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Gender Equality Enhancement Fund (GEEF)

GEEF Applications

Primary Objectives

The primary objectives of the Gender Equality Enhancement Fund are to;

  • Encourage innovative approaches to addressing gender inequality across HEIs
  • Facilitate gender equality initiatives that respond to the recommendations of the HEA Expert Group and/or Gender Equality Taskforce’s recommended actions
  • Encourage cross-sectoral collaboration as a means to achieve national transformation

GEEF Applications

Applications for funding under the Gender Equality Enhancement Fund can be made in three areas:

  1. Research on or advancing gender equality initiatives in Ireland
  2. Training programmes specifically addressing gender equality
  3. Athena SWAN capacity-building activities

If you have an idea for an application please do get in touch with us and we can support the application process. Please note that there needs to be at least three partner HEIs on each project.

GEEF Projects

To date, MIC have been successful with three GEEF projects including:

  • The development and implementation of a Gender Identity, Expression & Diversity Training Programme for staff in Irish HEIs - MIC representative, Edel Foster.
  • Embedding Gender Identity, Expression & Diversity Training and Best Practice into Irish HEIs – MIC representative, Edel Foster.
  • Integrating the gender dimension into teaching, learning and educational outreach in initial teacher education – led by Dr Maeve Liston.
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Gender Equality in Initial Teacher Education
Integrating the gender dimension into teaching, learning and educational outreach in initial teacher education
  • GEEF Applications
  • GEEF Projects