts by Research

Note: The 'At a Glance' section below is indicative only.
Maximum Places Offered: Not Applicable

Available: Full-time

NFQ Level: MA 9 / PhD 10*

Duration: MA 2 yrs / PhD 4 yrs


The research master's is assessed by the submission of a research thesis. The PhD is assessed by the submission of a research thesis and defence of same at a Viva Voce examination.

  • Programme Overview
  • Faculty of Arts Departments
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
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Programme Overview

The Faculty of Arts at Mary Immaculate College has 13 different departments covering various disciplines in the area of Humanities. It offers academic leadership and postgraduate supervision within a broad range of research fields.

Start your Research Journey

Prospective postgraduates are encouraged to explore the research interests of the relevant department and to discuss their own ideas for research proposals with the respective Heads of Department or other faculty members as appropriate.

Faculty of Arts Academic Departments 

Before you Apply

  • Read about the steps you have to take to do a Research Postgraduate programme at MIC.
  • Check the minimum requirements for research degrees at MIC on the How to Apply section of this webpage.
  • Click here for English language requirements.
  • If you have met all the criteria, click on the 'How to Apply' tab to download and complete the application form (needs to be submitted separately) and pay your application fee.
  • There are also a number of Structured PhD programmes available at MIC.
  • MA: The MA thesis is capped at a maximum of 180 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits (90 credits =1 year), however long the research takes. The programme is in the form of a master-apprentice model, with research being the only focus.
  • PhD: The PhD thesis is capped at a maximum of 270 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits (90 credits =1 year), however long the research takes. The programme is in the form of a master-apprentice model, with research being the only focus.
Postgraduate Research in Arts at MIC
Postgraduate Research in Arts at MIC
A Master's or Doctorate in an Arts discipline with the MIC RGS can reflect well on career prospects


Research and Graduate School Office

T: +353 61 204318


NFQ Levels

*Graduate Certificates are Level 9 Minor Awards, Graduate Diplomas and Masters are Level 9 Major Awards and PhDs are Level 10 Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), awarded by the University of Limerick.

Faculty of Arts Departments

Business and Accounting

Head of Department: Rebecca Purcell

T: +353 61 204913



Drama and Theatre Studies

Head of Department: Dr Michael Finneran

T: +353 61 774752



English Language and Literature

Head of Department: Dr Eugene O'Brien

T: +353 61 204989



French Studies

Head of Department: Dr Loïc Guyon

T: +353 61 204352




Head of Department: An Dr Breandán Ó Cróinín

T: +353 61 204330 




Prof. Paul Aplin



German Studies

Head of Department: Dr Christiane Schönfeld

T: +353 61 204582




Head of Department: Dr Liam Chambers 

T: +353 61 204534



Mathematics and Computer Studies

Head of Department: TBC

Please contact Arts Office:


Media and Communication Studies

Head of Department: Dr Rosemary Day

T: +353 61 204327




Head of Department: Dr Gareth Cox

T: +353 61 204588




Head of Department: Dr Daniel Vázquez




Head of Department: Prof. Niamh Stack

T: +353 61 204311



Theology and Religious Studies

Head of Department: TBC

Please contact Arts Office:

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements for Research Degrees at MIC

The requirements listed below are the minimum requirements set by Mary Immaculate College. Individual faculties and programmes may have specific requirements. Applicants are requested to identify a potential supervisor before submitting an application for a research programme.

The primary degrees referred to in this section are Level 8 or equivalent honours degrees as defined by the National Framework of Qualifications. The usual minimum requirements for entry to a research master’s, professional doctorate or PhD degree are:

a) An appropriate master’s or equivalent qualification that has been obtained from a university or other institution recognised by Mary Immaculate College following a period of study similar to that required in Mary Immaculate College. (A student who holds a master’s degree in a discipline other than that in which the doctoral research is intended to be pursued shall be considered for entry under 5.4.1b)


b) An honours primary bachelor’s degree with a minimum classification of 2.1 honours or equivalent qualification.


c) An honours primary bachelor’s degree with a classification of 2.2 honours or equivalent qualification. (Students who enrol with a 2.2 honours degree or equivalent will be required to undergo a progression review after the first six months of their programme of study)


d) A degree, or equivalent qualification, other than that specified in 5.4.1a, 5.4.1b or 5.4.1c and a minimum of four years’ acceptable professional experience at an appropriate and relevant level may be considered for entry to the masters register. Students within this category without a minimum of four years’ acceptable professional experience will be considered for entry under regulation 5.4.3.


For further information on the Research Postgraduate Academic Regulations, please see Chapter 5  of the MIC Handbook of Academic Regulations & Procedures.

How to Apply

Deadline for Applications: Variable

This programme is suitable for EU and Non-EU Applicants:

  1. EU Applicants – Applicants from EU/Worked in EU for the last 3 years
  2. Non-EU Applicants – Applicants living/working outside of the EU

Please ensure you read the information specific to your region below and follow the correct application route.

EU Applicants

After you have read How to Apply for a Research Postgraduate programme at MIC,

Non-EU Applicants

For advice on visas and the practicalities of living in Ireland, please contact the International office at

After you have read How to Apply for a Research Postgraduate programme at MIC

EU/Non-EU Status Assessments

The designation of a student as being from the EU or a Non-EU country determines the fees they will pay at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) i.e. there may be cases where a non-EU national acquires EEA citizenship during the course of their third level studies and would qualify for EU fees, for example.

Click here for more information on EU/Non-EU assessments which will be conducted by MIC International office to determine status.


For Postgraduate Fees click here.

US Students please note that this is a US Federal Aid eligible programme. 

Research & Graduate School
+353 61 204318

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  • Programme Overview
  • Faculty of Arts Departments
  • Entry Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Ask a Question