MA / PhD in Arts by Research
Maximum Places Offered: Not Applicable
Available: Full-time
NFQ Level: MA 9 / PhD 10*
Duration: MA 2 yrs / PhD 4 yrs
The research master's is assessed by the submission of a research thesis. The PhD is assessed by the submission of a research thesis and defence of same at a Viva Voce examination.
- Programme Overview
- Faculty of Arts Departments
- Entry Requirements
- How to Apply
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Programme Overview
The Faculty of Arts at Mary Immaculate College has 13 different departments covering various disciplines in the area of Humanities. It offers academic leadership and postgraduate supervision within a broad range of research fields.
Start your Research Journey
Prospective postgraduates are encouraged to explore the research interests of the relevant department and to discuss their own ideas for research proposals with the respective Heads of Department or other faculty members as appropriate.
Faculty of Arts Academic Departments
- Business and Accounting
- Drama and Theatre Studies
- English Language and Literature
- French Studies
- Gaeilge
- Geography
- German Studies
- History
- Mathematics and Computer Studies
- Media and Communication Studies
- Music
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Theology and Religious Studies
Before you Apply
- Read about the steps you have to take to do a Research Postgraduate programme at MIC.
- Check the minimum requirements for research degrees at MIC on the How to Apply section of this webpage.
- Click here for English language requirements.
- If you have met all the criteria, click on the 'How to Apply' tab to download and complete the application form (needs to be submitted separately) and pay your application fee.
- There are also a number of Structured PhD programmes available at MIC.
- MA: The MA thesis is capped at a maximum of 180 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits (90 credits =1 year), however long the research takes. The programme is in the form of a master-apprentice model, with research being the only focus.
- PhD: The PhD thesis is capped at a maximum of 270 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits (90 credits =1 year), however long the research takes. The programme is in the form of a master-apprentice model, with research being the only focus.

NFQ Levels
*Graduate Certificates are Level 9 Minor Awards, Graduate Diplomas and Masters are Level 9 Major Awards and PhDs are Level 10 Major Awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), awarded by the University of Limerick.
- Programme Overview
- Faculty of Arts Departments
- Entry Requirements
- How to Apply
- Ask a Question