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Helpful Information

All Gender Toilets

You may have noticed MIC's first All Gender Toilet in the Foundation Building. There are also available in JHN and Thurles. More to come in TARA. This is part of our work to support trans staff and students. An All Gender toilet is one which can be used by a person of any gender or gender identity.


What are pronouns?

Ways people refer to themselves – often related to gender e.g. he/she/they.

A pronoun is a word by which we refer to someone without using their name. For example you can say “Sebastian is an excellent dancer, he teaches ballet and hip-hop.” The “he” in the second part of that sentence is the pronoun by which you referred to Sebastian.

How to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community

Gender Neutral Language

Although we may have been conditioned by society to assume people’s pronouns, by making a conscious effort not to do so we can create a more inclusive environment for those around us. When addressing groups of people try to avoid binary language such as saying “ladies and gentlemen” or “boys and girls,” instead consider using language that is gender neutral such as friends, classmates or everybody. 

Some people like to put their pronouns up (on emails etc) to support others

Adding a line to the end of your email that outlines which pronouns you prefer to be addressed by can normalise the conversation around gender pronouns.

Putting your pronouns in your bio or email signature is a small gesture which signals your support for trans and non-binary folks. Click here for a quick explainer on ShoutOut that you can link to wherever you list your pronouns.

LGBT Supports


GOSHH is a charity which provides a safe, confidential, welcoming environment for everyone we work with. Their office is based in Limerick City and they work throughout the Counties of Limerick, Clare, and North Tipperary. They focus on the promotion of equality and wellbeing of all with a positive and respectful approach to sexual orientation and gender diversity.


TENI is a non-profit member-driven organisation, founded in 2006 and registered as a company limited by guarantee in February 2010. The governance is provided by a volunteer Board and operations are led by the Chief Executive and staff. Community engagement is an essential part of TENI’s identity.

Gordon Grehan from the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) facilitated two workshops with staff on 14 May 2022. The interactive workshop included an explanation of the language we use to differentiate between sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, as well as what life is like for a trans person living in Ireland. Staff from across the college attended and it was very well received by those who attended. We will have similar workshops later in the year. 

Watch this video on YouTube for some insights into the experience of transgender people in Ireland.


ShoutOut promotes inclusion through education by delivering LGBTQ+ Educational Programmes in schools, workplaces and with service providers.

Breastfeeding Supports

There are two Breastfeeding Rooms located on the MIC Limerick and Thurles campuses.

  • Room 60, third floor of the Res Block, on the MIC Limerick campus 
  • Room M2 on the MIC Thurles campus

Both of these rooms can be accessed privately through a student and/or staff swipe card system. 

In addition, both have medical armchairs and kitchenette with sink and fridge. 

Each Breastfeed Room also has a number of Breastfeeding Boxes containing the following products and resources:

  • Lansinoh breast milk storage bags
  • Water wipes
  • Antibacterial surface and skin wipes 
  • Lansinoh breast pads
  • Muslim cloth 
  • Disposable nipple shield
  • Multimam disposable nipple compresses (individually wrapped sachet for sore nipples)
  • Handy size ‘my little sudocrem’

For information about MIC Breastfeeding Friendly click here.

Menopause Supports

MIC and MISU provides self-care products in all toilets.

In addition, if you experience flooding, there are ‘Caught Out Kits’ located in the MIC Main Reception in Thurles and Limerick and the MISU in Thurles and Limerick.

If you feel that you might need a fan for your desk or study space at MIC, please email and one can be organised for you.

The Caught-Out Kit

The Caught-Out Kit contain:

  • Wet wipe packs (1 per bag)
  • Deodorant (1 per bag)
  • Hand sanitiser (1 per bag)
  • Disposable knickers (1 per bag)
  • Sanctuary towels for heavy period

The Caught-Out Kits are located in the following:

Limerick Campus

  • Tailteann Reception
  • MISU Reception
  • Founding Building Staff Toilets - middle drawer

Thurles Campus

  • Staff Canteen Room 127 - press under staff drawers
  • Student Union Office

Bereavement Supports

To align with the MIC Bereavement Leave Policy the following agencies are available to support MIC staff, students and their families.

Supports Available

The MIC Employee Assistance Service 

Irish Hospice Foundation

Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, provides bereavement connection, comfort and support. It is a national freephone service 1800 80 70 77 available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

Citizens Information

Citizens Information has helpful bereavement information on its website and a section on counselling and support. It also has a useful booklet Bereavement: A practical Guide and highlights issues following a bereavement, such as organising the funeral, registering the death, legal issues and sorting out finances. 

Bereavement Supports for Children and Teenagers

The Children’s Grief Centre

The Children’s Grief Centre is a support service for school-aged children and young people affected by loss through death, separation or divorce. It provides a safe and supportive place for children and young people and their families who are grieving. The service is provided by trained and experienced people.

The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network - The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network supports people working with grieving children and young people. It provides a range of information and advice on how to deal with grief in children and adolescents. 


Rainbows is a peer support programme to help children, youths and adults who are grieving. 

Barnardos Children’s Bereavement Service

Barnardos Children’s Bereavement Service works with families to help them support their child through the grieving process. Specialist bereavement project workers offer therapeutic intervention to children and families, and the Bereavement Helpline Service offers information and advice in relation to how to support children impacted by bereavement.

Child Bereavement, Miscarriage and Stillbirth Supports

The Miscarriage Association of Ireland has a Helpline available Monday to Friday from 10am to 12 noon and 8pm to 10pm and holds in-person and online peer to peer support meetings. 


Féileacáin Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland – SANDAI is a not for profit organisation that aims to offer support to anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly after.


FirstLight offers free professional support and provides information to families in Ireland that have experienced the death of their child aged from 0 to 18 years.

The Palliative Hub

The Palliative Hub  was created to act as a gateway to information about children and young people’s palliative care on the island of Ireland. The hub includes an informative section on bereavement. 

  • Helpful Information
  • LGBT Supports
  • Breastfeeding Supports
  • Menopause Supports
  • Bereavement Supports